Mystaran Birthright Conversion using Smaller Provinces
by Greg WeatherupAs part of my ongoing 6th version of a Mystara Birthright Conversion I had started looking at Darokin and using the political borders as province borders (see a draft version). When doing that Darokin ends up with a whopping 47 provinces, when trying to assign levels I was realising that to keep Darokin from becoming overpowered relative to its regional neighbors I was going to end up with Darokin just being a bunch of low level provinces - more like a points of light setting than a center of civilization it's meant to be. I've been stuck for a long time on how to proceed.
I saw those Hesperia articles a while back. Sometime after reading those, it dawned on me, a province can often be based on a historical entity, so what if I go with a smaller province size's in Thyatis? (The same trick games like Europa Universalis use to make their Europe historically powerful) What do I get if I base these smaller provinces on the Hesperia articles and the Wilderlands articles? I ended up with "Mainland" Thyatis having 44 provinces (I may yet split Carytion in two after I get around to reading the article on it in Threshold, so it might become 45 provinces), so comprable to Darokin's 47 (especially when you figure some of Darokin's are the low level "rotten-boroughs" in Malpheggi and the Orclands and many of the borderlands are also low-level). Another bonus is I like how the power balance came out between the Emperor and the dominion rulers in Thyatis - each Dominion ruler got 1 to 4 provinces that they rule outright (with more important dominions, ie Kerendas, Hattias, etc. being on the higher end) but a lot of the provinces are split between neighboring dominions so I have the Emperor rulers of those provinces (and a few others here and there), so It looks like a nice power balance.
What happens if I expand this "smaller Province" idea to other Known World realms (and incorporate Francesco's Unknown World Trail Map series from Threshold magazines 13 to 19 for the Wilderlands where appropriate) but less agressively (since they are weaker realms)? Well I've looked at the known world lands in varying amounts of detail, and it's shaping up like this:
Five Shires 13 provinces, but only 9 are hin populated
I think Alfheim I've already got pretty good at 9 plus some clan holdings* just some little tweaks
Ylaruam gets 22, but a lot (off the top of my head I think it was 9) of those are empty desert (level 0) provinces so really its more like 13 - and it seems like the various Emirates are well balanced for the most part, though I worry Abbashan might be a little underpowered as I currently have it.
Atruaghin ends up with 20-22 provinces, and Numerous Clan holdings* (Glen's recent DM's guide got me motivated to go back and look at Atruaghin again for this) - each of the Clans has one fairly mid level province (looking at the level 5-6 range), maybe a 2nd level 1 province (often representing Minor Clans I'm adding), and then a few level 0 wilderland provinces.*="clan holdings" are based on groups not an area on a map. They are low level (max out at the rare 3, usually in the 0-2 range) and restricted in power - only having Ruler, Law, Temple, Guild, & Trade, all of which are harder to rule - so while having an effect, it's not a big one. Level 0 clan holdings are effectively pure fluff.
One's I've done a less extensive look over:
Ierendi 11, plus another for Honor Island so 12.
Minrothad gets 8 or 9.
A brief look at Sind and I get 34, probably more once I dive into it. Add another 2 or 3 for Jaibul to that.
Karameikos is going to be maybe 24ish, mostly low level provinces.
For the Broken Lands I already had 20 low-level provinces plus numerous clan holdings*, I could possibly split a few up to push it to maybe 23ish though that runs the risk of unbalancing them internally for little gain internationally.
Rockhome I'm having trouble seeing where to split it up, so far I'm at 10 provinces
Ethengar I don't even know where to begin breaking it down - I'm hoping maybe I'll get ideals from Robin's finished Ethengar map.
I haven't started them yet, but I'm worried the Northern Reaches will be too powerful given all the domains, and conversly Heldann too weak but, as said, I haven't really started them yet.Finally, I did something a little different with Glantri, giving all the lesser nobles a "micro-province" so on paper Glantri has a whopping 72 provinces, but about half of those are level 0 micro-province's so not influential - conversely low level provinces are good for mage types in the Birthright system so it allows me to portray Glantri as a center of Magic, just like it should be, without (I think) making it otherwise overpowered.
This is turning into a lot of provinces to flesh out and balance, before I put much more time into it I thought I best ask for another set of eyes? Am I missing anything obvious? Does it seem balanced? (which is admittedly hard to tell when there's no numbers assigned yet)
Any interest in me sharing this as I slowly work on it? (either here, or maybe I'll get a wordpress blog or similiar, or go see If I can log in anymore at the cyclopedia - or thinking of it, a wiki site of my own might be good).
"Mainland" Thyatis, excluding Karameikos has 44 provinces in my current draft (I may yet split Carytion in 2, so perhaps 45):
Actius, Alatia, Alba, Arduenna, Borydos, Brixia, Buhrohur, Cania, Century Hills*, Clevsin, Eastern Vitalia, Etrusna, Felzna, Grauenbucht, Greendale, Halatia, Hattias, Iapygia*, Kant, Kartanya, Kerendium, Messapia, Mosya, Mouria, Popluna, Retia, Sabellia, Sakhla-Rhas*, Setla, Sudenfeld, Tarsia, Tarsus, Tauria*, Terentias*, Thyatis City, Thyatium Vetus*, Tlamon, Trevonia, Tuska, Vale, Velathra, Verona, Vyalia, Western VitaliaAll the names are of course drafts, but the one's with asterisks (*) I'm especially considering changing.
To make it easier to tackle I've been dealing with them in sub-regions. I break "Mainland" Thyatis, this time including Karameikos but excluding Terentias, into 7 sub-regions:
Central Thyatis and the Vale
Eastern Thyatis and the Peninsula of Tel Akbir
Eastern Traladara and the Dymrak Forest
Kerendan Plain and the Dread Coast
Island Domains and the Protectorates (aka Eastern Islands of the Sunlit Sea)
The Northlands and the Baronies
Western Traladara and the Radlebb WoodsTerentias meanwhile is with Minrothad in the region I've called "Colony Islands" (aka Central Islands of the Sunlit Sea) region in the seperate Dread Coast flie.
Ultimately I think"the Northlands" came out a little small, so I may yet shift some provinces around.
Central Thyatis and the Vale
The Thyatian heartland consisting of the entirety of the Duchy of Retebius and the County of Lucinius, the majority of the Duchy of Thyatis, including the City of Thyatis, and parts of the Duchy of Kantrium and the Imperial Territory of Altenia.
Ruler: TT- Emperor Thincol Torion with his vassals, the Duke of Thyatis (his son and heir) (ET), Duke of Retebius (CR), and the Count of Lucinius (BP). The Thyatian Senate (TSn) also plays a key role in governance.
Provinces (part of):
Eastern Vitalia (Lucinius), Felzna (Retebius), Iapygia (Lucinius), Mouria (Retebius/Thyatis), Retia (Kantrium/Retebius), Sabellia (Retebius/Thyatis), Thyatis City (Thyatis), Thyatium Vetus (Thyatis), Vale (Altenia), Verona (Retebius), Western Vitalia (Lucinius/Thyatis)Location: Southeastern Brun, in the "Mainland" part of the Thyatian Empire, roughly circum-bounded by Vanya's Girdle, the Sound of Carytion, the Gulf of Kantrium, the Kantridae-Polithius vally's, to the edge of the Altan Tepes Mountains as far west as the upper Trevonian River.
Other entries yet to be writtenI'm not sure If I should proceed province by province or dominion by dominion...
Outside of Thyatis I've got the following current province breakdown:
Grand Duchy of Karameikos (24) still in flux....
Black Peaks
Cruth Lowlands
Radlebb Plains
Radlebb Woods (could use better names for these two)
Traldar Bay
Atruaghin Clans (21 to 22 + Numerous Clan Holdings)
Ahtkasti plains
Bear Clan Cliffs
Boar Clan
Crow Clan (need to rename this one.... maybe Elephant Clan?)
Ferret Clan (currently rethinking this one.....)
Hills of Spirits
Iroquai Stretch
Mielo Hills
Mitlahuacan Forest
Nayelo Hills
Plain of Iowai
Southern Red Orclands
The Singing Forest
The Thundering Plains
Tiger Clan Jungles
Tulgut Hills
Turtle Clan Coasts
Vulture Clan
Waipita Forest
Whale Islands
Might add one more between the Bear Clan and Darokin for the area below the cliffs between Rattlesnake Gulch and the Vulture Clan in the NW and the Mielo Hills in the SE - roughly the area between the Anselbury River to just past the trail leading to the World Elevator. Possibly Kobold populated. not sure yet.
Numerous Clan Holdings representing each major TribeMinrothad Guilds (9)
Blackrock Island
Fire Island
Fortress Island
Open Island
North Island
Considered trying to fit a third province on Trader's Isle, but decided that was too small. Basically split Trader's Isle and Alfeisle each in twoFive Shires (13)
Black Spires
Central Cruth Mountains
Ober's Mimbur
Western Cruth MountainsRyaset of Jaibul (2)
Might add a third for the desert wilderness.Ierendi Islands (11 + Honor Isle)
Alcove Isle
Aloysius Isle
Elegy Isle
Fletcher Isle
Ierendi Lowlands
Ierendi Uplands
Roister Isle
Safari Isle
Utter Isle
White IsleHonor Island
Honor Isle[Eastern] Thanegioth Archipelago
Isle of Dread
Others...Tyjaret (1)
TyjaretKingdom of Alfheim (9 + some clan holdings)
17 Clan Holdings, though some are level 0 (ie pointless)Broken Lands (20 + numerous clan holdings)
High Gobliny
Lower Ogremoor
Lower Trollhattan
Low Gobliny
Orcus Rex
Red Orcland
Sacred Cavern
South Gnollistan
Sun's Anvil
Yellow Orkia
67 Clan Holdings, though 20 are level 0Republic of Darokin (47)
Altan Tepes
Corun's Glen
Darokin City
Greater Dwarfgate
Lesser Dwarfgate
Malpheggi East
Malpheggi West
The Marches
Streel Valley
TraldarKingdom of Rockhome (10)
Altan Tepes North
Dengar Caverns
Lower Dengar
Makkres Mtns
Upper DengarSind (34)
Asanda Plain
Eastern Nemkin Ylaka
East Jhengal
Jadu Oasis
Northern Nemkin Ylaka
Sayr Ulan
West Jhengal
West Nemkin YlakaYlaruam (23)
Abbashan Oasis
Desert Depths
Ennaej Crags
Fennec Desert
Great Salt Basin
Middle Coast
North Coast
Northern Highlands
Northwestern Highlands
Rub Al-Khali
Southeastern Highlands
Southern Coast
Southwestern Highlands
The Dead Places
Ust-Urt Valley
Valley of Death
Ylaruam Oasis
ZirakiGlantri (72, but mostly level 0's)
Each Princepality, each lesser noble (including each Prince's secondary holding), and each Free Province, plus Glantri City.
Going by Province would take forever, so I'll go by Dominion.
Here's what I've got for the provinces making up Lucinius and some ideals on who the holdings might be - none of it finalized, some are too crowded, others too sparse.
The County of Lucinius consists of 2 provinces (Eastern Vitalia & Iapygia) and most of a 3rd one (Western Vitalia) which is shared with the Duchy of Thyatis. The County is part of the Empire of Thyatis.
Eastern Vitalia
The Coast of the Carytion Sound in Lucinius from Nortis to Lucinius Outpost
Ruler: The Count (BP)
Terrain: Coastal Plains (some hills near Hillcape)
Level: 5/E/5 ?? (This is the only one I've tentatively given a level to, but I haven't assigned any holding values yet).
Capital: Hillcape
Law Holdings: The Count (BP), The local Clesiarch (@ Lucinius Outpost) (StL), The Senate (TSn), The Emperor (TT). Any subdivisions to consider?
Temple Holdings: Many: Holdings dedicated to the Immortals Tarastia (CVl), Protius (ESP), Vanya (GWV), Asterius (Mrc), Valerias (VHP), & even Djaea (SDL) as well as the pantheon organizations of the Ecclesia (CTy), The Sylvan Cult (SC), and the Sacred Order of Thyatis (SOT)
Guilds: I've created a holding called "Sea of Dawn Fishermen" (SDF, or maybe SDwF If I also want a rival Sea of Dread Fishermen SDrF), what else??
Manors: The Count (BP), whom else? I'm wondering if the Count's Headquarters should actually be here instead of Western Vitalia? (especially since this is his only ruled province)
Trade: Terentias Trading Fleet (TTF), likely other Thyatian and Isle of Dawn traders (ideals needed)
Dominate Faith(s): Protius (ESP/CTy)
Magic Holdings: Fhelzor Hornstaff (of the Demonclaw lighthouse near Nortis) (FzH), Irene Pallathakis (Senator and advisor to the count) (IPl), and Magist Demetrion (The Empire's Magister Arcanum) (MD)
Borders: Iapygia. Maritime borders: Cania (see Tel Akbir), Century Hills (see Hattias), & Kartanya (see Carytion)Iapygia
The central spine of hills of Lucinius, home to many Lupins. Also known as the Vitalian hills seperating Eastern and Western Vitalia. This area has many vineyards of olives and grapes and some sheep and goat herders.
Ruler: The Emperor (TT). I have figured that the Count is not too popular in this area, the old families here all pre-date him so I kept this province in the Emperor's hands.
Terrain: Hills, Bi-Coastal
Level: #/D/#
Capital: Lone Cove
Law Holdings: The Count (weak or possibly even no holding) (BP), The Emperor (TT), possibly The Senate (TSn), likely some subdivisions...
Temple Holdings: Holdings dedicated to Protius (ESP) & Valerias (VHP) as well as the pantheon organizations of the Ecclesia (CTy), Sylvan Cult (SC), and Sacred Order of Thyatis (SOT)
Guilds: Mucius Sergius Scaevola (Scv), Sea of Dawn Fishermen (SDF), what - if anything - else?
Manors: Scaevola Family (Scv) has an olive grove or something here, right? Other ideals?
Trade: Meditor Guild of Minrothad (OM), Terentian Trade fleet (TTF), likely other Thyatian Traders.
Dominate Faith(s): Protius (ESP/CTy), Sylvan Cult (SC/CTy), Valerias (VHP/CTy/SOT)
Magic Holdings: Magist Demetrion (MD), probably NOT Irene, though I imagine this being an expansion target for her.
Borders: Eastern Vitalia, Sabellia (See Thyatis), & Western Vitalia. Maritime Border: Century Hills (See Hattias) & Hattias (See Hattias)Western Vitalia (note: This province is split between Lucinius and the Duchy of Thyatis)
The fertile, flat country along the Vanya's Girdle consisting of the South-eastern part of the Duchy of Thyatis and the western part of the County of Lucinius.
Ruler: The Emperor (TT) (provinces strategically split between subdominions are all in the Emperor's control)
Terrain: Coastal Plains
Level: #/B/#
Capital: Port Lucinius
Law Holdings: The Count (BP), Eusbius Torion (as Duke of Thyatis) (ET), The Senate (TSn), The Emperor (TT)
Temple Holdings: Many- Holdings dedicatied to the Immortals Tarastia (CVl), Protius (ESP), Vanya (GWV), Asterius (Mrc), Valerias (VHP), & even Diulanna (EHD), as well as the pantheon organizations of the Ecclesia (CTy) & The Sacred Order of Thyatis (SOT)
Guilds: Albireus General Goods (Alb), possibly a small holding by the Fishermen (SDF), what else?
Manors: The Count (BP) and Eusbius Torion (ET), any others?
Trade: Linton & Mauntea Houses of Darokin (LH & MH), Meditor Guild of Minrothad (OM), Terentian traders (TTF), likely other Thyatian and Isle of Dawn Traders (again, need ideals)
Dominate Faith(s): Tarastia (CVl/CTy/SOT)
Magic Holdings: Magist Demetrion (MD), maybe Irene Pallathakis (IPl)
Borders: Iapygia, Sabellia (See Thyatis), Thyatium Vetus (See Thyatis). Maritime Border: Hattias (see Hattias)Key: Alb- Albireus general goods; BP- Baldassarre Patrizio (Count of Lucinius); CTy- Churches of Thyatis (aka the Ecclesia); CVl- Church of Valentia (aka Chuch of Tarastia)(Theophylact Cerularius); EHD- Enduring Heart of Diulanna (Claudius Valodrakus); ET- Imperial Crown Prince Eusebius Torion (Duke of Thyatis); ESP- Endless Seas of Protius (High Priest Julius Sartorius); FzH- Fhelzor Horstaff (Demonclaw); GWV- Glorious Wings of Vanya (Lord Knight and Grand Master Maximius Colophorius); IPl- Irene Pallathakis; LH- Linton House of Darokin (Lucius Linton); MD- Magist Demetrion (Magister Arcanum); MH- Mauntead House of Darokin (Corwyn Mauntea); Mrc- Mercantilia (aka Church of the Merchant) (High Priest Trasaricus Theophilus); OM- Oran Meditor (Meditor Guild of Minrothad); SC- Sylvan Cult; Scv- Scaevola Family (Mucius Sergius Scaevola); SDF- Sea of Dawn Fishermen; SDL- Sanctuary of Djaea Lacinia; SOT- Sacred Order of Thaytis (Rex Sacrorum); StL- Fleet Admiral Satabus Lucasian (Cleisarch of Lucinius); TT- Thincol Torion (Emperor of Thyatis); TTF- Terentias Trading Fleet (Archduke Derentarius); TSn- Thyatian Senate; VHP- Valerias House of Passions (Priestess Helena Daphnotarthius)
Should the Aristocracy have a seperate holding(s) or are they represented sufficiently by the Senate Holdings?
Definately need more ideals for Traders (and maybe Guilders), both local Thyatian one's and those coming from the Isle of Dawn.
I've used Mike Harvey's idea of the Nortis Lighthouse being Demonclaw from Dungeon 84.
Should Iapygia be renamed Vitalian Hills?
Other thoughts? Ideals? Omissions? Criticisms? Anything?
Thank You.Edit: Actually, in my notes I do NOT have CVl in Iapygia.
Some more thoughts on Religious Holdings in Thyatis (and a few odds and ends)-
(there is a tl/dr at the bottom)
I know that the TCR works (which later got partially incorporated into the Fan Almanacs) added a Prelate, a Magist, and usually a military position, to each dominion.
I've used the military position for the various Stategoi & Cleisiarchs.
I had originally started including the various magists but I realised I was ending up with a bunch of identicle small source holdings, so I took them all back out, but I'm thinking now I should at least add a few of them to give Demetrion a reason to not dominate the holdings. I see they are all either level 18 or level 20 (other than the dual-class elf in Vyalia), so maybe make that the cut-off? or at least a factor in determining who makes the cut?
In Lucinius in particular, there doesn't seem much room to include Magist Theomisticus Chrysemion when there's also Demetrion, Irene, and the small holding of Fhelzor. If I was to add another mage, I'm considering adding Valente Sempronius (see Threshold #6, pg 191) before adding Theomisticus.
Some of the Prelates from the Thyatis City entry were already used in Solmyr's version which mine expanded from, so I included many of the other priests from that entry, but the Prelates elsewhere did not get incorporated (ie Pelagius Daphnorakenzes in Lucinius is one of several Prelates of Protius who is not currently included anywhere in the holdings). I've already got so many religious holdings I don't want to add more without good reason, though 3 of them I haven't assigned a leader to yet so 3 might get utilized there, see below.
[aside] I just noticed that Pelagius is actually higher level than Julius Sartorius - which I'll interperete to mean ESP's HQ is in Lucinius, rather than in Thyatis City. [/aside]
Should these other Prelates names be saved for future great captain events? or should them and the magists names be reused elswhere? (ie could either Pelagius Daphnorakenzes or Theomisticus Chrysemion be the head of SDF?)
While looking at Thyatian religious holdings, I do have three religious organizations that don't currently have named heads, so I could use a few of those prelates for their heads:
SOT: Sacred Order of Thyatis, aka the Trias (the three oldest Immortals of Thyatis- Tarastia, Solarios, & Valerias) is under an as yet unnamed Rex Sacrorum.
CTy: The Churches of Thyatis, aka the Ecclesia, a polytheistic grouping of the Thyatian Twelve, doesn't have a head yet (it's more of a loose grouping of independent cults than a single conjoined hierarchy)
and lastly, SC: Sylvan Cult. A sub-cult covering Ilsundal, Lupercus, & Magna Mater. Of those three (Ilsundal, Faunus, & Terra) only Ilsundal has any listed Prelates, Loremistress Alexiana Hierydyl in Vyalia, but I want the Vyalians to have their own religious holding so I'll save her for that one). For SC I'll probably just have to create a new name for it's leader if no-one has any ideals. I may even have this end up being a druid (any Cannon or fannon Druids in Thyatis?)Since the Triad (Vanya, Tarastia, & Asterius) are said to be the most popular I'm tempted to port one of the Prelates of one of those three over to head the Ecclesia. Looking through them, The listed Vanyaites are all low level. There's 2 17th level Asterius priests listed (see Biazzan and Terentias), and 1 20th level Tarastia Priest: Cyril Christophorus (listed in the entry for Kerendas) so maybe Cyril should head the Ecclesia and I can use the names of the two Asterius Priests as some much needed domestic guilders? Another idea would be to use Kostantinos Melicenna, 16th level Patriarch of Tarastia (again see Threshlod 6) to head the CTy. Yet another ideal I'm strongly considering would be to make the Dean of the Imperial Academy, Methodius Armorakius (who's listed as M12/Pr17 of Halav) head the Ecclesia since the position sounds like an ex officio position for the head of the main religion, but I'm unsure about a halavite heading the Ecclesia - Yes Halav is both part of the 12 and one of the recognized "Protector's of the Empire", but outside of Machetos (and some of the military), Halav is not very popular, then again that could be deliberate to keep the balance and/or peace between the factions. Also, what, if any, implications or impacts would there be of it being headed by a dual classed mage-cleric?
I've gone back and forth about making Regino Helioprobus, Patriarch of Solarios, from the Thyatis City entry, the Rex Sacrorum, or to keep him for a future Solarian specific holding (and thus perhaps use Cyril as Rex Sacrorum), but I think any future Solarian specific holding would arise under Eusebius and thus would probably be best under Xenos Dracma, so I'll probably make Regino the Rex Sacrorum (head of SOT)
oh, and I should mention regarding the two minor religions I've included: "Claudius Valodrakus" was taken from an old post by Jens "the Stalker" Schnabel, and the organization name of "The Enduring Heart of Diulanna" was indirectly inspired by some posts by Brian Caraway. And of coruse the Sanctuary of Djaea Lacinia is straight from Giulio Caroletti's Hesperia articles in Threshold 12 & 13
2 questions-
1) Does anyone know of any cannon or fannon Druids in Thyatis to lead the Sylvan Cult?
2) Should the Head of the Ecclesia be the "Dean of the Imperial Academy" - who is a Halavite dual-classed Priest-Mage, or should a Cleric of Tarastia lead the Ecclesia since Tarastia is part of the popular Triad in Thyatis (and thus Dean of the Imperial Academy is an unrelated position)?
I suppose Retebius is a good next one to post, so here's the provinces of Retebius and some ideals on who the holdings might be - none of it finalized, some are too crowded, others too sparse. P.E.A.C.H.
The Duchy of Retebius has all of 2 provinces, majority of a 3rd, and shares another 2 provinces with the Duchy of Thyatis. The Duchy is part of the Empire and the headquarters for the Empire's Aerial Forces with the Retebius Air Fleet and the Knights of the Air.
The Hills along the Mesonian River in Southwestern Retebius. A Region known for its vast Cattle production.
Ruler: The Duke (CR)
Terrain: Hills, River (Mesonian)
Level: #/F/#
Capital: A Village of the same name?
Law Holdings: The Duke (CR), The Senate (TSn), The Emperor (TT) (The local dominion ruler, the senate, and the Emperor is kinda my default for Thyatis when nothing else seems obvious. should there be some subdivisions here.?)
Temples: Many- Holdings dedicated to the Immortals Tarastia (CVl), Vanya (GWV), & Valerias (VHP) and the pantheon organizations the Ecclesia (CTy) and the Sacred Order of Thyatis (SOT)
Guilds: I've created the Retebian Ranchers Association (RRA)
Manors: The Duke (CR), probably the Ranchers (RRA)
Trade: Retebian Ranchers (RRA), Viribono Food Transport (Vrb) Vrb is siphoning off some of the cattle and exporting to Thyatis City while RRA mainly focuses on supplying Retebius city and the needs of the aerial forces mounts
Dominate Faith: Vanya (GWV/CTy)
Magic Source: Magist Demetrion (MD)
Borders: Mouria, Retia, Sabellia, Vale (see Altenia), & Verona.Mouria (note: This province is interesting, it's split between the Duchies of Retebius & Thyatis- most of the land is part of the Duchy of Thyatis, but the capital - Hillfork - is part of Retebius. Hillfork being on the other side of the river from the rest of Retebius it's odd that this town is part of Retebius, and in the later fan almanacs this area actually get's exchanged to the Duchy of Thyatis)
The Northern part of the Duchy of Thyatis and the extreme south-western corner of Retebius around the town of Hillfork. This area is known for 2 important tree types - the tall, straight woods used in Thyatian shipbuilding, and the Mullberry Tree's used in Sericulture - both are imperially protected economic endeavours: while any foreign merchant is welcome in Hillfork, only domestic merchants are allowed in the woods and mullberry plantations
Ruler: The Emperor (TT)
Terrain: Forested Hills, Rivers (Mesonian, Trevonian)
Level: #/E/#
Capital: Hillfork
Law Holdings: Both Dukes (CR & ET), The Senate (TSn), The Emperor (TT), might there be a subdivision to oversee the plantations?
Temple Holdings: Holdings dedicated to the Immortals Tarastia (CVl), Vanya (GWV), Asterius (Mrc), & Valerias (VHP) as well as the pantheon organizations of the Ecclesia (CTy) & the Sacred Order of Thyatis (SOT)
Guild Holdings: some new holdings: Hillfork Mullberry Plantations and Sericulture (HMS), and the northernmost holding of Mesonian Millworks (MMl)
Manor Holdings: Both dukes (CR & ET), Hillfork Mullberry Plantations and Sericulture (HMS), is there perhaps a subdivision or two overseeing the plantations and woods?
Trade Holdings: Lupercalis brothers (Lpr), Virbono Food Transport (Vrb), Mauntea House of Darokin in Hillfork (MH)
Dominate Faith: Valerias (VHP/CTy/SOT)
Magic Holdings: Magist Demetrion (MD). The Senate articles mentioned a "Hag of Hillfork", is there any more information on her?
Borders: Clevsin (see Kerendas), Felzna, Sabellia, Thyatium Vetus (see Thyatis), Tuska (see Kerendas & Thyatis), & Vale (see Altenia)Retia (note: This province includes a corner of Kantrium)
The Coastal Plain of the Polithius River in Retebius and the hills around the Kantridae River in Kantrium, and the delta of the two rivers. Includies the City of Retebius. The plains in the west have some impossibly old small time artisinal producers of hams, cheeses, and sparkling red wines
Ruler: The Emperor (TT) (Might seem odd that the capital of Retebius, including the City, is in a province owned by the Emperor, but remember all split provinces are owned by the Emperor and Retebius, though a Duchy, is not one of the original duchies so I don't want it to be too powerful)
Terrain: Coastal Plains, Hills, Rivers (Polithius, Kantridae)
Level: #/D/#
Capital: Retebius (City)
Law Holdings: The Strategos (who is also the Air Fleet Academy commandant) (AxM), The Duke of Retebius for sure (CR), probably the Duke of Kantrium as well (LR), The Senate (TSn), The Emperor (TT)
Temple Holdings: Holdings dedicated to the Immortals Tarastia (CVl), Protius (ESP), Vanya (GWV), Asterias (Mrc), & Valerias (VHP) as well as the pantheon organizations of The Ecclesia (CTy) and the Sacred Order (SOT).
Guild Holdings: Sea of Dawn Fishermen (SDF), Possibly even the Duke (CR), any others?
Manor Holdings: The Duke of Retebius, definately, as it's written that half the city is personally owned by the ducal family (CR), likely the Duke of Kantrium (LR), who else?
Trade Holdings: Meditor Guild of Minrothad (OM), Retebian Ranchders Association - most of their trade routes lead to here to feed the city and the flying mounts of the aerial forces (RRA), Terentian Traders (TTF), probably some Isle of Dawn Traders (again, need ideals)
Dominate Faith: Vanya (GWV/CTy)
Magic Holdings: Magist Demetrion (MD)
Borders: Felzna, Halatia (See Halathius & Kantrium), Kant (See Kantrium), Sabellia, & VeronaSabellia (note: This province is mostly part of the Duchy of Thyatis, so I'll save most notes till I get to that Duchy)
Central Thyatis along the Gulf of Kantrium, the Northeastern part of the Duchy of Thyatis and southern Retebius
Ruler: The Emperor (TT)
Terrain: Coastal Plains
Level: #/F/#
Capital: Messembria
Law Holdings: One or both Dukes (CR & ET), The Senate (TSn), The Emperor (TT)
Temple Holdings: Holdings dedicated to the Immortals Tarastia (CVl), Protius (ESP), Vanya (GWV), & Valerias (VHP) as well as the pantheon organizations of The Ecclesia (CTy) and the Sacred Order of Thyatis (SOT).
Guild Holdings: Sea of Dawn Fishermen (SDF)
Manor Holdings: Both Dukes (CR & ET)
Trade Holdings: none??
Dominate Faith: Protius (ESP/CTy)
Magic Holdings: Magist Demetrion (MD)
Borders: Felzna, Iapygia (see Lucinius), Mouria, Retia, Thyatium Vetus (see Thyatis), & Western Vitalia (see Lucinius & Thyatis). Offshore is Kant (see Kantrium) & Messapia (see Tel Akbir)Verona
The hill country of northern Retebius between the Polithius and Mesonian Rivers. This area is being populated by the many small landholdings granted to Knights of the Air and retiring Retebius Air Fleet Officers, or held by their descendents, pushing outward from the ancient town of Verona on the Polithius River on the route between Retebius City and Goldleaf in Halathius
Ruler: The Duke (CR)
Terrain: Hills, Rivers (Mesonian, Polithius)
Level: #/F/#
Capital: Verona
Law Holdings: The Duke (CR), The Senate (TSn), The Emperor (TT), perhaps even the Vanya religious holding (Glorious Wings of Vanya) to represent loyalty to the Knights? And/or might the knights even have a subdivision here? (or in Retia?)
Temples: Holdings dedicated to the Immortals Tarastia (CVl), Vanya (GWV), & Valerias (VHP) as well as the pantheon organizations The Ecclesia (CTy) & the Sacred Order of Thyatis (SOT).
Guild Holdings: Retebian Ranchers Association (RRA)
Manor Holdings: The Duke (CR), again maybe represent the knights?
Trade Holdings: none????
Dominate Faith: Easily Vanya (GWV/CTy)
Magic Holdings: Magist Demetrion (MD)
Borders: Felzna, Halatia (see Halathius & Kantrium), Retia, & Vale (see Altenia)Key: AxM- Air Fleet Commandant Alexandrus Maxentinos (Strategos of Retebius); CR- Callastian Retebius (Duke of Retebius); CTy- Churches of Thyatis (aka the Ecclesia); CVl- Church of Valentia (aka Church of Tarastia)(Theophylact Cerularius); ESP- Endless Seas of Protius (High Priest Julius Sartorius); ET- Imperial Crown Prince Eusebius Torion (Duke of Thyatis); GWV- Glorious Wings of Vanya (Lord Knight and Grand Master Maximius Colophorius); HMS- Hillfork Mullberry Plantations and Sericulture; Lpr- Lupercalis brothers (Marcus & Adrian Lupercalis); LR- Leonidas Ruggiero (Duke of Kantrium); MD- Magist Demetrion Karagenteropolus (Magister Arcanum); MH- Mauntea House of Darokin (Corwyn Mauntea); MMl- Mesonian Millworks; Mrc- Mercantilia (aka Church of the Merchant)(High Priest Trasaricus Theophilus); OM- Oran Meditor (Meditor Guild of Minrothad); RAA- Retebian Ranchers Association; SDF- Sea of Dawn Fishermen; SOT- Sacred Order of Thyatis (Rex Sacrorum); TSn- Thyatian Senate; TT- Thincol Torion (Emperor of Thyatis); TTF- Terentias Trading Fleet (Archduke Derentarius); VHP- Valerias House of Passions (Priestess Helena Daphnotarthius); Vrb- Viribono Food Transport (Senator Sixtus Viribono)
Should the Knights have a holding seperate from that of GWV? (I could drop Maximius Colophorius's Grand Master title and give it to another listed Lord Knight Commander of the Knights of the Air- Sabattius Laskaris)
The Korrigan's are said to be powerful landoweners in the Duchies of Thyatis & Retebius, how to include them?
Gaia Ephore, the Flaminia Tarastiana (& Senator & Quaestor) is said to be the daughter of "a noble landlord from Retebius" (as well as a distant cousin of Leana Scaurus -Leana being Duke Callastian's cousin, but the way the entry is worded I presume the connection is on the Scaurus side of the family not the Retebius side)
The TCR work added a Prelate of Odin (!) - Marcus Kelephius. Why Odin for Retebius? The faith of Odin is part of the CTy, but it's too small for a seperate Odin specific holding in Thyatis - though I note that there is a small holding of the "Reformed Church of Vestland" in Thyatis City, but that's the entire Antalian pantheon and is just an extention of the same one as in Vestland and its more of an expat church administered from Vestland.
TCR work also added a Magist - Phillipia Caeseria.
Thank You.
Hopefully seeing the Thyatis (Duchy) side of those shared provinces will spur some feedback-
The Duchy of Thyatis Controls one province outright, and shares 4 more provinces with neighboring dominions. Traditionally held by the Emperor's heir.
Mouria (province is shared with Retebius, see discussion there)
The Northern part of the Duchy of Thyatis and the extreme south-western corner of Retebius around the town of Hillfork. This area is known for 2 important tree types - the tall, straight woods used in Thyatian shipbuilding, and the Mullberry Tree's used in Sericulture - both are imperially protected economic endeavours: while any foreign merchant is welcome in Hillfork, only domestic merchants are allowed in the woods and mullberry plantations
Ruler: The Emperor (TT)
Terrain: Forested Hills, Rivers (Mesonian, Trevonian)
Level: #/E/#
Capital: Hillfork (in Retebius)
Law Holdings: Both Dukes (CR & ET), The Senate (TSn), The Emperor (TT), (might there be a subdivision to oversee the plantations?)
Temple Holdings: Holdings dedicated to the Immortals Tarastia (CVl), Vanya (GWV), Asterius (Mrc), & Valerias (VHP) as well as the pantheon organizations of the Ecclesia (CTy) & the Sacred Order of Thyatis (SOT)
Guild Holdings: some new holdings: Hillfork Mullberry Plantations and Sericulture (HMS), and the northernmost holding of Mesonian Millworks (MMl)
Manor Holdings: Both dukes (CR & ET), Hillfork Mullberry Plantations and Sericulture (HMS) (is there perhaps a subdivision or two overseeing the plantations and woods?)
Trade Holdings: Lupercalis brothers (Lpr), Virbono Food Transport (Vrb), Mauntea House of Darokin in Hillfork (MH)
Dominate Faith: Valerias (VHP/CTy/SOT)
Magic Holdings: Magist Demetrion (MD). (The Senate articles mentioned a "Hag of Hillfork", is there any more information on her?)
Borders: Clevsin (see Kerendas), Felzna (See Retebius), Sabellia, Thyatium Vetus, Tuska, & Vale (see Altenia)Sabellia (note: while mostly part of the Duchy of Thyatis, it is shared with the Duchy of Retebius.)
Central Thyatis along the Gulf of Kantrium, the Northeastern part of the Duchy of Thyatis and southern Retebius
Ruler: The Emperor (TT)
Terrain: Coastal Plains
Level: #/D/#
Capital: Messembria
Law Holdings: One or both Dukes (CR & ET), The Senate (TSn), The Emperor (TT) (Should there be any subdivisions here?)
Temple Holdings: Many- Holdings dedicated to the Immortals Tarastia (CVl), Protius (ESP), Vanya (GWV), & Valerias (VHP) as well as the pantheon organizations of The Ecclesia (CTy) and the Sacred Order of Thyatis (SOT).
Guild Holdings: Sea of Dawn Fishermen (SDF) (I had thought about maybe the Retebian Ranchers, but I think this area is more Farming than Ranching. There should probably be something else here.)
Manor Holdings: One or both Dukes (CR & ET)
Trade Holdings: none?? (Seems like there should be something here)
Dominate Faith: Protius (ESP/CTy)
Magic Holdings: Magist Demetrion (MD)
Borders: Felzna (see Retebius), Iapygia (see Lucinius), Mouria, Retia (see Retebius), Thyatium Vetus, & Western Vitalia. Offshore is Kant (see Kantrium) & Messapia (see Tel Akbir)Thyatium Vetus (Note: I don't particularily care for the name, any ideals?)
The heartland of the Empire and the Duchy of Thyatis surrounding the City
Ruler: The Duke of Thyatis (ET)
Terrain: Coastal Plains? some light forests? River (Mesonian)
Level: 9 or 10 /C/0 (This includes the massive suburbs of Thyatis City, and the settlement level doesn't drop much across this entire area, so this province should probably be level 9 or 10)
Capital: ???
Law Holdings: The Local Strategos (AnA), The Duke (ET), The Senate (TSn), & The Emperor (TT)
Temple Holdings: Many- Holdings dedicated to the Immortals Tarastia (CVl), Protius (ESP), Vanya (GWV), Asterius (Mrc), & Valerias (VHP) as well as the pantheon organizations of the Ecclesia (CTy) & the Sacred Order (SOT), even a holding of the Church of Darokin (CoD)
Guild Holdings: Albireus general goods (Alb), Mesonian Millworks (MMl), Shadow Hand (Thieves Guild)(SH), Xenos (Slaughterhouses and Tanneries supplying the capital)(Xns), any others?
Manor Holdings: The Duke (ET), Aristocrats should definately be here since there's "luxurious country estates along the coast of Vanya's girdle" but as mentioned elsewhere, how to represent these? Just use The Senate holding to represent the Aristocracy Nobility?
Trade Holdings: Many supplying the capital overland: Linton & Mauntea Houses of Darokin (LH & MH), Lupercalis brothers (Lpr), Meditor Guild of Minrothad (OM), Terrentias Trading Fleet (TTF), Virbono Food Transport (Vrb)
Dominate Faith(s): The Ecclesia (CTy) - I'm considering also perhaps Asterius (Mrc/CTy/CoD)
Magic Holdings: Magist Demetrion (MD level 0)
Borders: Mouria, Sabellia, Thyatis (see Thyatis City), Tuska, & Western Vitalia. Maritime Borders: Hattias (see Hattias). (To give an idea of the borders I'm eying: The northern border with Mouria is somewhere near Arcadiapolis, and I haven't decided if Arcadiapolis falls in this province or Mouria. In the West, Piceno and Selymbria are included here. On the East I'm assuming Raedestos is inland - and thus part of Western Vitalia, but if instead it is coastal then it might be included here.)Tuska (note: this province is shared with Kerendas and is largely unstatted as of yet - I was going to work on it when I got to the 'Kerendan Plain and the Dread Coast' sub-region)
The Area west of the City of Thyatis, from the Crisaean Gulf to the area near Aes, split between the Duchies of Thyatis and Kerendas
Ruler: The Emperor (TT)
Terrain: Coastal Plains
Level: #/C/#
Capital: Julinius
Law Holdings:
Temple Holdings:
Guild Holdings:
Manor Holdings:
Trade Holdings:
Dominate Faith(s):
Magic Holdings:
Borders: Clevsin (see Kerendas), Mouria, Tlamon (see Kerendas), Thyatium Vetus. Also possibly Etrusna (see Kerendas) (I haven't decided on the precise border yet, but I'm leaning towards saying Etrusna does NOT extend this far east). Maritme: Hattias (see Hattias)Western Vitalia
(note: This province is split between Lucinius and the Duchy of Thyatis)
The fertile, flat country along the Vanya's Girdle consisting of the South-eastern part of the Duchy of Thyatis and the western part of the County of Lucinius.
Ruler: The Emperor (TT) (provinces strategically split between subdominions are all in the Emperor's control)
Terrain: Coastal Plains
Level: #/B/#
Capital: Port Lucinius (Raedestos is on the Duchy of Thyatis side of the border - as above, I'm assuming Raedestos is inland, not coastal on Vanya's Girdle.)
Law Holdings: The Count (BP), Eusbius Torion (as Duke of Thyatis) (ET), The Senate (TSn), The Emperor (TT)
Temple Holdings: Many- Holdings dedicatied to the Immortals Tarastia (CVl), Protius (ESP), Vanya (GWV), Asterius (Mrc), Valerias (VHP), & even Diulanna (EHD), as well as the pantheon organizations of the Ecclesia (CTy) & The Sacred Order of Thyatis (SOT)
Guilds: Albireus General Goods (Alb), possibly a small holding by the Fishermen (SDF), (what else?)
Manors: The Count (BP) and Eusbius Torion (ET), (any others?)
Trade: Linton & Mauntea Houses of Darokin (LH & MH), Meditor Guild of Minrothad (OM), Terentian traders (TTF), likely other Thyatian and Isle of Dawn Traders (again, need ideals)
Dominate Faith(s): Tarastia (CVl/CTy/SOT)
Magic Holdings: Magist Demetrion (MD), maybe Irene Pallathakis (IPl)
Borders: Iapygia (see Lucinius), Sabellia, Thyatium Vetus. Maritime Border: Hattias (see Hattias)Key: Alb- Albireus general goods; AnA- Dame Antonina Alessandrasia (Strategos of Thyatis); BP- Baldassarre Partizio (Count of Lucinius); CoD- Church of Darokin (Simon Stone); CR- Callastian Retebius (Duke of Retebius); CTy- Churches of Thyatis (aka the Ecclesia); CVl- Church of Valentia (aka Church of Tarastia)(Theophylact Cerularius); EHD- Enduring Heart of Diulanna (Claudius Valodrakus); ESP- Endless Seas of Protius (High Priest Julius Sartorius); ET- Imperial Crown Prince Eusebius Torion (Duke of Thyatis); GWV- Glorious Wings of Vanya (Lord Knight and Grand Master Maximius Colophorius); HMS- Hillfork Mullberry Plantations and Sericulture; LH- Linton House of Darokin (Lucius Linton); Lpr- Lupercalis brothers (Marcus & Adrian Lupercalis); MD- Magist Demetrion Karagenteropolus (Magister Arcanum); MH- Mauntea House of Darokin (Corwyn Mauntea); MMl- Mesonian Millworks; Mrc- Mercantilia (aka Church of the Merchant)(High Priest Trasaricus Theophilus); OM- Meditor Guild of Minrothad (Oran Meditor); SDF- Sea of Dawn Fishermen; SH- Shadow Hand (Thieves guild); SOT- Sacred Order of Thyatis (Rex Sacrorum); TSn Thyatian Senate-; TT- Thincol Torion (Emperor of Thyatis); TTF- Terentian Trade Fleet (Archduke Derentarius); VHP- Valerias House of Passions (Priestess Helena Daphnotarthius); Vrb- Viribono Food Transport; Xns- Xenos (Slaughterhouses and Tanneries)
Sabellia seems particularily bland, and I'm completely missing traders there, any ideals?
For the capital of Thyatium Vetus, should it just be generic suburbs of Thyatis City or is there some town I'm overlooking? (Arcadiapolis & Selymbria don't feel right as the capital - too far from the city, and definately not little Piceno) or even should the capital be Thyatis City? The 'Capital' of a province is mostly just a fluff entry, though it does set the Economic factor (class "C" in this case).
This is what I've got so far for Thyatis (the Duchy), Next time will be a single province, the city itself... Thyatis