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"Glory Hound" warrior, Oath of the Sagas (5.5e Paladin Oath of Glory re-skin)

by Marc Saindon


You believe that two things bind reality: the Wyrd (Destiny) and the Sagas. Naturally, the one way to make sure you become immortal is to have your name in the sagas by accomplishing great deeds and have the skalds sing about it. While it's certainly desired by most warriors, you make a career out of it.

Oath of the Sagas warriors believe themselves to be in-game the main characters of the story. Of course, they'll need side-kicks, fans and rivals to keep things entertaining. Lawful Good characters might be Prince Valiant, Lawful Evil are more like Gaston. Most stay neutral, as assbeating is a pretty gruesome job in Viking times. They have, however, some committment to the principle of Law, making sure their deeds are true (some "embellishments" are permitted, especially if they're from fans), and to the sacredness of the role of Skalds (they'll at least make sure no harm comes to those who speak the tales, and probably tip them well too).

These Paladins don't really form Orders or Chapters, they are more unique characters. Apprenticeship can typically the passing down the torch of one epic hero to another (early seasons of Xena and Gabrielle). Some might be reincarnated heroes of previous sagas who have hazy memories of a past life and want to reclaim their glory. They'll often team up with a Bard (Skald), although having a Rogue comic relief is also a staple (see Conan the Destroyr), as is having a wizard advisor (Conan's Akiro) to patch with with fox's fur what lion's can't cover.


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