New Spells
by Donald Eric Kesler
The OD&D game does not have a whole lot in the way of healing spells. For example, should a character get a hand cut off there are no spells in the game to restore this lost limb. To address this, I have created a few spells to help keep the player characters in one piece. I hope they enrich your campaign, too.
Magic-User and/or Cleric Spell
1st Level Spell
Growth of Hair*
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: One creature or object
This spell causes hair or hair like material to grow up to six feet in length. The exact amount is up to the caster.
The reverse of this spell, Removal of Hair, causes hair or hair like growth to diminish. Up to six feet of hair like material can be removed in this manner. The exact amount is up to the caster.
This spell has limited to use in combat. At the DM’s discretion this spell could, if cleverly used, have some minor impact on a melee. For example, it could be used to force an unwilling recipient to either loose initiative or make a dexterity check to avoid being momentarily entangled. Unwilling recipients of this spell are entitled a saving throw vs. spells to avoid the effect.
3rd Level Spell
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Effect: One character or monster
The recipient of this spell recovers subsequently lost hit points at the rate of one hit point per round. Hit points lost prior to the casting of this spell are not regenerated by this spell.
For every ten levels of experience beyond what is required for the spell caster to cast regeneration, the recipient recovers an additional lost hit point every round. Thus, the recipient of a regeneration spell casts by a 5th level magic-user subsequently recovers one lost hit point per round; while the recipient of a regeneration spell cast by a 15th level magic-user subsequently recovers two lost hit points per round.
While a troll is incapable of regenerating damage inflicted by fire or acid, the regeneration spell does not share this limitation. Also, unlike a troll, the recipient of this spell does not regain lost limbs.
Cleric Spells
1st Level Spell
Remove Scar
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: See below
This spell removes unwanted marks and blemishes from a character or monster’s skin. Generally, it is used to remove unsightly scars; however, it can also be used to remove any non-magical tattoos, brandings and other such markings. The caster of this spell has total control over which scars are removed and which scars are left in place. Unwilling recipients of this spell are entitled a saving throw vs. spells to avoid the effect.
2nd Level
Restore Claws, Horns or Teeth
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: See below
This restorative spell will fully restore and repair lost or damaged claws, horns or teeth of a single character or monster.
For each type of restoration, a separate spell must be employed. For example, two applications of this spell would be required if the intended recipient was suffering from the loss of both claws and teeth, as the spell will only affect a single set of claws, horns or teeth.
A single set of teeth is defined as all of the teeth and tusks that emerge from a single orifice or mouth. A single set of claws is considered all of the nails or talons emerging from a pair of claws, hands, or feet. A single set of horns is considered all of the horns, antlers or keratin growths emerging from a single skull or head.
Unwilling recipients of this spell are entitled a saving throw vs. spells to avoid the effect.
3rd Level
Replace Lost Limb
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: See below
This potent healing spell will cause a new limb to grow in place of one that was lost. Over the course of a single game day, the missing limb will slowly be replaced by a new, fully functional limb that is in all respects identical to the one that the character or monster had lost.
During the twenty-four hour period in which the lost limb is being regenerated, the character or monster must remain completely bedridden, using neither general skill nor magical spell. If the character or monster engages in any activity more arduous than eating or employing a chamber pot the spell will be ruined.
This spell is only effective if cast shortly after the limb was lost. The time allowed is one week plus one day per level of the cleric.
Arms, legs, tentacles, feelers and wings can all be regenerated by use of this spell. Unwilling recipients of this spell are entitled a saving throw vs. spells to avoid the effect.