PC Classes in the Kingdom of Traldar
by HåvardHumans
From the Rules Cyclopedia
- Cleric
- Fighter
- Magic-User
- Thief
- Druid
- Mystic - Perhaps turning this class into a boxing or wrestling based class?
From Other Sources
- Griffon Rider (HWR3)
- Rake (DotE)
- Faun/Satyr (PC1)
- Dryad (PC1)
- Centaur (PC1)
- Hsiaoo (PC1)
- Harpy (PC2)
- Nixie (PC3)
- Minotaur (New)
I am also wondering if I should allow the following from HWR3 or if they should be reserved for Milenian characters?
Redhair (Cleric of Halav)
Midwife (Cleric of Vanya)
Holy Defender (Cleric of Petra)