Mystaran Politics
by Aleksei Andrievski
Year 1000Empire of Thyatis
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Thincol I, Emperor
Friendly: Karameikos, Ostland
Neutral: Glantri, Ylaruam, Ierendi, Alfheim, Rockhome, Five Shires, Minrothad, Darokin, Heldann, Serraine
Hostile: AlphatiaDominions
Baronies: Biazzan, Buhrohur, Caerdwicca, Helskir
Counties: Actius, Halathius, Hattias, Lucinius, Vyalia, Furmenglaive, Kendach
Duchies: Kantrium, Kerendas, Machetos, Mositius, Retebius, Tel Akbir, Thyatis
Archduchies: Terentias, Westrourke, Ochalea, Pearl Islands
Other Territories: Borydos, Carytion, Sclaras, Septentriona, Meridiona, HinterlandsEmpire of Alphatia
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Eriadna, Empress
Friendly: Serraine
Neutral: Ylaruam, Minrothad
Hostile: Thyatis, HeldannDominions
Kingdoms: Aquas, Ambur, Arogansa, Bettellyn, Blackheart, Eadrin, Frisland, Floating Ar, Greenspur, Haven, Limn, Randel, Shiye-Lawr, Stonewall, Stoutfellow, Theranderol, Vertiloch, Aegos, Aeria, Gaity, Ne'er-do-well, Dawnrim, Horken, Lagrius, Meriander, Notrion, Surshield, Blackrock, Verdan, Hillvale, Ekto, Trikelios, Thothia, Alpha, Oceansend, Qeodhar
Other Territories: Dunadale, Leeha, Landfall, Anchorage, Port Marlin, Rock Harbour, MinaeaGrand Duchy of Karameikos
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Stefan Karameikos III, Grand Duke
Friendly: Five Shires, Darokin, Thyatis
Neutral: Ylaruam, Glantri, Ierendi, Rockhome, Alfheim, MinrothadDominions
Estates: Dmitrov, Marilenev, Penhaligon, Rugalov, Sulescu, Vandevicsny, Verge
Baronies: Kelvin, Threshold, Vorloi, Black EagleEmirates of Ylaruam
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Mohammed al-Kalim, Sultan
Friendly: Rockhome
Neutral: Thyatis, Alphatia, Karameikos, Vestland, Ostland, Soderfjord, Five Shires, Darokin, Ethengar
Hostile: Glantri, Alfheim, SerraineEmirates: Alasiya, Abbashan, Makistan, Nithia, Nicostenia, Dythestenia
Principalities of Glantri
Government: Magocracy
Ruler: Council of Princes
Friendly: Darokin
Neutral: Karameikos, Alfheim, Thyatis, Heldann
Hostile: Ylaruam, Rockhome, Five Shires, Broken Lands, EthengarDominions
Baronies: Igorov, Uigmuir, Pavlova, Kutchevski, Palatinsk, Vladimirov, Mariksen, Oxhill, Adlerturm, Morlay, Egorn
Viscounties: Sylaire, Linden, Sirecchia, Crownguard, Bergen, Blofeld, Fausseflammes, Malinbois, Nathrat, Verazzano, Castelbianco, Redstone
Counties: Ritterburg, Silverston, Glenargyll, High Sonden, Skullhorn, Touraine, Soth-Kabree, Wylon
Marquisates: Singhabad, Alhambra, Ellerovyn, Dunvegan, Berrym, Satolas
Duchies: Fenswick, Hightower
Archduchies: Westheath
Principalities: Aalban, Bergdhoven, Boldavia, Belcadiz, Blackhill, Caurenze, Erewan, Klantyre, Krondahar, Nouvelle AveroigneNoble Houses and Alliances
Brannart of Crownguard: Myra of Uigmuir (4), Alasdair of Glenargyll (6), Eachainn of Dunvegan (7)
Vanserie of Linden: Pieter of Oxhill (4), Rowena of Bergen (5), Sinaria of High Sonden (6)
Jherek of Singhabad: Urmahid of Skullhorn (6), John of Hightower (8)
Morphail of Igorov: Natacha of Pavlova (4), Piotr-Grygory of Kutchevski (4), Youri of Palatinsk (4), Szasza of Vladimirov (4), Laszlo of Mariksen (4)
Jaggar of Ritterburg: Franz of Adlerturm (4), Rolf of Blofeld (5), Mariana of Berrym (7)
Étienne of Sylaire: Gilles of Fausseflammes (5), Genevieve of Touraine (6), Diane of Malinbois (5), Malachie of Morlay (4)
Carnelia of Alhambra: Isabella of Egorn (4), Fernando of Satolas (7)
Carlotina of Ellerovyn: Aliana of Soth-Kabree (6), Ezechiel of Nathrat (5)
Volospin of Silverston: Arbana of Redstone (5), Emeth of Wylon (6), Margaret of Fenswick (8)
Innocenti of Sirecchia: Griseo of Verazzano (5), Antonio of Castelbianco (5), Harald of Westheath (9)Voting Power at Council and Parliament
Crownguard: prince (10)+viscount (5)+viceroy of Sablestone (1) = C16; +4+6+7 = P33
Igorov: prince (10)+baron (4)+viceroy of Tchernovodsk (1) = C15; +4+4+4+4+4 = P35
Linden: prince (10)+viscount (5)+treasurer (2) = C17; +4+5+6 = P32
Ritterburg: prince (10)+count (6)+viceroy of Nordling (1) = C17; +4+5+7 = P33
Singhabad: prince (10)+khan (7)+supreme judge (8) = C25; +6+8 = P39
Sylaire: prince (10)+viscount (5)+grand master (10) = C25; +5+6+5+4 = P45
Alhambra: prince (10)+marquis (7)+viceroy of Monteleone (1) = C18; +4+7 = P29
Ellerovyn: prince (10)+marquis (7)+chamberlain (4) = C21; +6+5 = P32
Silverston: prince (10)+count (6)+chancellor (6) = C22; +5+6+8 = P41
Sirecchia: prince (10)+viscount (5)+viceroy of Ylourgne (1) = C16; +5+5+9 = P35House Relations
Crownguard: hostile to Igorov, Sylaire
Igorov: hostile to Crownguard, Linden, Sylaire, Silverston
Linden: hostile to Igorov, Singhabad, Alhambra, Ellerovyn, Silverston
Ritterburg: hostile to Singhabad, Silverston, Sirecchia
Singhabad: hostile to Linden, Ritterburg
Sylaire: hostile to Crownguard, Igorov, Alhambra, Sirecchia
Alhambra: hostile to Linden, Sylaire, Ellerovyn
Ellerovyn: hostile to Linden, Alhambra
Silverston: hostile to Igorov, Linden, Ritterburg, Sirecchia
Sirecchia: hostile to Ritterburg, Sylaire, SilverstonBrotherhood of the Radiance Membership
Étienne d'Ambreville (Rad)
Brannart McGregor (Darkforce)
Vanserie Vlaardoen (Nightfire)
Harald of Haaskinz (Moonshadow)
Fernando de Casanegra (Estocada)
Alasdair McAllister (Paleglow)
Angus McGregor (Morningsun)Secret Crafts Membership
Genevieve de Sephora High Mistress Isabelle d'Ambreville 3 Guillaume d'Ambreville 3 Jakar Daron 3 Rolf Graustein 3 Malachie du Marais 3 Diane de Moriamis 3 Antonio di Tarento 3 Dracology
Jaggar von Drachenfels High Master (star) Eachainn McDougall 3 (gold) Erik Helsing (from Serraine) 3 (red) Helgar von Drachenfels 2 (white) Ezechiel Naramis 2 (black) Aliana Nyraviel 2 (blue) Galladin 1 (jade) Elementalism, Air
Volospin Aendyr High Master Serena Aendyr 3 Margaret Hillsbury 3 Emeth Urbaal 3 Arbana Jerbat 2 Gertrud von Drachenfels 2 Elementalism, Earth
Innocenti di Malapietra High Master Hildegarde von Drachenfels 4 Murl of Vlaardoen (from Minrothad) 4 Giovanni di Malapietra 3 Lucrecia di Malapietra 3 Elementalism, Fire
Vanserie Vlaardoen High Master Wilhelmine Vlaardoen 4 Sinaria Verlien 4 Gherynid (from Ierendi) 4 Pieter Vandehaar 3 Rowena Krollnar 3 Juliana Vlaardoen 1 Elementalism, Water
Harald of Haaskinz High Master Quentin McGregor 3 Sean McGregor 1 Illusion
Jherek Virayana High Master Lan-Syn Virayana 4 Urmahid Krinagar 4 Ralindi Virayana 2 Rejladan Virayana 1 Necromancy
Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany High Master Brannart McGregor 4 Boris Gorevitch-Woszlany 3 Youri Ivanov 3 Angus McGregor 3 Piotr-Grygory Timenko 2 Laszlo Wutyla 2 Cryptomancy
Carlotina Erewan High Mistress Eleesea Erewan 4 Norelia Erewan 4 Bethys Erewan 4 Franz Lowenroth 3 Witchcraft
Carnelia de Belcadiz High Mistress Isabella de Montebello 3 Szasza Markovitch 3 Carmina de Belcadiz 2 Victoria de Belcadiz 2 Gilles Grenier 2 Esmeralda Erewan 2 Yolanda de Belcadiz 1 Kingdom of Ierendi
Government: Oligarchy
Rulers: Palfrit and Marianne, king and queen
Friendly: Five Shires, Undersea, Serraine
Neutral: Karameikos, Minrothad, ThyatisKingdom of Alfheim
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Doriath, king
Friendly: Five Shires, Darokin
Neutral: Thyatis, Karameikos, Glantri, Serraine
Hostile: Ylaruam, Rockhome, Broken Lands, Shadow ElvesKingdom of Rockhome
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Everast XV, king
Friendly: Ylaruam, Vestland, Darokin, Serraine
Neutral: Karameikos, Five Shires, Ethengar, Thyatis
Hostile: Glantri, Alfheim, Broken Lands, Shadow ElvesKingdom of Ostland
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Hord Dark-Eye, king
Friendly: Thyatis
Neutral: Ylaruam, Vestland
Hostile: Soderfjord, SerraineDominions: Vestpoint, Sumarland, Ringmark, Hammersholm, Noslosford, Vithesford, Thorholm, Aland, Varmgard, Haltimark, Havardholm, Suddmore, Steingard, Romaland, Fallersholm, Zeamark, Hedmark, Gotland, Osterlo, Sognesholm, Ostmanland, Kalsloviki, Oland, Kunslo
Kingdom of Vestland
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Harald Gudmundson, king
Friendly: Rockhome, Soderfjord
Neutral: Ylaruam, Ostland, Ethengar
Hostile: SerraineDominions: Hostmore, Valgard, Grosfold, Marsfjord, Sveamark, Fosterhead, Ranviki, Falsterholm, Fynmark, Jamtfjord, Namahed, Verfjord, Skaniscost, Norrland, Hrutmark, Bornbank, Brandholm, Hennesdalir, Landersfjord, Haverhold, Uplands, Hallmark, Rhoona
Soderfjord Jarldoms
Government: Coalition
Ruler: Ragnar the Stout, warleader
Friendly: Vestland
Neutral: Ylaruam
Hostile: Ostland, SerraineDominions: Olvasfjord, Suddland, Hordamark, Heddesfjord, Soderfjord, Vithesfeld, Bergholm, Vastergard, Rogaviki, Vandermark, Haltford, Borkmark, Moderfeld, Oberbeck, Rurrland, Ozurfold, Gudholm, Hedden, Dealand, Hadmark, Highland, Hillgard, Ranholm, Hodderland, Boddergard, Otterland, Gretmarsh, Nordcastel, Castellan
Five Shires
Government: Coalition
Rulers: five sheriffs and warleader
Friendly: Karameikos, Ierendi, Alfheim, Darokin
Neutral: Thyatis, Alphatia, Ylaruam, Rockhome, Minrothad
Hostile: Glantri, Broken LandsMinrothad Guilds
Government: Plutocracy
Ruler: Oran Meditor, ruling guildmaster
Neutral: Thyatis, Alphatia, Karameikos, Ierendi, Five Shires, Serraine
Hostile: UnderseaBroken Lands
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Thar, king
Hostile: Glantri, Darokin, Ethengar, Shadow Elves, Alfheim, Rockhome, Five ShiresTribal Relations
Orcus Rex: allied to Red Orcland, Kol; hostile to Hobgobland
Ogremoor: hostile to Trollhattan, Red Orcland
Trollhattan: hostile to Ogremoor, Red Orcland
Bugburbia: allied to High Gobliny; hostile to South Gnollistan
High Gobliny: allied to Bugburbia, Red Orcland; hostile to Kol, Hobgobland, South Gnollistan
Red Orcland: allied to Orcus Rex, High Gobliny; hostile to Ogremoor, Trollhattan, Kol
Kol: allied to Orcus Rex, South Gnollistan; hostile to High Gobliny, Red Orcland
Hobgobland: hostile to Orcus Rex, High Gobliny, Yellow Orkia, South Gnollistan
Yellow Orkia: allied to South Gnollistan; hostile to Hobgobland
South Gnollistan: allied to Kol, Yellow Orkia; hostile to Bugburbia, High Gobliny, HobgoblandRepublic of Darokin
Government: Plutocracy
Ruler: Corwyn Mauntea, chancellor
Friendly: Karameikos, Glantri, Alfheim, Rockhome, Five Shires, Atruaghin, Sind, Serraine
Neutral: Thyatis, Ylaruam, Ethengar
Hostile: Broken Lands, Shadow Elves, HuleKhanate of Ethengar
Government: Coalition
Ruler: Moglai Khan, Golden Khan
Neutral: Ylaruam, Rockhome, Vestland, Darokin, Serraine
Hostile: Glantri, Heldann, Broken LandsShadow Elves
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Telemon, king
Neutral: Glantri
Hostile: Alfheim, Rockhome, Broken Lands, DarokinAtruaghin Clans
Government: Independent Tribes
Ruler: Clan chieftains
Friendly: Darokin
Neutral: SindHeldannic Territories
Government: Theocracy
Ruler: Wulf von Klagendorf, High Cleric
Friendly: Hule
Neutral: Vestland, Ostland, Glantri, Thyatis
Hostile: Alphatia, Broken Lands, Ethengar, SerraineKingdom of Sind
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Chandra ul-Nervi, Rajadhiraja
Friendly: Darokin, Ulimwengu
Neutral: Atruaghin, Yavdlom
Hostile: HuleHagiarchy of Great Hule
Government: Hagiarchy
Ruler: The Master
Friendly: Heldann
Hostile: Sind, Darokin, Ulimwengu, Yavdlom, City-States, Savage BaroniesSerraine
Government: Democracy
Ruler: Santarian Keltander, mayor
Friendly: Alphatia, Darokin, Ierendi, Rockhome
Neutral: Alfheim, Ethengar, Minrothad, Thyatis
Hostile: Ylaruam, Vestland, Ostland, Soderfjord, HeldannUndersea
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Tarovra, queen
Friendly: Ierendi
Hostile: Minrothad, DevilfishDominions: Souedge, Werea, Easa, Nortens, Soua, Trasar, Clarhars, Calitar
City-State of Hojah
Government: Autocracy
Ruler: Bosit Hojah, margrave
Friendly: Zvornik
Neutral: Savage Baronies, Nova Svoga, Zagora
Hostile: Slagovich, HuleCity-State of Nova Svoga
Government: Autocracy
Ruler: ?
Neutral: Hojah, Slagovich, Zagora, Zvornik, Savage Baronies
Hostile: HuleCity-State of Slagovich
Government: Autocracy
Ruler: Miosz II, margrave
Neutral: Nova Svoga, Zagora, Savage Baronies
Hostile: Hule, Hojah, ZvornikCity-State of Zagora
Government: Autocracy
Ruler: Munte III, margrave
Neutral: Hojah, Nova Svoga, Slagovich, Zvornik, Savage Baronies
Hostile: HuleCity-State of Zvornik
Government: Autocracy
Ruler: Galben Zvornik, margrave
Friendly: Hojah
Neutral: Nova Svoga, Zagora, Savage Baronies
Hostile: Slagovich, HuleDominio de Vilaverde
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Jorge "O Temerário" de Vilaverde, Baráo
Neutral: Torreón, City-States
Hostile: Hule, TexeirasEstado de Texeiras
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Bartolomeu "O Calvo" de Texeiras, Barão
Neutral: Torreón, Narvaez, City-States
Hostile: Hule, VilaverdeBaronía de Torreón
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Isabel "La Terrible" de Torreón y Moralez, Baronesa
Friendly: Renardy
Neutral: Vilaverde, Texeiras, Narvaez
Hostile: HuleBaronía de Narvaez
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Hugo "El Despiadado" de Narvaez y Montoya, Barón
Neutral: Torreón, Texeiras, Gargoña
Hostile: Guadalante, Hule, SaragónBaronía de Gargoña
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Esperanza "La Illustre" de Sotto y Rivera, Baronesa
Neutral: Narvaez, Saragón, Almarrón, Vilaverde, Texeiras
Hostile: HuleEstado de Almarrón
Government: Dictatorship
Ruler: Don Esteban, dictator
Neutral: Guadalante, Saragón, Cimmaron, Gargoña
Hostile: HuleBaronía de Saragón
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Balthazar de Montejo y Aranjuez, Barón
Neutral: Guadalante, Cimmaron, Almarrón, Gargoña, Torreón
Hostile: Hule, NarvaezEstado de Guadalante
Government: Oligarchy
Ruler: Don Crístobal "El Barbudo" de Bigotillos y Copetez
Neutral: Saragón, Cimmaron, Almarrón, Gargoña, Torreón
Hostile: Narvaez, HuleCimmaron County
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: General Cimmaron, earl
Neutral: Guadalante, Saragón, Almarrón, Gargoña
Hostile: HuleConfederated Kingdom of Robrenn
Government: Confederacy
Ruler: Edwix I "the Night Harrow", king
Neutral: Savage Baronies, Eusdria
Hostile:Dominions: Avarica, Avernos, Morguen, Nemausa, Sedhuen, Suerba, Uthuínn
Kingdom of Eusdria
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Sigismund III the Great, king
Neutral: Robrenn, Renardy
Hostile:Dominions: Frisonnia, Harstal, Mohesia, Savaria
Kingdom of Renardy
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Louis IV "Le Cabotin", king
Friendly: Torreón
Neutral: Eusdria, Bellayne
Hostile:Dominions: Brégoigne, Marmandie, Noijou, Ysembragne
Kingdom of Bellayne
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Catherine I "The Lioness", queen
Neutral: Renardy, Shazak, Herath
Hostile:Dominions: Kitting, Pawcester, Penwick, Theeds, Wyndham, Farfield
Kingdom of Shazak
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Shaz XII "The Slick", king
Neutral: Cay, Herath
Hostile: AtorKingdom of Ator
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Ator I "Old Grey Fangs", queen
Neutral: Herath, Wallara
Hostile: Shazak, CayKingdom of Cay
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Ssa'a IV "Silver Tail", queen
Neutral: Shazak
Hostile: AtorMagocracy of Herath
Government: Magocracy
Ruler: Yahav IV "The Watcher", Wizard-King
Neutral: Bellayne, Shazak, Ator, Wallara, Nimmur
Hostile: JibarúDominions: Berevrom, Enom, Ensheya, Hethzya, Wildwoods