How to draw realistic Coastlines, Rivers or Roads.
First open the BMP file you have produced using grid and save it in "gif" of even better in "png" format.
Let say that the map in BMP was 1627 kb big (a full map is always that big in BMP format).
Then the conversion into a gif file will produce a perfect clone of the BMP but which is only 320 kb and a ping would only be 67 kb!!!
Let's work on the ping format file. First, let's zoom in to the region upon which we want to correct the coastlines or draw rivers.
Drawing tips to produce realistic maps |
1) Select a Region
2) Edit the palette and select a
foreground color ( blue here )
3) Draw the coast or river over the
Then draw the coastline or river course. Feel free to erase as much land or hexes grid as you want to get a realistic coastline or river course.
4) The coast has been drawn
5) Select a bare sea region to get
a blank grid hexes
6) Use the magic wand to select the
intact hex grid
6) The coastline is realistic and
the hex grid is regenerated