Elven Town of Rifllian
by RobinHere is the readjusted map of Rifflian made originally by Elvis Spadoni. Although his maps are ridiculously awesome, there were some discrepancies, which I had to resolve.
1) I seriously widened the river to a more realistic width (and more as per canon map/text data) where the boat can at last turn(sorry Elvis), and added a section of forest according the canon (and fanon including my own works).
2) I removed the southern road as the original B10 canon decrees there is none.
3) I also added the Ferry as per canon. The added sections I tore from Elvis other maps.
As such I added small sections of the regional 1mile hex map of mine and slighly readjusted country map from Karameikos Kingdom of Magic
4) I also added some extra buildings based on a fanon picture of Rifllian (see insert picture), and the necessarry Elven Treehomes to explain the Canon 170 inhabitants (an NOT 1700 as Gaz1, and only 220 after 1010AC as according KKoA).
These Elven homes are 50 to 100 feet above the ground and are one story tall, They have wooden walkways (without railings) in between which can be accessed at groundlevel in the village, near the well. ...or they are accessed by the tree with a circular stairway around the stem(this is where ground paths touch the trees)
The smaller and medium tree buildings are family homes. There are no shops or such here. That is done on the Ground.
The larger tree buildings are communal for elven eating times, political, parties or internal (Elves only) matters. Full Moon is heralded with dancing in these areas, and humans are only then welcome to enter the fray, although they are mostly somewhat ridiculed when dancing, as they mostly lack the grace most elves have.
The eastern large woodbuilding has two small towers, where magic is researched and developped, items created. Like all elven matters, these take much more time than that of humans doing the same.
The wooden pathways sometimes go through structures. That is normal among Elves. The Building then has Functions on either side of the path or curves around the building underneath the roof
5) I added the two southwestern trails which end at the escarpment (see 1mile hex insert)
6) The medium Northern Tree Structure is an Elven Guard Garrison (see Expert Book and Gaz1)
7) I also added the canon textual descriptions from B10
To explain the well existence so close to a river, it can be said the elves do not like the human pollution in the water and prefer clean well water. The river water is used solely to water the animals, or to fish and swim in.More information Canon and Fanon merged
River Windrush; Spring/Winter; Temp; 0-3C, Water speed 60'/r, water at Rifllian at ', Depth 3'-50'
Summer/Autumn; Temp; 3-5C, Water speed 30'/round. Water at Rifllian at ' Depth 2'-45'
Used for Log Transport(logs must be bound together and steered by Logwalkers), Fishing(angles and Net), and some Vessels to Threshold (Galley or winddriven) and Kelvin (downstream any, even single use rafts)
South of Rifllian Water speed increases 30' round up to 7 miles, and then return to normal due elevation. Some vessels without sails or paddles when the wind is downstream. must use land mounts on the shore to get upstream here, yet there is no road or trail, which makers this difficult
Total Population 170, 8% Young, 19% old
The village is a lush flower garden, with sandy/gravel paths and road north and small tended vegetable fields in between, or open areas for cattle (enclosed by fence or rope)
There is no Market, yet passingby merchants regularly (1-3 times a week) sell from their wagon or vessel (prices at 130% normal) The pay a local tax of 10% income to the Callarii ElvesFanon and Canon Named locals (ages at 1000AC)
1) Nuemlenie. Hunter, Female Elf 3 age 77
2) Kethass Silia. Fisher, Male Elf 4 age 56, Married to Lessy
3) Kethass Lessy. Dockmaster Female Elf 2 age 64, Married to Silia
4) Evana. Dairy Female Elf 1 age 110
5) Tekneas. Bakery Male Elf 2 age 211
6) Boris Kevars. Ropemaker Male Traladaran Human T2 age 42 (Wife drowned an Buried in the forest, he does not want to leave her)
7) Porsteryn. Paper and parchment maker Male Elf 2 age 93
8) Gosyr. Groceries Male Elf 3 age 33(very young, just begun this shop this year)
9) Colestearin. Meat Vendor, Charcuterie Female Elf 2 Age 202
10) Stubbs Platterman, Male Hin (prices Fixed) age 55 (owning selfbuild Silver Swan Inn 19 years)
11) Torysyn. Potion maker. Male Elf 12 Age 107 ( preperation of 2+2d3 equal potions takes roughly 3 weeks per similar effect spell level in the potion , a Cure Light Wounds Potion thus would take 3 weeks to make, and have an individual base price of 1300gp/ per similar effect spell level in the potion. There is a 20% chance a bothersome, a quirk exists in a potion, like skincolor chance(CH-1), flatulency(CH-2), pimples(CH-1), Hiccups(Dx-1), fever(Co-1), Weakness (ST-1), Headache (IN-1), Dizzyness (WI-1). These will take effect 1d3 turns after consuming, cannot be detected and will rarely last more than 1 week (DM) )
12) Ilkynniy'ng. Winery. Female Elf 1 73 (regularly too drunk by tasting own beverages)
13)Prestelle. Trader, Townmaster Female Elf 3 Age 122
14) Holyy'ing Family. Forester (Tena Male Elf 3 age 157, Sanase Female Elf 2 age 178, Kimis Female Elf 1 age 16, and Torers Male Elf 1 age 23)
15) Iny'wa'ass. Clothier. Male Elf 2, age 52 (loves humans, follower of the Human Thyatian Goddess of Love Valerias)
16 16A, 16B) Jolytion. Ferryman, Fisher Male Elf 3 age 82 (Brassbell on eitherside calls him. Set price 1gp/person, 2gp/mount, will not respond if there are no visible passengers (there is a note underneath the bell with the prices, and that the passengers must be visible from the otherside)
17) Lilissarde. Wise woman Female Elf 4 age 462, (an Elven cliric if that exist in your campaign, else a sageable Elve highly experienced in religious matters. Opposed to The Cult of Halav and the Dwarven /Gnome religionn of Kagyar and Garal Glitterlodde, Neutral to Churck of Karameikos, Positive to Church of Traladara, Neutral to local older religions, Negative to Humanoid Religions)
18) Shrine to Ilsundal, Mealiden, and Callari (under control by Lilissarde
19) Ternysinn. Armorer(leather). Female Elf 2 age 87 (products take 1d3 days per GP cost to make. Costs at 220% normal, however double material hp/durability, and Charisma +1 to Elves)
Other Elven Characters as those From entirepartykilled live in the Treehomes
Yet the village is not harbouring 2000, only 170 (still crowded in elven opinions) the rest will live in the deep Radlebb Woods in villages there.
20) Othar Longbranch. Magic Item trader, (retired adventurer), Male Elf6, age 331
21) Talashinelyn. Herbs and Balms. Female Elve 2, age 272. Female Elf 2, age 272 (sells all Hedge Wizard stuff as in Pages of Virtue pages 75-82 at 120% base value, she loves bargaining. and as per B10 begins offering at 200% of that value if selling, and at 1/3rd of that value if buying.
22) Tensyl family. Carpenter Inya Male Elf3, age 37, Female Elf 2, age 91
23) Terynnma. Horse trainer, Male Elf2, age 100
24) Sawmill under controll of Tensyl family (Pregnant)
25) Nightwatch; under control Elven Guard. ( 1 elf takes service between sunset and sunrise.)
26) Methasina'yin, small library and record keeping; Female Elf age 92. Librarian , record keeper
27) Elven Guard; 1 elf (level 2 to 3). Pigeon messenger Elven matters onlyEG) Elven Guard; Locally only 10 Male Elves 3. Under Thalys'n Male Elf 4 age 49, of the Elven Guard placed locally (northern Treebuilding. 50% chance per 8 hr period they are away on patrols. In case of lawbreakers, they make arrest and Transport the culprit either to Kelvin in common cases or to Malass(Goldleaf) in the Callarii Woods in cases of Elven matter)
In case of Legal Matters Prestelle take the Court, and according Karameikan Law a Prosecutor(hired by state) and Advocate(hired by 'victim'). the Elven Guard are police further as decreed b gaz1, (and the Series Law & Order )a normal sailing vessel (Group of 1d4 vessels) will visit or pass by Rifllian at least once a week on either direction. (based on the Sailing vessels pictured from the Blue expert box www.deviantart.com/6inchnails/…
Fixed prices means that no bargaining is possible
The Callarii are newcomers, having arrived only 1800 years ago along with Mealiden’s migration.They are related to the elves of Alfheim and the Erewan elves of Glantri. The Callarii occupy the forests of central Karameikos, in particular the Radlebb woods as well as Achelos and the westernmost part of Dymrak. Their most important locale is the trading town of Rifflian. The Callarii are healthy and robust, with tan skin, white or blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Callarii Elves wear robes decorated with leaf-patterns, are great lover of horses. Symbol; Sad woman on a white horse(Epic Heroine Callarii), Swords, Daggers, Longbows. Treehouses in Rifllian,The Callarii are interested in horse riding, horse breeding and river boating. They also form the elite force of King Stefan, the Elvenguard. The Callarii follow Ilsundal, Mealiden and their own patron Maiden Heroine; lady Callarii.
I made this for my players, simply, functional, yet holds serious cut&paste art flaws, as I did use windows paint 1997.
As this map is made from various maps of Elvis Spadoni his B10 work, it is still fitting that work and scales used there.Update; 01--06-2023; added floor altitudes, building height and number of floors where needed. buildings without these are between 6-10' height at the low sides and 10-20' height at the top, reet covered roof, with at best a sleeping floor between the rafters accesible by a ladder. Chimneys are 2 feet higher at best. Reet next to chimneys is often lead plated to prevent spark fires, or is treated with a solution that resists fire as long as moist