Expanding the City of Quagmire
by JohnL73This post is an expansion of a previous post about X6: Quagmire. This module tries to introduce a large geographic area (the Serpent Peninsula) and several cities (Quagmire itself, Thanopolis and the Sunken City) in a 32 page module - as such it had to shorten various things and leave other details out. This post was also prompted by a discussion in the Piazza here about the module.
The City of Quagmire in the module is a single spiral building - personally I am not sure if this qualifies as a city. I would like to expand this so that the PCs are not completely underwhelmed when they arrive with the intention of saving the inhabitants of Quagmire: “42 humans? That’s what we’ve sailed across the Known World and Sea of Dread for?!”
The spiral tower detailed in the module is still there, and indeed this distinct shell-like style of architecture is prevalent in Quagmire: you can reuse the map given in the module for the six different towers in Quagmire that protrude above the waves. The ground of the city is now 20ft under the waves.
Named locations on the map
The Capital Tower: This was the centre of government for Quagmire and contains the survivors, monsters and treasure as the tower detailed in the module, including the king and 42 civilians (here civilians are all normal men, 0-level humans).
The Generals Tower: This tower holds only 20 survivors. Half of them are soldiers, the others are civilians. There were more but they suffered casualties in battles with lizard men forces
Captain Megrain (F5, Lawful, trying to maintain discipline)
Sergeant Tullich (F3, Neutral, wants to go out fighting, often encourages forays and counter attacks)
Sergeant Barnin (F3, mentally exhausted and does not know what to do, very unmotivated)
7 x Privates (F1)
The Magisters Tower. At the top are a cabal of 10 magic users. They are selfish and have refused sanctuary to civilians. Although they have slain the kna and lizardmen that invaded the lower levels, they still are not sure where to go from here without boats, and limited food and water.
Magister Olbadin (MU7, Chaotic, mentally unstable and a bit paranoid)
Junior Magister Sterria (MU5, Neutral, dislikes Olbadin, regrets shunning civilians)
Junior Magister Pattrovia (MU5, Neutral, just wants to get out of here alive)
7 x Apprentice Mages (MU2)
The Priests Tower: These 12 clerics are more generous than the magic users and have taken in 55 civilians. However, they are both paranoid about retaliation from Yavdlom and also very strict in their doctrine and discipline. The civilians with them in this tower have fallen in line with the clerics orders and believe everything the clerics say. There is some frustration that none of the clerics are powerful enough to the the Create Water or Create Food spells.
Curate Absalon (C5, Lawful but unstable, paranoid about Yavdlom agents, very strict)
Priest Canthor (C3, Lawful, trusts Curate Absalon absolutely, assumes he is correct about Yavdlom agents)
Priest Pelleni (C3, Lawful, not sure about Curate Absalon but cares about civilians and wants them to survive)
Priest Gandian (C3, Lawful, lapsed into despair and depression, is sure the gods hate this city and its inhabitants are damned)
8 x Acolytes (C1)
Below the clerics in the bottom of the tower there are several marine monsters, including a giant octopus and 3 giant crabs.
The Princes Tower: This used to be the centre of Quagmires merchants and traders but it has been completely overrun by monsters. There are no human survivors but there are 20 lizard men and a lizard man leader (see below).
The Vindicators Tower: Home of Quagmire's scouts and investigators. This tower now holds 30 civilians and 6 vindicators (4 thieves, 1 fighter, 1 magic user). They are penned up here by 3 kna and 10 lizard men in the levels below them.
Vindicator Melmor (MU4, Neutral, want to reconnect with the other towers, is sure there are other survivors)
Vindicator Tewmon (F3, Lawful, pious and not sure why this has happened to Quagmire)
Vindicator Pallasath (T4, Neutral, wants to escape with or without her friends, and either get back to Yavdlom or Ierendi)
3 x Junior Vindicators (T1)
This gives a total of 137 civilians + 38 with character class levels, so escorting them to safety could prove quite a logistical challenge. There may well be monsters such as lizard men on the bottom levels of the standing towers, keeping the humans trapped inside. If the DM feels that the single tower given in the module is quite sufficient (either in terms of monsters to fight or civilians to rescue) then the other towers are toppled and there are no human survivors in them. A combination of more foes to defeat and more civilians to rescue means that this could get overwhelming for a small adventuring party far from a home base. Multiple trips between Quagmire and the shoreline could be feasible if they have the time and other resources (food, water etc). This means that the adventure becomes quite different from the usual dungeon-crawl.
One option is to use diplomacy to get the more powerful residents of the towers onto the PCs side - at least some of them will be reasonable and open to suggestions - others may be harder to persuade. If these NPCs are allies rather than foes then the combat strength of the party and survivors is greatly enhanced, and the PCs become more welcome for any transport, water and food that they bring rather than their spells and swords.The Warehouses: These are now home to a gang of 4 Kna (see AC9 Creature Catalogue). They are hired by the lizard men as mercenaries and will attack any human they see.
The Old Docks were in use while they were partly above the water. Now there is a giant octopus patroling the piers looking for an easy meal.
The North Gatehouse now houses 3 giant crabs that are perpetually hungry
The South Gatehouse is empty
The Temple of the Waters holds 3 kna (see AC9 Creature Catalogue) who will assist the lizard men if called on.
The Arena has now become the lair of a Sea Dragon (see AC9 Creature Catalogue or Cook Expert Rules), Shishraa the Oceanic, that has started to gather a hoard of treasure from the underwater ruins. Shishraa has no interest in the human vs lizardman conflict but simply looks out for herself, particularly food and treasure.Marine Lizard Men
These are a subrace of lizard men with faces reminiscent of marine iguanas found on the coastlines and small islands around the Serpent Peninsula. They usually mind their own business but recently they have been encouraged to attack the humans of Quagmire (possibly by the Cult of Chaos, or maybe the Serpent folk).
In terms of combat they are exactly the same as normal lizard men, and they differ mainly in their appearance, habitats and culture. Marine lizard men can hold their breaths for up to an hour before needing to resurface, and they are excellent swimmers at ease in both salt and fresh water. Although called lizard men, a more apt name would be lizard-folk as the females are almost indistinguishable from the males and can fight along side the males just as well.
Marine lizard men are omnivorous, capable of eating a wide range of foods including terrestrial vegetables, seaweed, fish, molluscs and mammalian flesh. The last one is proving to be particularly popular as the city of Quagmire sinks and provides plenty of floundering, drowning morsels. The lizard men are not particularly malicious - they just don't have any compassion or empathy for humans and have no problem treating them as food.
Marine Lizard Man Leader: AC 5, Move 60ft/swim 120ft, HD 4+2 (20hp average), THAC0 15, Att 1 weapon for 1d6+2, Save F4, Ml 12, Align Neutral, XP 125
These leaders are often found in charge of bands of lizard men between 10 and 50 strong and may lead raiding parties. If the PCs encounter a raft manned by lizard men near Quagmire there may be a leader as the captain of the raft, particularly if there are more than 10 lizard men on the raft.Marine Lizard Man Warchief: AC 4, Move 60ft/swim 120ft, HD 8+4 (40hp average), THAC0 12, Att 1 weapon/1 tail for 1d6+3/1d4 + knock over, Save F8, Ml 12, Align Neutral, XP 650
Warchiefs are larger and meaner, standing perhaps 8ft tall. They can use their tails as a sweeping attack against their opponents legs - anyone hit by the warchief's tail takes 1d4 slam damage and must save vs paralysation or be knocked to the ground and must spend a round regaining their feet. Warchiefs are typically in charge of a tribe of over 50 lizard-folk with 2d4 marine lizard man leaders as lieutenants and bodyguards. In the X6 module there are 2 lizard man camps with 3d6x10 lizard men - a warchief is in charge of each of these. They have survived for several decades and are wily and experienced enough not to get into unnecessary fights, typically only getting involved in critically important battles or when personally attacked.