Phoenix, Winter
by Håvard
STATS (BECMI) LESSER* GREATER* Armor Class 2 -2 Hit Dice 9***** (M) 18*****(L) Move 90' (20') 150' (50') Flying 360' (120') 450' (150') Attacks 2 claws, 1 bite 2 claws, 1 bite Damage 1d6/1d6/2d6 2d6/2d6/4D6 No. Appearing 0 (1d2) 0 (1d2) Save As F10 F20 Morale 9 10 Treasure Type V Vx2 Intelligence 6 6 Alignment Neutral Neutral XP Value 4,400 8,8750 Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare)
It is said that Queen Laufey stole six Phoenix Eggs that she brought to her home plane of Niflheim. Since the eggs hatched in a plane of winter, something happened to the creatures born from them. Instead of fiery birds, these became massive creatures of ice and cold. The Winter Phoenixes now roam the planes of Niflheim, but are sometimes observed elsewhere and even used as mounts by incredibly powerful creatures of cold. Winter Phoenixes are immune to cold as well as charm and hold spells. Weapons of +2 or less do no damage to them.If slain, the Winter Phoenix will explode in shards of ice and snow doing damage to bystanders. The Phoenix will rise from the ice after 1 round and will then flee from its attackers.
Lesser Winter Phoenix: In addition to their claws and bite, opponents within 10' take 3d6 points of cold damage per round (no save). Its explosion causes 5d10 points of cold damage (Save vs. spell for half damage). Cold resistance does not help against these effects.Greater Winter Phoenix: In addition to their claws and bite, opponents within 20' take 6d6 points of cold damage per round (no save). Its explosion causes 10d10 points of cold damage (Save vs. spell for half damage). Cold resistance does not help against these effects.
The feathers of a Winter Phoenix can be used to create a Resist Cold Potion, or the Ice Storm Spell. Only one feather can be recovered each time a Winter Phoenix is killed. 3 feathers of a lesser winter phoenix or one feather of a greater winter phoenix can be used to make these potions. While the feather of a phoenix can be used in rituals to attain lichdom, it is unclear if the feathers of a Winter Phoenix will have the same effect.
Carrying Capacity: 1000 cn x HD at full speed or 2000 cn x HD at half speed.
Barding Modifier: Lesser x5, Greater X10Terrain: Planar, Arctic