by John Walter BilesThe Oards are humanoid cyborgs from a possible future of high technology and science, come to the past in order to manipulate it to ensure they become the true future. (Introduced in CM9 When Chaos Reigns, in which the PCs try to stop them). They all look very similar to outsiders, especially since they wear identical jumpsuits. Their artificial brains help them to resist illusions and mental attacks.
Oard Scholar, Level 10 Controller
Medium Time-Travelling Humanoid (Oard) XP 500
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +10
HP 77; Bloodied 38
AC 24; Fortitude 20, Reflex 22, Will 22
Resist Illusions 10, Psychic 10
Vulnerable Lighting 5 (too much electronics and batteries in his equipment...)
Speed 6
m Vibro Blade (standard; at-will) | Force
This blade, made of shaped Omega particles, vibrates at tremendously high speed, adding to the damage it inflicts to its targets.
+15 vs. AC; 2d6+5 Force Damage
R Ionisation Inducer (standard; at-will) | Lightning
This small hand-held device induces negative ionisation in the target zone, causing positively charged ions to discharge lightning into the area of effect.
Burst 1 within 10 squares; +14 vs. Reflex; 1d8+5 Lightning Damage
Self-Propelled Explosive Armament (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Fire
These small rockets can be quickly configured for use on the battlefield, then released to seek out targets and explode. They contain a mixture of napalm and tear gas, allowing for rapid dispersal of large groups.
Burst 2 within 20 squares; +14 vs. Reflex; 2d8+5 Fire Damage, 5 ongoing Fire Damage (save ends), and Slow (save ends)
Quantum Field Destabiliser (standard; Refresh 5-6)
By observing Quantum fields, this device forces stability upon them in an entirely natural configuration.
Ranged 10; +14 vs. Will of the Conjuration or Zone’s creator; on a success, a targeted conjuration or zone is destroyed.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Oard, possibly others
Skills Arcane Studies +15, Debate + 14, Psychohistory + 15, Science +15, Temporal Theory +15
Str 16 (+8) Dex 18 (+9) Wis 21 (+10)
Con 16 (+8) Int 21 (+10) Cha 18 (+9)
Equipment Image Inducer (Minor, At-Will, Using their image inducers, Oards can appear as any sort of medium humanoid, including unique individuals. This also disguises their gear.), Speech Bracelet (50 mile 2-way communications device), Protection Belt (projects his forcefield armour. This requires an armour proficiency to use and provides protection equal to Scale), Trans-Scanner (studies environment out to 180’, reports on life forms and substances found)Oard Scholars direct the psychohistorical operations of the Oard, using their knowledge of the past and of the laws of history to determine the necessary actions to rewrite that history as the Oards desire. In the field, they work to counter wielders of divine and arcane magics and to break up large groups of enemies.
Oard Scout, Level 9 Lurker
Medium Time-Travelling Humanoid (Oard) XP 400
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +14
HP 77; Bloodied 38
AC 23; Fortitude 19, Reflex 21, Will 21
Resist Illusions 10, Psychic 10
Vulnerable Lighting 5 (too much electronics and batteries in his equipment...)
Speed 6
r Ray Glove (standard; at-will) | Fire
This standard-issue glove accessor contains multiple lasers, used for sighting and tagging targets, along with built-in guidance for the deadly level lasers to ensure a solid hit.
Ranged 20; +14 vs. Reflex; 1d8+5 Fire Damage and an ally gets +2 to hit the target until the end of his next turn.
m Vibro Blade (standard; at-will) | Force
This blade, made of shaped Omega particles, vibrates at tremendously high speed, adding to the damage it inflicts to its targets.
+14 vs. AC; 2d6+5 Force Damage
M Follow-up Assault (Minor; 1/round with combat advantage)
If the Scout has combat advantage on a target and hits with a Vibro Blade attack, he can make a second Vibro Blade attack.
Body slide Evacuation (Immediate Reaction when hit in Melee; Refresh 5-6)
Displacement Belt teleports the Oard Scout up to 6 squares away.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Oard, possibly others
Skills Covert Operations +14, Deception Science +12, Psychology +14, Security Penetration +14 (17)
Str 14 (+6) Dex 20 (+9) Wis 20 (+9)
Con 17 (+7) Int 12 (+5) Cha 17 (+7)
Equipment Climbing Assistance System (+3 to any use of Athletics or Acrobatics for climbing and avoiding falling), Image Inducer (Minor, At-Will, Using their image inducers, Oards can appear as any sort of medium humanoid, including unique individuals. This also disguises their gear.), Speech Bracelet (50 mile 2-way communications device), Displacement Belt (This combines a forcefield with emergency evacuation body slide evacuation technology. This requires an armour proficiency to use and provides protection equal to Scale), Security Bypass Kit (adds +3 to any use of Security Penetration Skill)Oard scouts infiltrate institutions, commit sabotage and assassinations, gather intelligence, and report back in. They sometimes assassinate a target, use their Image Inducer to impersonate him, then use Deception Science and Psychology to spread lies and chaos in enemy ranks while wearing a ‘friendly’ face. Their knowledge of how people think is also useful for counter-intelligence work to weed out truth from enemy lies.
Oard Sniper, Level 9 Artillery
Medium Time-Travelling Humanoid (Oard) XP 400
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +12
HP 72; Bloodied 36
AC 21; Fortitude 21, Reflex 21, Will 19
Resist Illusions 10, Psychic 10
Vulnerable Lighting 5 (too much electronics and batteries in his equipment...)
Speed 6
r Blaster Tube (standard; at-will) | Force
This is a short-range riot weapon, originally developed to deal with massed, expendable rioters. It fires tiny blades of shaped Omega particles over a broad front.
Close Blast 3; +14 vs. Reflex; 1d8+5 Force Damage
R Plasma Rifle, 40 Watt Range (standard; at-will) | Lightning
This is a sniper’s weapon; it ionises a single target, then uses the electrical differential to generate a lightning bolt from the weapon to the target, disrupting his electronics and overloading his nervous system.
Ranged 15/30; +16 vs. AC; 2d6+5 Lightning Damage
m Combat Gauntlet (standard; at-will) | Force
Standard-issue Combat Gauntlets stiffen themselves with a shaped field of Omega Particles for extra damage.
+14 vs. AC; 1d8+5 Force Damage
Rapid-Fire Mode (standard action; Refresh 5-6)
Make 2 Lightning Rifle Attacks at +18 vs. AC.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Oard, possibly others
Skills Body Sciences +12, Motion Studies +14
Str 17 (+7) Dex 20 (+9) Wis 17 (+7)
Con 12 (+5) Int 20 (+9) Cha 14 (+6)Equipment Image Inducer (Minor, At-Will, Using their image inducers, Oards can appear as any sort of medium humanoid, including unique individuals. This also disguises their gear.), Protection Belt (projects his forcefield armour. This requires an armour proficiency to use and provides protection equal to Scale), Targeting Helmet (includes electronic sighting and targeting assistance)
Highly accurate and deadly, Oard Snipers exploit terrain to their advantage to strike from cover; they’re quite good at getting into and out of high places, the back of moving vehicles, etc. They also provide fire support for operations.
Oard Soldier, Level 9 Soldier
Medium Time-Travelling Humanoid (Oard) XP 400
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +12
HP 100; Bloodied 50
AC 25; Fortitude 21, Reflex 21, Will 19
Resist Illusions 10, Psychic 10
Vulnerable Lighting 5 (too much electronics and batteries in his equipment...)
Speed 6
r Blaster Tube (standard; at-will) | Force
This is a short-range riot weapon, originally developed to deal with massed, expendable rioters. It fires tiny blades of shaped Omega particles over a broad front.
Close Blast 3; +14 vs. Reflex; 1d8+5 Force Damage
m Combat Gauntlet (standard; at-will) | Force
Standard-issue Combat Gauntlets stiffen themselves with a shaped field of Omega Particles for extra damage. Expert soldiers learn to punch with enough skill to substantially increase the damage inflicted.
+16 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage and 1d6+2 Force Damage
Point Defence (Immediate Reaction when hit in Melee; Refresh 5-6)
Superior Protection Belt attacks the person making the attack; +14 vs. Reflex; 3d10+5 Force damage
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Oard, possibly others
Skills Body Sciences +12, Field Medicine +12, Security Systems + 12, Weapons Technology +12
Str 17 (+7) Dex 20 (+9) Wis 17 (+7)
Con 20 (+9) Int 17 (+7) Cha 12 (+5)
Equipment Image Inducer (Minor, At-Will, Using their image inducers, Oards can appear as any sort of medium humanoid, including unique individuals. This also disguises their gear.), Med-Kit (used by Oards with the Field Medicine skill to fix people up with hyposprays, artificial skin, antibiotics and healing nano), Speech Bracelet (50 mile 2-way communications device), Superior Protection Belt (projects his forcefield armour. This requires an armour proficiency to use and provides protection equal to Plate)Oard Soldiers act as security for Oard facilities and muscle for raids when necessary. They also train in field medicine and weapons maintenance and construction.