List of BECMI/RC Classes
by Giampaolo AgostaHere are the alchemical potions I use, compared with the magical ones.
Name Potion Effect Alchemical Effect Agility 18 Dex +1 Dex (up to 18) Antidote Poison immunity Cure 1 specific poison Blending 90% indetectability +20% HS Bug Repellent +4 ST vs bug spells, Giant bugs must save +1 ST vs bug spells, Normal bugs must save Climbing 95% CW +20% CW (up to 95%) Fire Resistance Immune to normal fire, +2 ST vs fire, -1 dmg -1 dmg from normal fire, +1 ST vs fire Fortitude 18 Con +1 Con (up to 18) Freedom Immune to Hold spells +2 ST vs Paralysis Healing 1d6+1 HP 1d4 HP Strength 18 Str +1 Strength (up to 18) Swimming 180'/turn, cannot sink +2 Swimming (or can use proficiency) Water Breathing 4 hours 2d4 rounds (over the standard) Greek Fire N/A 1d4 HP (as flaming oil) Blinding N/A 1d4 rounds Eaterwater N/A 1d4 HP (acid damage) Cure Disease Cure 1 specific disease