Immortals from the Hollow World
by combatmedicI would start by excluding cultures/races with fewer than 100K members as of AC 1000. I am sure that HW populations have changed in size, waxing or waning over time; I still find the current population estimates to be the most useful tool for guessing at raw numbers of potential candidates for immortality.
This method yields the following possible origins:
- Antalians
- Azcans
- Beastman
- Brute-Men
- Elves of Icevale
- Jennites
- Kogolor Dwarves
- Krugel Orcs
- The Merry Pirates
- Milenians
- Nithians
- Oltecs
- Shadow Elves
- Tanagoro
- Traldar
- Tribesmen of Neathar
I expect a goodly number of native Immortals to come from the ranks of fighters and thieves, fewer from among M-Us and clerics, because casters are somewhat rare in the HW.
Here are some thoughts of mine on each of the listed cultures, and what sort of immortals we might see come from them in the HW.ANTALIANS
The HW Atlas, p22, notes that few Antalians have ever achieved Immortality (capitalized, meaning the actual condition of being an Immortal) even in the culture’s myths. Few, but that means some have done. I assume that includes the long memory of the race from its outer world origins, not only the time in the HW. But they have been in the HW a long time.
Let’s say a HW Antalian has achieved Immortal status since BC 1722.
What about basing this guy off DC’s Viking Prince, if Michael Moorcock had been hired to write for the comic? I’m talking about a doomed hero. It fits the fatalism of the culture. Immortality is actually a curse for him, although it also gives him special powers.NITHIANS
If a Nithian from the HW has achieved Immortal status, I would expect him to have been a pharaoh and cleric class character in life.NEATHAR
The obvious pick here is a guy based on Tarzan. Maybe he was raised by intelligent monsters of some kind, and so didn’t belong to any one human tribe. He wandered around, his legend growing among the many tribes of the Neathar. I dunno… Too obvious?KOGOLOR
Craft and war/fighting themes well covered by the existing Immortals worshipped by these dwarves. How about an Immortal interested more in nature/outdoor stuff: mountaineering, animal husbandry, fertility (including fertility of the soil as well as increase in the dwarf population)? A dwarf “ranger’’ type in mortal life, perhaps?THE MERRY PIRATES
This is a more recent culture, although it has ancient roots with the Traldar pirates. What about a Traldar buccaneer sponsored to Immortality to Korotiku? He would also count as a Traldar culture Immortal. Maybe a clever Odysseus type, but with a piratical bent?TRALDAR
Some kind of Herakles type figure should fit. Lion skin and a big club seem very HW appropriate to me.