Norwold Dominions and their Rulers as of AC 1016
by Geoff GanderAC Baronie de Chevas (Adik de Chevas)
AD City State of Dool (Alak Dool)
AP Free Plains Barony (Allisia Patrician)
Ar Barony of Arcadia (Arcadius)
BD Duchy of Ossian (Black Duke)
Be County of Draken (Beriak)
BL Barony of Nordenhafen (Bardeen Longwalker)
Br Barony of Ublaat-Nor (Broghan)
Ce Marquisat of Panteria (Celia)
CM Tirannide de Mory (Coiger de Mory)
DD Barony of Dikhoff (Dimitri Dikhoff)
EB Barony of Ironwood (Elarianthas Blackblade)
ED Barony of Hopeland (Ernest Day)
F Barony of Sonnenfeld (Fergus)
HJ County of Wolkenburg (Helmut Jaschke)
K Barony of Kildorkak (Gard Rocktooth)
Lo Barony of Latela (Longtooth)
Ma County of Ersenbal (Martigan)
MF Barony of the Two Lakes Vale (Malthus Fharo)
Mx Swordcoast Barony (Maximus I)
Ne Duchy of Chitine (Ney)
Nk Duchy of Vyolstagrad (Nevik)
Q Barony of the Elms (Quillian Elmgrower)
QJ County of Dragonard (Quentin Jax)
RD Barony of Dag (Rutger Dag)
Rh Barony of Redhorn (Diablerus I)
Sa Barony of Moonland (Sandralane)
SD Kingdom of Siegeria (Sieger von Duwn)
Sh County of Kameloth (Shuren)
SS Barony of Serenity (Siegfried Sixx)
St Duchy of Stamral (Stano)
SW Shebb Barony (Shebb Woolsey)
UK Barony of Odinia (Ulf Karlsson)
WL Barony of the Lake (Winifred of the Lake)
Wy Barony of Wyrmhart (Maximilian)
Z Barony of White Oak (Zoltan)