>>The Immortal Rohindartha

>>The "deanimation" ability of Rohindartha's clerics


>>Intelligent undead with regard to Rohindartha's clerics
( if deanimation is used )

    Rothindartha can be like the Mystaran version of Buddhism. Though I am far from well-versed in the beliefs of a Buddhist, I have been reading up on Japanese history, and inclusion of this religion first from Sind to MCHINA, and then from MCHINA to MJAPAN would be very accurrate.
    As for MJAPAN, they would have been some form of animists (along the lines of the Shinto religion), probably worshipping a pantheon of Immortals who are aliases for current Immortals (though not a Sun-Goddess, Ixion falls very similar to a Japanese creator goddess). 
Rohindartha could be the second type of religion which makes up the whole conglomerate that far eastern religion seems to be.


I would require some lenghty ritual to calm an intelligent undead. If that is included I'd say allow it, otherwise, no.

Andre Martins


>>Fairies/Seelie court as MChinese pantheon of "Gods" ( Celestial Court )

I've been thinking about this one and I believe drakes would be perfect in MChina. Their original form is draconic, they can shapeshift to human (or elfish or dwarven) form at will. Besides, PCA1 tells us they have started fighting law so that no other Blackmoor, with their destructive power, could ever rise again. Most of them have forgotten their origns, but those in MChina haven't.

Drakes should form a secret society, dedicated to destroy any blackmorian artifact discovered in Skothar and to prevent MChina to rise as a world power. And they account for part of the pantheon. The occasional finding of blackmorian devices could explain why the fairies are more interested in MChina than in the nations in Brun.

Andre Martins

But be sure to do some research for appropriate Chinese names.

David Knott

Use with modifications - many of the types listed in, for instance, PC1 are far too Western, but if we treat them as a template to build off of, modifying for cultural variances, then we would not only have an excellent MChinese Celestial Court, but also the basis for the MJapanese kami. They might even have contact with Oberon and Titania's Seelie Court as 'our esteemed Imperial cousins in the distant barbarian lands,' and treat them as distant near-equals.



>>"Super-race" incarnating into important MChinese figures

However, there's nothing to say that individual MChinese heroes couldn't be secretly Celestial Court Folk/kami/Immortal avatars/heroes who later became Immortals/mystic beings in human form/heroes who were later taken by the Immortals as Titans or the like. After all, in all the history and legend MChina's likely to have, it'd be surprising if most of these hadn't happened at one time or another.




>>Gabriele's excellent discourses on them
( I strongly suggest we use this one )
USE ( The only unanimous vote received )

    This seems very well thought out and should be used. From reading the Complete Barbarian's Handbook, one should keep in mind that barbarians typically fear wizard spells as bad omens ('bad magicks'). Shaman, on the other hand, are openly welcomed.


With slight modifications - for instance, that the barbarian humanoids aren't necessarily evil, just barbaric - akin to the real steppe tribesmen or the humanoids of the Broken Lands. I also recommend that whoever ends up developing them do some sincere research into the various steppe tribes of Asia - there's a lot of interesting distinctions and details there just waiting to be used.



>>The "Hairy Red Thing"

Neutral on this one, but I do think that we should have some unique Eastern humanoids (kappa, tengu, oni?) descended of the Beastmen, and this one sounds about as good as any, I suppose.



>>Jennite Horsemen barbarians from Steppes of Jen


>>More traditional oriental Dragons as emperors of MChina

it's not real, but common people think it's true! [regarding the whole of MChina being a dragon]


    I think that oriental dragons need some place in Mystara, and if you let the regular dragons in that would jepordize the placement of Oriental dragons.
    And as for the MCHINA beign a dragon, well, that could use a little tuning for use. It could be something similar to Ulimwengu, where the land is the only thing the Karimari worship, and some (perhaps powerful artifact, like the one that created the seers of Yavdlom) has embued the land with the "dragon" nature.


Yes, but only metaphorically - people refer to the land as if it was a dragon, more specifically as if it it were an extension of the Emperor. Place names based on   parts of a dragon's body are moderately common, and the weather and social climate can be seen as the dragon's temper - 'The Emperor smiles on us today' if it is sunny and pleasant, or 'the Dragon is rumbling' if the populace is growing frustrated of an overbearing governor.
[Referring to the whol of MChina being a dragon]



>>MOriental Dragon Riders

This would definitely seem to be a rather sacreligious idea, if all our other ideas come about.



>>Half-Dragon offspring of emperor

although, I prefer true dragons.
Dragon King gets bored, abdicates to eldest child, goes away and doesn't care anymore. That he doesn't care thereafter lets us have reigns based on the present Dragon King's whims (in turn perhaps connected to his age).

Simon Seah

(but only if the emperor is actually a dragon)


Very rare, and with human features.

Andre Martins

However, they're extremely rare - one in a generation would be an auspicious sign of fertility, and many emperors go their whole lives without offspring.



>>Dragon blood required for MChinese nobility

    I think only the Emperor requires dragon blood, but loyal and worthy humans could become the remaining lesser nobility for the country.


Perhaps not necessarily dragon, but some sort of special lineage


That is the law, but it is considered an insult, punishable by death if you are wrong, to doubt the draconic blood of a rightful noble.

Andre Martins

Probably not for all levels of nobility, but definitely for the emperor.



>>Dragon-kin riders


>>MChina's emperor is SUPPOSED to be a dragon, but no-one knows

if, by supposed, you mean "believed to be mythologically",in the manner that Egyptians believed their pharoahs to trace lineage all the way to Ra, but they never did anything to prove this, and people didn't care, then [USE]

Simon Seah

    This could bring plenty of good adventures into existance...think of the trouble a party would have to go through to check to see if the emperor has truly been replaced by a mage or not. Everyone will think he is a dragon, but there will be no evidence.


I like the idea of a throne that no human may sit on, perhaps an artifact granted by the Immortal patron of MChina (The Great One?). There have, however, been emperors who were other races shapeshifted into human form, and even, once, when the humanoid barbarians overran MChina, a gnoll who usurped the throne and held it for his entire lifespan (paralleling the real Chinese dynasties of Mongol or other steppe barbarian conquerors).



>>It's name
Chung-Eun(Central Prime)       

>>A Great Wall or alternative lengthy barrier


>>More magical power than Alphatia

on the condition that the draconian rulers (if we use them) are on par in political ability and firepower with the Alphatian Council.

Simon Seah

As [much] magical power as Alphatia, but not so much organized.....


There certainly should be a lot of magic in MChina, but not the semi-organized, wizards-behind-every-door magic of Alphatia. Instead, there are reclusive hermits with celestial powers, colonies of mysterious magical animals who act like humans and with great charms and potent secrets, hidden caves and glens where the spirits gather, mysterious tomes and scrolls that are legacies of the great philosophers of the past, minor divinations and charms used everyday that are *probably* just folk ritual but nobody knows for sure... mystical happenings, superstitions, and strange and wonderous sights, but relatively little organized, public magic.



>>Land of Luxury with war under ground

The available material says too little about that one -- what is meant here?

David Knott


>>National philosophy of dealing with foreign problems by avoidance

....But could change during WotI events!!


Fits quite well with the real China's outlook at some points in the past.



>>It's location
No consensus reached.

I don't have the Master's Map, so I'm not sure where area 10 is. My vote is  for the North & West shores of Tangor Bay, stretching up into the Eastern portion of the Steppes of Jen. I think this includes part of Area 10, if I understood the posts correctly. Please interpret this vote as however it fits best, but I think MChina should definitely have access to the sea.


I said this[other] because I think it's more than halfway to the Steppes of Jen, where the wall between them would be.

David Melik

I don't think it sould be land locked, but also should not have alot of good coast lines.




( these three received the most votes)
Regular wall                
Underground wall           
Magical wall

The wall should definitely be substantial, and I think above-ground - a huge chasm is mildly impressive, but the Wall should be impressive because it's man-made. And it should be physical - humanoids, for instance, who are the ones it's most likely to be erected against, aren't exactly going to be cowed by mere darkness, and would keep on charging into a mind-affecting region time and time again until they get through by sheer stubbornness and persistence, simply because most of them wouldn't understand what was going on.



>>The nation itself


>>It's name
Jiku Shiru

But still know by outsider as Zyxl, above assuming we are putting the nation at island of Zyxl. Also, reading through the possible meaning of the name of Jiku Shiru, one possibility might be "Know Root" Something to tell people to remember where they come from.

As the one who proposed the name, I'd like to ask for some time so I can find a suitable name composed entirely of kanji (the imported Chinese characters that convey meaning, not just sound) - someone else suggested several meanings for Jikushiru, but they tended to include the infinitive form of a verb, which I'm not sure is entirely appropriate. I'll get back to you on this as soon as I get back to my kanji dictionary.



Island of Zyxl


>>Founded by refugees from MChina

One possibility, the island is settle by one of MChina's huge sea expediations that never came back. Some historian actually  belive this is how Japan got colonized.


Not entirely, at least - I think that some refugees would be appropriate, but having taken a course on Japanese and Chinese history since I proposed this, I think that at most, they would have founded only one of many uji, or small households/kingdoms that made up the prehistory of MJapan.



>>The island being formed out of a Dragon body

In mythology I think it should be, if that's what you mean.

David Melik

...Not actually true, but MJapanese believe it


But this could be a common belief by the population


Probably as a legend, but it's worth thinking about. It doesn't have to be true, just what people tell each other.



>>The "Hero & (MChinese)Emperor" story as MJapanese history

I want to at least get this into discussion - at this point I'm not sure whether I like the idea or not, but it's at least potentially interesting.



>>A matriarchal MJapan ( I REALLY like this idea too.. )

assuming that it could be reasonably reconciled with the history of MJapan. If you build MJapan from scratch, a mother-earth culture might conceivably lead to a matriarchal society. Somehow they avoid a theological shift to worshipping patriarchal sky gods. Might shape the content of MJ too much, though.

Simon Seah

    If we decide to put MJapan at Zyxl, we should decide  what sort of climate it has. And if we going to have a tropical Zyxl, do we want another more tradational MJapan.


Me too - and looking at actual Japanese history, it wouldn't require much of a change at the start. (Many of the uji of Japan's prehistory were matriarchal, and there are tales of a sun priestess-queen of one of the uji who might be connected to the actual Imperial line...)



>>( Only one idea was presented, so... )

>>The nation itself

Nentsun Plateau region


>>MInuit or MSiberian culture on Nentsun peninsula (Quarik city too.. )


>>Thonia inhabitted by people with bits of Blackmoor tech.

My major complaint about this is the contradiction it presents with the Blacklore Elves. "Okay," say the Immortals, "we'll go to the trouble of creating magic items that duplicate the function of Blackmoor tech but only within this one small valley of the Hollow World so we can keep the Blacklore Elf culture alive without endangering the world as Blackmoorian technology did before. Oh, and then we'll just leave such a huge cache of extremely dangerous gadgets lying around in Thonia that an entire culture could develop around them."



>>Nentsun Plateau harbouring MTibet/MShangri-La hidden by hostile humanoids

That would be a perfect place for the shrine where one or more of the Immortals receive those who want his/her/its sponsorship for Immortality.

Andre Martins

And, for an ironic twist, MShangri-La is a paradisical city inhabited by peace-loving, philosophical, friendly humanoids.



>>Jennite Sword inhabitted by hositle humanoids


>>Minean coast inhabitted by pirates & modeled after SE Asia

Pirates from Japan was a huge problem for China, and pirates are still around SE asia today.



>>Tangor with an MEthiopian culture


>>MIndochina south and southwest of Tangor bay

Perhaps, in fact, all of MSoutheast Asia could be in that general area and the surroundings.

I'd also like to add one final suggestion - the Hollow World set maps show a forested/grassy/jungle area on the southern coast of the Tangor Chain. If we use Zyxl as MJapan, and any of the areas suggested as MChina, then this region is set up well to be an MKorea, especialy as Korea was often used as a link between Japan and China in the real world.
