New PC Race - Ungolwaith
by Steven B. WilsonAfter looking at my notes, I realise that we had made the character for OD&D. However, with some thought, reworking and using both the Complete Book of Humanoids and the Complete Barbarian's Handbook, I managed to come up with this:
Height (inches) Weight (lbs) Starting Age 70 + 1d6 175 + 1d10 15 + 4d4 Ability Score Adjustment: The initial ability scores are modified by a +2 bonus to strength, and a -2 penalty to intelligence.
Ability Score Range
Ability Minimum Maximum Str 12 19 Dex 10 17 Con 12 18 Int 3 16 Wis 3 16 Cha 3 16 Class Restrictions
Warrior Kit Source Max. Level Tribal Defender Humanoid 12 Desert Rider Barbarian 12 Wilderness Protector Humanoid 10
Priest Kit Source Max. Level Shaman Humanoid 7 Flamespeaker Barbarian 7 Hit Dice: Player character ungolwaith receive hit dice by class.
Alignment: Any Lawful.
Natural Armour Class
Age AC 0-39 7 40-74 6 75-111 5 112-149 4 150+ 3 Languages: The Talk (native), Elvish (Wendarian dialect)
Role-Playing Suggestions: Not only are ungolwaith non-human, they are not even a carbon-based lifeform. Therefore, their thinking is a little more different. They used to be very self-important and hostile (see DA3), but the years have humbled them and now they are a very spiritual, yet still somewhat aggressive, people.
Special Advantages: 2 attacks per round; bonus non-weapon proficiency: desert survival; can make themselves undetected in a desert setting, able to hide with a 90% chance of success.
Special Disadvantages: Cannot wear any armour better than AC 6 (most armour is camarilla hides worn by the younger members of the tribes); cannot eat the food of carbon-based lifeforms - therefore they must carry/prepare their own food taken from minerals in the ground (if preparing their own food, must have the cooking skill).
Monstrous Traits: -2 penalty on reaction checks due to appearance.
Common Weapon Proficiencies: Bastard sword, glaive, club, dagger, spear, axe, bola.
Common Non-weapon Proficiencies: Riding (camarilla), mountaineering, cooking, hiding, armourer (crude), foraging, weapon improvisation, weaponsmithing (crude).
Note: Most of the above skills were taking from the Complete Barbarian's Handbook