Here I wanted a dragon that lived in the cloud realms alongside faeries and storm giants. And orange seemed to be the best available colour. The idea was that the cloud realms would in part be dependent on these super predators. And of course once you've got a cloud dragon thats orange it immediately conjures an image of that dragon coming at you in the orange light of sunset or sunrise.
Dragon, Orange (Sunstone)
by Cab Davidson
Stat Small Large Huge AC: 1 -1 -3 HD: 7** 11*** 15**** Move: As Black Dragon As Black Dragon As Black Dragon Attacks: As Black Dragon As Black Dragon As Black Dragon Number Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F7 F22 F36 Morale: 8 9 10 Treasure Type: H Hx2,I Hx3, Ix2 Intelligence: 8 9 10 Alignment: Lawful (Orange), Chaotic (Sunstone) XP Value: 1250 3500 5850
Spells Levels 1 2 3 4 5 Small 4 3 2 Medium 5 4 3 2 Large 6 5 4 3 2 Breath Weapon, Orange: Cloud of molten metal droplets (volume as green dragon. Sunstone: Cloud of molten metal drops + maze.
Orange dragons are inhabitants of the clouds and mountain tops, denizens of the cloud realm, making their lairs among the cloud folk such as faeries and storm giants. They hunt at lower altitudes, attacking prey in the orange glow of sunset and sunrise. They are good natured, friendly, and unless the sky realms are threatened they are unlikely to be interested in adventurers from the ground, except as curiosities on visits to their realm. Their breath weapon (conforming to the standard dragon breath rules for dragons) is a cloud of molten, super-reactive metal particles in steam, the particles themselves burning anything they touch. When it dissipates, the cloud forms the nucleation for more of the semi-solid clouds that the whole realm depends upon.Sunstone dragons share this realm, although rather than forming allegiances with the seelie they form unsteady links with the unseelie faeries. Their transluscent, gem like skin gives them a +2 bonus to surprise within a half hour of sunset or sunrise every day, and they use this to take prey in mountain ranges. They have a particular fondness for the flesh of dwarves. In addition to being subject to a burning metallic cloud, any victim who fails a saving throw vs. dragon breath or be subject to a maze spell. Sunstone dragons are aware of where and when each victim will return from the maze, and use this knowledge to plan how to attack (or retreat from) mazed characters.