by Brian Caraway(Independent Trading Village, allied to the Grand Duchy of Karameikos)
Who Rules: Trademistress Prestelle Highstar (NG ef F5/C5 of Corellon Larethian), a bright and shrewd semi-retired adventurer, whose ability to deal with problems quickly and efficiently has earned her the mantle of leadership for this community for the past ten years.
Who Really Rules: Duke Stefan Karameikos, with whom Lady Prestelle has an agreement to enforce his laws when dealing with humans and visitors to the Radlebb Forest and her communities. When dealing with their own residents, the Calarii elves follow their own customs and laws.
Population: About 170 elves and humans dwell in Rifllian Village proper, with more than 1,500 elves and 500 humans dwelling in the Radlebb Woods to the immediate west, in small enclaves and homesteads as well as the other five villages in the region (see Local Lore).
Major Products: Trade, crafts, items of elvish manufacture, horses.
Armed Forces: A squadron of the Elvenguard are in permanent residence here (25 elven F4s, 25 F3/M3s, 15 R5s, and 10 C5 (of either Solonor Thelandira, Corellon Larethian, or Rillifane Ralathil), led by Solaetril Soulswood (NG ef F6/M7 [Bladesinger kit]), as they keep the peace in the villages and patrol the surrounding area. In times of crisis, however, the Calarii clan can draw upon its own to help (approximately 500 elf F1-5 or F1-4/M1-5) to deal with most threats.
Local Laws: After a spirited round of negotiation with Duke Stefan, Prestelle was able to keep autonomy for her community in return for adopting The Duke's Law for those humans that dwell in and around Rifllian, and those who enter it. Elves of the Calarii clan mete out elven justice to their own.
Notable Mages:
Othar Longbranch (NG em W15) Othar is a retired adventurer and runs a shop selling magical items of high efficacy. Prospective buyers are secretly probed of their intentions by his wife and business partner, Jalaitha (NG ef Psi10).
Argentian (LN hm W(Diviner)8) A seclusive person, Argentian fled from Thyatis when he killed an important official who was about to commit treason. Several powerful friends of that official twisted the story around to make Argentian the traitor, and put a large bounty on his head. He has lived in Rifllian for only several months and wishes to extract his family from the empire.
Maylen Silverbow (CG em W12) A playful young elf, Maylen grew into his power quickly, having adventured in Alfheim for several decades. Now "taking a break" of a few decades from his journeys, he tutors lesser mages.
Notable Churches: There are no organized churches in Rifllian proper, as most of the populace revere and worship their respective deities in their own ways. Prestelle does lead services in the worship of Corellon, being the highest-ranking member of the clergy in the community, and there is a shrine to Rillifane Rallathil a few miles north of town, with another to Solonor Thelandira several miles to the west, roughly halfway between Rifllian and Autumnhome.
Notable Rogues’ and Thieves Guilds: None known. While there are a few elven rogues in Rifllian, most of those usually prey on traders who either deal dishonorably or try to trade illicit goods, such as slaves.
Equipment Shops: Partial, poor in winter.
Adventurers’ Quarters: For adventurers and travelers, the only game in town is the Silver Swan Inn, run by one Stubbs Plattermann (LG 1/2m F5). The fare and lodgings are more than most would expect for an inn in such a small town, a true bargain (excellent/good).
Important Characters:
Brielae Soaringsky (NG ef F4/W5), an adventurer who makes her home in the Radlebb Woods when she is not out on the road or assisting her friend Ethrin (see below) in his missions for Rifllian.
Ethrin Shadowstalker (CG em R8), also an adventurer, is a friend and sometimes companion of Brielae. He is most often found traveling through Radlebb Woods, checking out rumors of evil goblinoids encroaching the villages and homesteads around Rifllian.
Taya Moonsfall (CG hf F4), a former inhabitant of Tanglewood, she is currently searching for her close and dear friend, Arravis (NG hm F5).
Important Features in Town: Rifllian looks like any other large village, with several dozen buildings arranged in a seemingly haphazard pattern along the riverside. Lady Prestelle usually conducts business from her small manor in the center of the village.
Local Lore: Rifllian has five smaller villages relatively close to her; Nialwealde twelve miles to the south, Tanglewood twenty-four miles to the southwest, Springwood twelve miles to the west-southwest, Autumnhome sixteen miles to the west, and Birchwood only eight miles to the northwest. Well-worn trails connect each village to the other, and trade between them is fairly brisk. Tanglewood and Birchwood are occupied mostly by humans, Autumnhome and Nialwealde primarily by elves, and Springwood by half-elves.
Over the last ten years, the village of Springwood has become an enclave for half-elves and outcasts of goodly bent, led by Taelethal (NG hem P7 of Beleghir). Some of the more intolerant peoples of the area (both humans and elves) have sometimes come into conflict with the denizens of this growing community, because they see this community as a blight of the area, despite their official standing. Prestelle wants the instigators of these conflicts caught and brought to justice (Character levels 3-5, investigation, role-play, combat, find out that the Iron Ring is behind it as an initial stab into the region for slave taking).
Although Rifllian has such heroes as Brielae Soaringsky and Ethrin Shadowstalker, Lady Prestelle is always looking for those willing and able to help defend those dwelling in the Radlebb Woods. Any adventuring group that wishes to can become what Prestelle calls Defenders of Rifllian, by signing either a three-month, six-month, or full-year contract to be on call to help with whatever problems the villages or the surrounding inhabitants may be having. It can be lucrative, as Prestelle herself metes out rewards according to the size of the problem and the effectiveness with which the problem is handled.
Tanglewood Village has strangely gone silent, and Mistress Prestelle wants to find out why (Against the Cult of the Reptile God rewrite, level 2-5).