Panda & Red Panda
by Håvard
STATS (BECMI) Panda Red Panda Armor Class 6 5 Hit Dice 4 (L) 1/2 (1d4) (S) Move 120( 40') 150' (50') Attacks 2 claws/1bite 1 bite Damage 1d3/1d3/1d4 1d4 No. Appearing 1 (1d2) 1d4 (2d6) Save As F2 F1 Morale 5 5 Treasure Type Nil Nil Intelligence 2 2 Alignment Neutral Neutral XP Value 75 5 Monster Type: Animal (Rare)
Panda's are black and white bears with rotund bodies. Their diet consists mainly of bamboo and other plant life.On Mystara, these bears are mostly found on Skothar. Panda's rely heavily on scent and leaving off chemicals in order to communicate with potential mates. Pandas are usually solitary creatures, but can be encoutered with a mate or cubs. They are usually not dangerous, but can attack if they feel threatened or if someone appears to threaten their cubs.
Red Pandas are not bears and only very distantly related to Pandas, but are rather musteloidea like Weasels, racoons etc. Their red and white fur makes them easy to recognize. Red Panda fur can be used for protection magic enchantments.
Terrain: Jungle, mountains