Future fates... unification of the Northern Reaches...
by Marc SaindonPerhaps to micmic the empire of Cnut, the Kalmar Union, or Sweden's golden age in the 17th century (where it gave Prussia and Russia a run for its money), the Northern Reaches unify through a succession of weddings and political alliances. Maybe the Heldannic Knights and the Ethengar Khanates proved to be too much of a pressure for each realm to fight each on their own.
Maybe the Isle of Dawn was too tempting of a prize, and unity was necessary to get chance against both Thyatis and Alphatia. Perhaps Soderfjoders realize that young stream flow with blood, while old rivers flow with silver (to steal from 7th Seas...), and the Ylaruam-Vestland caravan trade routes become more of a focus than raiding.
Although united under a single crown, the Northern Reaches would still consist of three equal and autonomous realms, each with their own Althing (parliament). Jarls with a more independent streak would leave Soderfjord and try to strike it on their own in the Isle of Dawn colonies.
(coat of arms: sweden, modified, with the cross replaced by a "T" for Thor)