by Jacob SkytteGreetings & salutations dear reader.
I am Jacobus Scythus of Thyatis City. Being a scribe as well as an apprentice mage, I have had the opportunity to study under a few noteworthy scholars and wizards. My most knowledgeable master by far was the great wizard Rikard Prospero. I was apprenticed to him for a few years (namely AC 1010-1012), before he decided to leave the Empire due to his renewed interest in "adventuring".
As most of you will already know Prospero was the publisher of the famous Poor Wizard's Almanac. At times accused of being an accountant and always listing facts as if they were inventories, this is actually one of his greatest assets, and the most noteworthy thing he ever taught me! (Of course that ESP spell he taught me comes in handy at times as well.) But let me get to the point. During my apprenticeship to said Prospero, he made me read all kinds of source materials, and made me list all kinds of noteworthy as well as not-quite-so noteworthy facts and information. And since I am currently without master, my finances have been running low. Thus I let myself be convinced by some scholar friends to share some of the knowledge I obtained during my apprenticeship under Prospero.
Mind you, this knowledge is all from various sources, including Prospero's own publications; I am a scholar, not an adventurer; and thus there is hardly any news in it. What you will find is instead lists and tables stating all kinds of odd facts, presented in a (hopefully) easy-to-grasp format.
One of my more memorable assignments were the gathering of information of rulers and famous folk all over the known (and not-so-known) world. Please note that although Prospero claimed that the Empire of Alphatia survived beneath our feet in a so-called Hollow World, I have disregarded these claims as they have not been proven to be true beyond a doubt as of this date.
So, without further babbling from me, let me introduce to you the first table of well-known and obscure facts.Jacobus Scythus
Thyatis City, AC 1014Special thanks go to Christian "Krieg!" Constantin for providing info from GAZ14 and Håvard for guiding me to TSRs Savage Coast section.
Abbreviations: B: Bard (AD&D), C: Cleric, Dr: Druid, Dw: Dwarf, DwC: Dwarf-Cleric (GAZ6), E: Elf, EL: Elf Lord (GAZ5), ES: Elf Shaman (GAZ13), EW: Elf Wizard (GAZ5), F: Fighter, Fo: Forester (DotE), Go: Goblin, H: Hin, Ko: Kobold, Me: Merchant (GAZ11), Mg: Mage (AD&D), MU: Magic-User (D&D), My: Mystic (D&D), NM: Normal Man, NW: Normal Woman, Pa: Paladin, Pe: Pegataur, R: Ranger (AD&D), SE: Shadow Elf, Sh: Shaman (D&D), T: Thief, Th: Thug (D&D), WD: Witch Doctor (AD&D), Wi: Wicca (D&D), WW: Wise Woman (GAZ7)
All years are AC (After Crowning of the first Thyatian emperor). Levels are given for AC1000/AC1010/AC1011/AC1012/AC1013 unless otherwise noted.
Abasi (-997) (-/-/-/-/-) Mokuba (Overlord) of Yavdlom (-997) Abatai (////) Wife of Moglai Khan Abatu of Varellya (Nagpa:9////) Twin-Brother of Lothir King of Varellya (565-?) Abiade (////) Tayme (Queen) of the Karimari (-984) Abovombe (938-) (F:4////) Daughter of Mananjary Manaraka's Ambassador to Alphatia Actavius, Geraldan (950-) (F:20//F:22/F:15/) Count of Actius in Thyatis Adalard, Hermann (988-) (///F:9/) Governor of Oceansend (1011-) in Heldann Aendyr, Lathan (988-) (MU:5////) Son of Serena & Volospin Aendyr Brother of Thylera Aendyr Aendyr, Serena (MU:10////) Wife of Volospin Aendyr Mother of Lathan (988) & Thylera (994) Aendyr Aendyr, Thylera (994-) (MU:4////) Daughter of Serena & Volospin Aendyr Sister of Lathan Aendyr Aendyr, Uthar (F:9////) Brother of Volospin Aendyr Constable of Volnay in Glantri Aendyr, Volospin (-1006) (MU:22/-/-/-/-) Brother of Uthar Aendyr Husband of Serena Aendyr Father of Lathan (988) & Thylera (994) Aendyr Count of Silverston (-1006) in Glantri Prince of Blackhill (-1006) in Glantri Chancellor of Glantri (-1006) Af Shadower (////) Guild Master of the Thieves Guild of the Minrothad Guilds Aiklin (939-) (MU:36/MU:36/MU:36/Mg:20/) Headmaster of the University of Air Magics in Aeria Temporary Regent of Aeria (1009-1010) Grand Duke of Aeria (1010-) Aketheti I-XIII (MU:15////) Daughter of the Night Spider Wife of Ramenhotep X Wife of Ramenhotep XXIII Queen of Thothia (-1002) Akin (960-) (F:34//F:34/Ra:19/) Leader of the Thunder Brigade of Ulimwengu War Leader of the Karimari al-Kalim, Mohammed (957-) (/C:20/C:20/C:14/C:14) Sultan of the Emirates of Ylaruam (990-) Scion of al-Kalim al-Kalim, Suleiman (800-900) (-/-/-/-/-) Founder of the Confederated Tribes of the Emirates of Ylaruam (831) Sultan of the Emirates of Ylaruam (831-860) Author of the Nahmeh (855?) Alebane (976-) (Ogre:10/Ogre:10/Ogre:10/Ogre F:10/Ogre F:10) Ogre-Lord of the Broken Lands King of Lower Ogremoor Alevar (-/-/-/-/-) King of Alfheim (350BC-100) Alfgeir Hordson (-987) (-/-/-/-/-) Son of Hord Dark-Eye & Rhora Anlafsdottir Half-Brother of Finn Hordson, Geir Hordson, Igrid Yrsasdottir & Sighvat Hordson Prince of Ostland Husband of Stefania Torion (987) Alfgeir Vagnson (////) Head of Fosterhead Clan in Vestland Alkin (F:2////) Sergeant of the Guard of Verge in Karameikos de Almarrón y Escudor, Maximiliano (////) Former Heir to the Barony of Almarrón Barón of Almarrón (1008-) Alrethus (MU:19////) Second-in-Command and Personal Assistant to Hosadus, the Master of Hule Altmark, Heinrich (F:8////) Castellan of Twolakes Vale in Norwold Amanda of Alexis (F:15////) Marshall of Skullheim Castle in the Barony of Twolakes Vale in Norwold d'Ambreville, Camille (MU:15////) Sister of Marie-Helene d'Ambreville Mother of Charles, Étienne, Henri, Magdalene, Richard & Simon d'Ambreville d'Ambreville, Catherine (MU:13////) Wife of Étienne d'Ambreville Mother of Claude & Jean-Louis (950) d'Ambreville Glantri's Ambassador to Thyatis d'Ambreville, Charles (MU:9////) Brother of Étienne, Henri, Magdalene, Richard & Simon d'Ambreville Husband of Isabelle d'Ambreville d'Ambreville, Claude (F:10////) Son of Catherine & Étienne d'Ambreville d'Ambreville, Étienne (-1009) (MU:36/-/-/-/-) Son of Camille d'Ambreville Brother of Charles, Henri, Magdalene, Richard & Simon d'Ambreville Husband of Catherine d'Ambreville Father of Claude & Jean-Louis (950) d'Ambreville Vicomte de Sylaire (-1009) in Glantri Prince of Nouvelle Averoigne (-1009) in Glantri Grand Master of the Great School of Magic (-1009) d'Ambreville, Gaston (MU:9////) Son of Marie-Helene d'Ambreville Brother of Guillaume d'Ambreville Constable de Vyonnes in Glantri d'Ambreville, Georges (////) Son of Isidore & Richard d'Ambreville Brother of Monique d'Ambreville d'Ambreville, Guillaume (MU:10////) Son of Marie-Helene d'Ambreville Brother of Gaston d'Ambreville Husband of Janette d'Ambreville Cultural Censor of Nouvelle Averoigne in Glantri d'Ambreville, Henri (-1011) (MU:12/MU:15/MU:15/-/-) Son of Camille d'Ambreville Brother of Charles, Étienne, Magdalene, Richard & Simon d'Ambreville Prince of Nouvelle Averoigne (1010-1011) in Glantri Vicomte de Sylaire (1010-1011) in Glantri d'Ambreville, Isabelle (MU:12////) Wife of Charles d'Ambreville d'Ambreville, Isidore (MU:11/MU:11/MU:12/Mg:12/Mg:11) Mother of Georges & Monique d'Ambreville Wife of Richard d'Ambreville Princess of Nouvelle Averoigne (1009-1010) (1011-) in Glantri Vicomtesse de Sylaire (1009-1010) (1011-) in Glantri Chamberlain of Glantri (1011-) d'Ambreville, Janette (MU:9////) Wife of Guillaume d'Ambreville Cultural Censor of Nouvelle Averoigne in Glantri d'Ambreville, Jean-Louis (950-) (F:12////) Son of Catherine & Étienne d'Ambreville Brother of Claude d'Ambreville Constable de Perigon in Glantri d'Ambreville, Magdalene (F:8////) Daughter of Camille d'Ambreville Sister of Charles, Étienne, Henri, Richard & Simon d'Ambreville d'Ambreville, Marie-Helene (F:15////) Sister of Camille d'Ambreville Mother of Gaston & Guillaume d'Ambreville d'Ambreville, Monique (////) Daughter of Isidore & Richard d'Ambreville Sister of Georges d'Ambreville d'Ambreville, Richard (F:10/F:10/F:11/F:11/) Son of Camille d'Ambreville Brother of Charles, Étienne, Henri, Magdalene & Simon d'Ambreville Husband of Isidore d'Ambreville Father of Georges & Monique d'Ambreville d'Ambreville, Simon (C:35////) Son of Camille d'Ambreville Brother of Charles, Étienne, Henri, Magdalene & Richard d'Ambreville Andreana, Sabrina (//F:9/F:9/) Countess of Halathius in Thyatis Anlaf Geirmundson (////) Head of Vestpont Clan in Ostland Antonic, Halia (974-) (MU:7////) Wife of Retameron Antonic Antonic, Retameron (969-) (F:9/F:18///) Son of Teranon Antonic Husband of Halia Antonic Ruler of Verge in Karameikos Baron of Verge in Karameikos Minister of War to Karameikos (1010-) Antonic, Teranon (942-) (F:5////) Father of Retameron Antonic Anupalassar II "the Firebranded" (////) Son of Dargon I King of Nimmur Anya (1005-) (-////) Heir to Nova Svoga Arant (984-) (////) Daughter of Moglai Khan Arloen Treelife (E:10////) Grunalf Clan's Senior Representative to the Alfheim Council of Clans Arnulf Burison (////) Head of Landersfjord Clan in Vestland Mayor of Landersfjord in Vestland Arthaulf the Forthright (////) Son of Euric Baron of Mohesia in Eusdria Asgrim the Bowed (959-) (C:21/C:25/C:25/C:15/C:15) High Priest of Odin Royal Adviser to the Court of Ostland (990-) Ashupta, Dharjee (973-) (////) Son of Jalil Ashupta Ashupta, Jalil (//F:11/F:11/) Father of Dharjee Ashupta (973) Maharajah of Putnabad in Sind Khan of Putnabad (990-) Askold Steinson (////) Head of Hostmore Clan in Vestland Askold Ubbison (////) Head of Varmgard Clan in Ostland Aslak Illugison (////) Head of Valgard Clan in Vestland Atadervis, Ismet (////) High Dervish of Uzümir Ator I "Ole Grey Fangs" (////) Slayer of King Osh III Queen of Ator (986-) Audra the Masked (////) Leader of the Crimson Inheritors in Saragón Augusto (////) Adviser to the Baronesa de Torreón Bakai (983-) (////) Daughter of Moglai Khan Wife of Batu Khan Bakalgu the Destroyer (938-) (MU:26////) Hakomon of the Kaeruts of Ethengar Bakaloo "Sunskin" (////) Son of Woy "The Dreamer" Ruler of Wallara Baldassar, Gregorio (////) Governor of Gaity (1011-) Bali Farawarf (Dw:1////) Sister of Dia Farawarf Wife of Korin Orinwarf Mother of Balin Korinwarf (950) & Balis Baliwarf (952) Head of the Torkrest Clan in Rockhome Balin Korinwarf (950-) (Dw:12////) Son of Bali Farawarf & Korin Orinwarf Brother of Balis Baliwarf Captain of the Army of Rockhome (985-995) General of Dengar Garrison (995-) in Rockhome Balis Baliwarf (952-) (Dw:10////) Daughter of Korin Orinwarf Sister of Balin Korinwarf Captain of the Army of Rockhome (987-997) General of Fort Denwarf (997-) in Rockhome Baralius, Deitica (969-) (/F:18/F:18/F:14/) Governor-General of Septentriona Protectorate Barana-Ui "Orchid-Soul" (////) Daughter of Ujiri-Xuu "Forest-Whisper" Queen of Jibarú Barburgh, Leethila (F:5////) Ierendi's Ambassador to Five Shires Bargle the Infamous (962-) (MU:15/MU:28/MU:28/Mg:17/Mg:17) Magist of the Black Eagle Barony (-1010) in Karameikos Barimoor (MU:36////) Master of Barimoor's underground complex beneath Ylaruam Basti (////) Daughter of Kadan Khan Wife of Manghai Batu Khan (976-) (F:10////) Husband of Bakai Khan of the Bortaks (996-) in Ethengar Beasthunter (350-) (E:10////) Mate of Coolhands Clanmaster of Clan Long Runner in Alfheim Beaumarys-Moorkroft, John (MU:16////) Duke of Hightower in Glantri de Belcadiz, Alejandro (E:8////) Husband of Blanca de Belcadiz de Belcadiz, Blanca (E:3////) Daughter of Victoria de Belcadiz Sister of Carmina de Belcadiz Wife of Alejandro de Belcadiz de Belcadiz, Carlo (E:6////) Husband of Maria de Belcadiz (999) Constable of New Alvar in Glantri Leader of F.A.E.R.Y. in Glantri de Belcadiz, Carmina (E:7////) Daughter of Victoria de Belcadiz Sister of Blanca de Belcadiz de Belcadiz y Fedorias, Carnelia (812-) (E:10/E:10/E:10/E F:12,Mg:18/E F:12,Mg:18) Daughter of Leontina de Belcadiz Sister of Diego, Hippolito & Rikardo de Belcadiz Mother of Maria, Miguelito & Sancho de Belcadiz Princess of Belcadiz (991-) in Glantri Marquesa del Alhambra in Glantri Vice-Queen of Monteleone in Glantri High Mistress of Witchcraft/Wokanism de Belcadiz, Diego (E:9////) Son of Leontina de Belcadiz Brother of Carnelia, Hippolito & Rikardo de Belcadiz Senor Capitano of Bramyra in Glantri de Belcadiz, Hippolito (E:9////) Son of Leontina de Belcadiz Brother of Carnelia, Diego & Rikardo de Belcadiz Castellan of Monteleone in Glantri de Belcadiz, Leontina (E:6////) Sister of Yolanda de Belcadiz Niece of Victoria de Belcadiz Mother of Carnelia (812), Diego, Hippolito & Rikardo de Belcadiz de Belcadiz, Maria (E:2////) Daughter of Carnelia de Belcadiz Sister of Miguelito & Sancho de Belcadiz Wife of Carlo de Belcadiz de Belcadiz, Maximillian (E:10////) Second cousin to Carnelia, Diego & Hippolito de Belcadiz First Secretary to Glantri's Ambassador to Alfheim de Belcadiz, Miguelito (E:3////) Son of Carnelia de Belcadiz Brother of Maria & Sancho de Belcadiz de Belcadiz, Rikardo (E:7////) Brother of Carnelia, Diego & Hippolito de Belcadiz de Belcadiz, Sancho/Etheriam (989-) (E:1////) Son of Carnelia de Belcadiz Brother of Maria & Miguelito de Belcadiz de Belcadiz, Victoria (E:9////) Aunt of Leontina de Belcadiz Mother of Blanca & Carmina de Belcadiz de Belcadiz, Yolanda (E:5////) Sister of Leontina de Belcadiz Wife of Fernando de Casanegra Belden, Nosmo (961-1010) (F:14,Me:7//-/-/-) Captain of the Agate (-1010) Belfin Elf-Friend Dorfinwarf (Dw:12////) Husband of Gilia Songsmith Toriswarf (960) Head of the Wyrwarf Clan in Rockhome Senator to Rockhome for the Family of Kurutar Benji Frankfoot (H:8////) Five Shires' Ambassador to Alfheim Beovilda the Blunt (////) Daughter of Onulf Duchess of Frisonnia in Eusdria Bersi Broadaxe (////) Head of Uplands Clan in Vestland Beryam "The Deft" (////) Daughter of Balmoroth of Berevrom Viscountess of Berevrom in Herath Biazzan, Babrak (F:14//F:18/F:14/) Baron of Biazzan in Thyatis Bifia Bifiwarf (Dw:5////) Head of the Hurwarf Clan in Rockhome de Bigotillos y Copetez, Crístobal "El Barbudo" (////) Husband of Catalina de Bigotillos y Narvaez Ruler of Guadalante de Bigotillos y Copetez, Guillermo (-?) (/-/-/-/-) Husband of Maria de Bigotillos y Copetez Ruler of Guadalante (985-?) Father of Dante de Bigotillos y Copetez, Maria (////) Wife of Guillermo de Bigotillos y Copetez Ruler of Guadalante (985-?) Mother of Dante de Bigotillos y Narvaez, Catalina (////) Daughter of Hugo de Narvaez y Montoya Sister of Julio de Narvaez y Sotto, Damita & Monte (990) de Narvaez Husband of Crístobal de Bigotillos y Copetez Ruler of Guadalante Black King, The (MU:36////) King of Alphaks' Volcano Black Queen, The (C:36////) Queen of Alphaks' Volcano Black Rajah, The (//MU:36/Mg:20/) Rajah of Jaibul Blanceer, Eliz (////) Master Treasurer of the Minrothad Guilds Blergix the Tall (////) Son of Medonix Duke of Avernos in Robrenn Blyskarats, Gilla (950-) (DwC:12//DwC:12/Dw C:12/) Baroness of Buhrohur in Thyatis Bodvar Dogleg (////) Head of Havardholm Clan in Ostland Boldizar of Aasla (//MU:20//) Fire Serpent Spirit (1009-1010) Bolto Nordenshield (Dw:8////) Rockhome's Ambassador to Karameikos Bratagh "The Impervious" (////) King of the Tribe of the Silent Death Brendian Erendyl (E:8////) Clanmaster of Clan Erendyl in Alfheim Brevoel the Swift (////) Son of Maloel Count of Suerba in Robrenn Brightsword (550-) (E:8////) Captain of the Guard of Clan Red Arrow in Alfheim Brivaela the Sagacious (////) Daughter of Clothual Baroness of Uthuínn in Robrenn Broderick (969-) (///F:17/F:17) Commander of the Seashield Forces in Aquas Commander in Chief of the New Alphatian Empire (1012-) Broknag the Sly (971-) (///Go C:8,T:10/) Adviser to Prince Kol (1011-) Budulug, Rannigar (MU:18////) Guildmaster of the Guild of Spokesmen in Glantri Caerefel (////) Wife of Telemon Mother of Tanadaleyo (679) Calturix the Bloodthirsty (////) Son of Demiatix Baron of Nemausa in Robrenn Canolocarius, Angelarian (NM////) Senator of Thyatis City Carlisan (E:6////) Counsellor to the Clanmaster of Chossum in Alfheim Cartoas (993-) (////) Daughter of Moglai Khan de Casanegra, Fernando (E:9////) Husband of Yolanda de Belcadiz Marques de Satolas in Glantri Catherine I "The Lioness" (////) Daughter of King Lionel I of Dorsythe Queen of Bellayne Celedryl (////) King of Alfheim (100-700) Celtar of Iron (F:6////) Sheriff of Gollim in the Barony of Twolakes Vale in Norwold Sergeant Marshall of the Baronial Guard of Twolakes Vale in Norwold Ceowulf War-Tooth (////) Head of Hedden Clan in Soderfjord Chagatai Khan (945-) (C:24////) Khan of the Yakkas (975-) in Ethengar Chibai Khan (-1450BC) (-/-/-/-/-) Lord of the Ethengar Steppes (1485BC-1450BC) Cimarron, General (-1008) (/-/-/-/-) Father of John, Morris & Patrick Cimarron Earl of Cimarron (980-1008) Cimarron, John "of the Wain" (////) Son of General Cimarron Brother of Morris & Patrick Cimarron Earl of Cimarron (1008-1010) Duke of Cimarron (1010-) Cimarron, Marion (////) Son of Morris Cimarron Cimarron, Morris (////) Son of General Cimarron Brother of John & Patrick Cimarron Father of Marion Cimarron Cimarron, Patrick (-1006) (/-/-/-/-) Son of General Cimarron Brother of John & Morris Cimarron Claransa the Seer (966-) (/MU:36/MU:36/Mg:20/Mg:20) Baroness of ??? in Alpha (-?) Cleaver, Warheart (////) Guildmaster of the Mercenary Guild of the Minrothad Guilds Cockerfield, Humphrey "The Exalted" (////) Son of Jasper Cockerfield Bishop of Kittings in Bellayne Collin (H:8////) Sheriff of Leeha (-?) Coolhands/Ilona de Belcadiz (EW:18////) Mate of Beasthunter Cordelius, Bartran (NM////) Cousin of Guldahan Cordelius Minister of Trade to Karameikos Cordelius, Guldahan (F:4////) Cousin of Bartran Cordelius Karameikos' Ambassador to Five Shires Corran, Alexander/Lord Kazakk (-?) (-/-/-/-/-) Husband of Lillian Corran (812) Father of Edgar Corran (812) Baron of Corran Keep (-?) in Darokin Corran, Edgar (812-?) (-/-/-/-/-) Son of Alexander and Lillian Corran Corran, Lillian/Lady Lillith (795-) (C:9(AC1007)////) Wife of Alexander Corran (812) Mother of Edgar Corran (812) Baroness of Corran Keep (821-?) in Darokin High Priestess of Balthac (Hel) Corydon (////) King of Notrion (1011-) Daphnotarthius, Helena (981-) (C:4/C:20/C:20/C:14/) Admiral of Thyatis (1009-) Governor of Aegos (1009-) Dargon I "The Defender" (////) Father of Anupalassar II King of Asur in Nimmur Datchenka, Natacha (MU:12////) Baroness of Pavlova in Glantri Delune Darkeyes (975-) (H:8/H:8/H:8/H F:8/H F:8) Sheriff of Heartshire (999-) in Five Shires Derentarius (//T:22/T:15/) Archduke of Terentias in Thyatis Dia Farawarf (Dw:1////) Sister of Bali Farawarf Head of the Syrklist Clan in Rockhome Senator to Rockhome for the Family of Syrklist Diaura, Scrutina (F:4////) Darokin's Ambassador to Glantri Díaz y Delgado, Esteban "El Salvador" (////) Mayor of Ciudad Tejillas (-994) in Almarrón Ruler of Almarrón (994-1008) Disbaal "Eight-Eyes" (////) Son of Enzuth of Enom Count of Enom in Herath Docerius, Jules (963-) (/F:14/F:14/F:12/) Nephew of Periandra Docerius Captain of the Army of West Portage Garrison Commander of West Portage (x-) Docerius, Periandra (962-) (/F:14/F:14/F:12/) Aunt of Jules Docerius Garrison Commander of West Portage (-x) Baroness of West Portage (x-) Dolnarys (F:22////) Admiral of the Kingdom of Alpha Donthiir, Brin (F:4////) Darokin's Ambassador to Five Shires Dorfus Hilltopper (////) Gnome-King of Highforge in Karameikos Doriath Erendyl (594-) (E:10///E F:12,Mg:15/E F:12,Mg:15) Adviser to King Celedryl of Alfheim (-700) King of Alfheim (700-1007) Dorran Finehammer (Dw:8////) Clan Wyrwarf of Rockhome's Representative to Alfheim Dorto Doricwarf (Dw:6////) Husband of Koris Goriswarf Father of Thoric Redhand Dortowarf Head of the Buhrodar Clan in Rockhome Doth (Go:15////) Consort of Yazar King of High Gobliny von Drachenfels, Gertrud (957-1010) (MU:12////) Wife of Jaggar von Drachenfels Mother of Roderick & Sigmund von Drachenfels Leader of the Free Anachronistic Society of Aalban in Glantri (-1010) von Drachenfels, Helgar (MU:8////) Daughter of Hildegarde von Drachenfels Sister of Jaggar von Drachenfels von Drachenfels, Hildegarde (F:15////) Mother of Helgar & Jaggar (945) von Drachenfels von Drachenfels, Jaggar (945-) (MU:30/MU:30/MU:30/Mg:24/Mg:24) Son of Hildegarde von Drachenfels Brother of Helgar von Drachenfels Husband of Gertrud von Drachenfels Father of Roderick & Sigmund von Drachenfels Prince of Aalban in Glantri Count of Ritterburg in Glantri Warden of the Marches Commander of the Army of Glantri Viceroy of Nordling in Glantri High Master of Dracology Chamberlain of Glantri (war-1011) von Drachenfels, Roderick (T:5////) Son of Gertrud & Jaggar von Drachenfels Brother of Sigmund von Drachenfels von Drachenfels, Sigmund (MU:8////) Son of Gertrud & Jaggar von Drachenfels Brother of Roderick von Drachenfels Draco (F:14////) Captain of the Guard of Rhoona in Vestland Dromedon (965-) (F:10(AC1005)/F:15/F:16/F:13/) Son of Heldeberan King of Aegos (1009-1010) Dromilov, Lev (962-) (F:6////) Ruler of Dmitrov in Karameikos Drulivia (902-) (/MU:20/MU:20/Mg:15/) Queen of Meriander (-1011) Drushiye (670-1009) (E:10/-/-/-/-) Husband of Mellora King of Limn (-1009) in Alphatia Duchamp, Will (NM////) Mayor of Fenhold in Darokin Duric Kuricwarf (Dw:5////) Husband of Bifia Bifiwarf Head of the Hurwarf Clan in Rockhome Senator to Rockhome for the Family of Lyrrast Durifern Widefarer (E:9////) Clan Master of Clan Grunalf in Alfheim Duris Naiswarf (Dw:12////) Daughter of Everast XV Sister of Everast XVI & Noris Naiswarf Princess of Rockhome General of Stahl Garrison in Rockhome Duro (-990) (-/-/-/-/-) Head of the Skarrad Clan (-990) in Rockhome Dwalur Belfurwarf (Dw:1////) Husband of Dia Farawarf Head of the Syrklist Clan in Rockhome Dyradyl Feadiel (EW:14////) Clan Master of Clan Feadiel in Alfheim Edoard of Threshold (NM////) Head of the Loggers' Guild of Karameikos Edwix I (-1000) (/-/-/-/-) Father of Edwix II "The Night Harrow" King of Robrenn (-1000) Edwix II (////) Son of Edwix I King of Robrenn (1000-) Eelsha Spider's Kiss (978-) (C:8/C:10/C:10/C:10/) Shaman of the Tiger Clan in Atruaghin Egidio, Francesca (///F:18/) Military Governor of Aegos (1010-) Eldrethila (963-1009) (MU:30/-/-/-/-) Daughter of Eriadna & Zyndryl Sister of Zandor Half-Sister of Ericall, Mariella, Tredorian & Zynnia Queen of Theranderol (-1009) in Alphatia Elenitsa (975-) (///F:9,T:6/) Queen of Lagrius (1011-) Elsan, Saroso (E:10,Me:15////) Captain of the Egret Elshetara (-1009) (MU:24/-/-/-/-) Queen of Ambur (-1009) in Alphatia Enerin II "The Gaunt" (////) Son of Syrond I King of Aeryl Enshurnasirpal III "The Impaler" (////) Prince of Suneveh in Nimmur Erewan, Bethys (E:10////) Sister of Eleesea & Norelia Erewan Erewan, Carlotina (911-) (E:10/E:10/E:10/E Mg:10/E Mg:10) Daughter of Eleesa Erewan Mother of Qenildor & Thendain Erewan Princess of Erewan in Glantri Marchioness of Ellerovyn in Glantri Chamberlain of Glantri (-War) High Mistress of the Runes Erewan, Eleesea (E:10////) Sister of Bethys & Norelia Erewan Mother of Carlotina Erewan (911) Treekeeper of Clan Erewan in Glantri Erewan, Esmeralda (E:9////) Wife of Thendain Erewan Leader of E.L.F. in Glantri Erewan, Norelia (E:10////) Sister of Bethys & Eleesea Erewan Erewan, Qenildor (E:9////) Son of Carlotina Erewan Brother of Thendain Erewan Captain of Camp Huledain in Glantri Erewan, Thendain (E:6////) Son of Carlotina Erewan Brother of Qenildor Erewan Husband of Esmeralda Erewan Eriadna (920-1009) (MU:36/-/-/-/-) Daughter of Terari Mother of Eldrethila (963), Ericall (972), Mariella (980), Tredorian (983) & Zandor (966) Empress of Alphatia (962-1009) Eric of Forsett (C:14////) High Priest of the Temple of Forsetta in Rhoona in Vestland Ericall (972-) (F:28/F:36/F:36/F:20/F:20) Son of Eriadna Brother of Mariella & Tredorian Half-Brother of Eldrethila, Lernal the Swill & Zandor King of Alpha (992-) Erik Rhorvaldson (////) Head of Grosfold Clan in Vestland Erika Gjaflaugsdottir (988-) (NW////) Daughter of Gjaflaug Hjaltisdottir & Harek Hard-Sailer Sister of Hoskuld Harekson Erlund the Droll (////) Head of Brandholm Clan in Vestland Ethrilord Bilgrammus (////) Glantri's Ambassador to Alfheim Eusgetorix the Stormy (////) Son of Aduatucas Baron of Avarica in Robrenn Everast XV/Bifin Bofinwarf (931-1011) (Dw:7/Dw:7/Dw:8/-/-) Father of Duris Naiswarf, Everast XVI (942) & Noris Naiswarf Head of the Everast Clan (-1011) in Rockhome Evedar (Captain) in the Army of Rockhome Senator to Rockhome for the Family of Everast (-990) King of Rockhome (961-1011) Everast XVI/Bofin Bifinwarf (942-) (Dw:12///Dw F:15/Dw F:15) Son of Everast XV Brother of Duris Naiswarf & Noris Naiswarf Prince of Rockhome (-1011) General of Karrak Castle (-1011) in Rockhome King of Rockhome (1011-) Eyela Moonstalker (970-) (F:10/F:10/F:10/F:10/) Chieftainess of the Horse Clan in Atruaghin Eyvind the Odd (C////) Head of Namahed Clan in Vestland Falcon (F:12////) First Mate of Kron Fano (F:4////) The Talking Chief of the Village of Mantru on the Isle of Dread Fharo, Maltus (F:22////) Baron of Twolakes Vale in Norwold Filibar Bramble (H:6////) Sheriff of Barnaby-Under-Bramble in Darokin Finn Hordson (995-) (/F:4/F:4/F:5/F:5) Son of Hord Dark-Eye & Yrsa Svalasdottir Brother of Geir Hordson, Igrid Yrsasdottir & Sighvat Hordson Half-Brother of Alfgeir Hordson Prince of Ostland (-1013) King of Ostland (1013-) Fiori, Bartolomeo (T:28////) Minrothad's Ambassador to Ierendi Firestorm, Donegal (-1006) (F:30/-/-/-/-) Father of Thrainkell Firestorm Archduke of Westrourke (-1006) Firestorm, Holva (981-) (/T:16/T:16/T:13/) Wife of Thrainkell Firestorm Duchess of Westrourke Firestorm, Thrainkell (979-) (/C:13/C:13/C:12/) Son of Donegal Firestorm Husband of Holva Firestorm Duke of Westrourke Flameflicker (T:18////) The Thief-King of the Kingdom of Thieves in Karameikos Floki the Fat (////) Head of Bergholm Clan in Soderfjord Forster, Ulard (E:12////) Guild Verdier Guild Master in Minrothad Francois "Le Hautain" (////) Son of Fouques de Valefroi Marquis de Noijou in Renardy Frothnard (F:7////) Admiral of the Kingdom of Oceansend Fulvina, Griseo (MU:16////) Husband of Rosabianca Fulvina Viscount of Verazzano in Glantri Fulvina, Rosabianca (Th:10////) Wife of Griseo Fulvina Furmenglaive, Lyra (940-) (C:36/C:36/C:36/C:20/) Wife of Phileus Furmenglaive Countess of Furmenglaive Furmenglaive, Phileus (940-) (F:36/F:36/F:36/F:20/) Husband of Lyra Furmenglaive Count of Furmenglaive Gabrionus IV (-?) (-/-/-/-/-) Father of Gabrionus V Emperor of Thyatis (900-?) Gabrionus V (-960) (-/-/-/-/-) Son of Gabrionus IV Father of Gabriela Torion (947) Emperor of Thyatis (-960) Galladin (E:8////) Brother of Shalander Alfheim's Ambassador to Glantri Garafaele Galeifel (446-) (EL:19/E:20/E:20/E F:12,Mg:12,T:12/E F:12,Mg:12,T:12) Radiant General of the City of the Stars (924-) The Hammer of Rafiel Warlord of Aengmor Gard Rocktooth (Dw:12////) Clanmaster of the Clan of Stormhaven in Norwold Geir Hordson (996-) (/NM/NM/F:1/F:1) Son of Hord Dark-Eye & Yrsa Svalasdottir Brother of Finn Hordson, Igrid Yrsasdottir & Sighvat Hordson Half-Brother of Alfgeir Hordson Prince of Ostland Geirstein Thorgelson (////) Head of Noslosford Clan in Ostland Geoffrey of Grunturm (962-) (/C:36/C:36/C:20/C:20) Leader of the Heldannic Rebels Gest the Hook (////) Head of Sumarland Clan in Ostland Gherynid (MU:25////) Plenipotentiary of Honor Island in Ierendi Giacomo, Ottavio (967-) (//F:14/F:12/) Military Governor of Gaity (1010-1011) Gildesh II (////) Priest-King of Eshu Herald of Idu Gilia Songsmith Toriswarf (DwC:12////) Wife of Belfin Elf-Friend Dorfinwarf (960) Head of the Wyrwarf Clan in Rockhome Gilfronden Erendyl (E:10////) General of the Army of Alfheim Gioncardi, Alrigo (////) Admiral of the Thyatian Navy Commander of the Thyatian forces in Ekto (1011-) Gjaflaug Hjaltisdottir (WW:2////) Wife of Harek Hard-Sailer Mother of Erika Gjaflaugsdottir (988) & Hoskuld Harekson Gladsworthy, Rodney "The Intrepid" (////) Son of Winston Gladsbury Earl of Theeds in Bellayne Gorevitch-Stekel, Miroslav (MU:16////) Baron of ??? in Glantri Gorevitch-Woszlany, Boris (MU:18////) Brother of Mikhail, Morphail & Tatyana Gorevitch-Woszlany Gorevitch-Woszlany, Mikhail (T:16////) Brother of Boris, Morphail & Tatyana Gorevitch-Woszlany Gorevitch-Woszlany, Morphail (693-) (MU:28/MU:28/MU:28/Mg:19/Mg:19) Brother of Boris, Mikhail & Tatyana Gorevitch-Woszlany Prince of Boldavia in Glantri Baron of Igorov in Glantri Viceroy of Tchernovodsk in Glantri High Master of Necromancy Gorevitch-Woszlany, Tatyana (MU:12////) Sister of Boris, Mikhail & Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany Gorm the Droll (////) Head of Ranviki Clan in Vestland Gottfrid, Eleonora (-1011) (///-/-) Queen of Ierendi (1011-1011) Gratia (967-) (/MU:16/MU:16/Mg:13/) Queen of Surshield Graustein, Rolf (MU:14////) Viscount of Blofeld Greenheight, Yldysyl (500-) (E:10//E:10/E F:10,Mg:11/) Son of Yntherin Greenheight Count of Vyalia in Thyatis Greenheight, Yntherin (////) Father of Yldysyl Greenheight Count of Vyalia (-?) in Thyatis Grenier, Gilles (MU:9////) Vicomte de Fausseflammes in Glantri Greybeard, Dominicus (C:14////) Patriarch of the Church of Thyatis in Alfheim Grindolf the White (C:12////) Darokin's Ambassador to Alfheim Gryzix (Gnome:3////) Keeper of the Relic of the Earthshaker Clan Gudrid Thorsdottir (////) Head of Heddesfjord Clan in Soderfjord Gudwulf the Golden (////) Duke (Head) of Rhoona Clan in Vestland Gunnhild Svalasdottir (////) Half-Sister of Yrsa Svalasdottir Head of Suddmore Clan in Ostland Gunzuth the Clanless (-572BC) (-/-/-/-/-) Sheriff of Shaerdon (609BC-572BC) Gutarsan (989-) (////) Son of Moglai Khan Guthorm Brittle-Bone (////) Head of Boddergard Clan in Soderfjord Guy of Brad (F:14////) Baronet and Seneschal of the Barony of Twolakes Vale in Norwold Gylharen (679-) (/E:10/E:10/E F:10,Mg:11/E F:10,Mg:11) Wizard-King of Wendar (901-) Haa'k Hordar (Troll:12////) Mistress of Trollhattan Haaskinz, Asadel (////F) Wife of Harald of Haaskinz Mother of Dominick & Tereis Haaskinz Haaskinz, Dominick (////Mg) Son of Asadel & Harald of Haaskinz Brother of Tereis Haaskinz Haaskinz, Harald (of) (934-) (MU:25//MU:27/Mg:17/Mg:17) Husband of Asadel Haaskinz Father of Dominick & Tereis Haaskinz Archduke of Westheath (-1004) in Glantri Prince of Sablestone (1004-) in Glantri Baron of Kern in Glantri Grand Master of the Great School of Magic (1009-) in Glantri High Master of Water Elementalism Haaskinz, Tereis (////Mg) Daughter of Asadel & Harald of Haaskinz Sister of Dominick Haaskinz Hadi, Dawud (//T:28/T:17/) Emir of Dythestenia in Ylaruam Haïtar "Wood-Crawler" (////) King of the Tribe of the Green Slayers Hakon Halfdenson (////) Head of Kunslo Clan in Ostland Halaran, Aleena (978-) (C:12////) Daughter of Merrik Halaran Halaran, Merrik (////) Brother of Sherlane Halaran Father of Aleena Halaran (978) Halaran, Sherlane (C:14////) Brother of Merrik Halaran Baron of Threshold (970-) in Karameikos Patriarch of the Church of Karameikos (970-) Haldemar of Haaken (911-) (MU:21//MU:25/Mg:17,T:4/Mg:17,T:4) Prince of Floating Ar Admiral of Alphatia (961) Captain of the Princess Ark Halfden Greybeard (////) Head of Haltford Clan in Soderfjord Hallonica, Rypien (-988) (-/-/-/-/-) Chancellor of Darokin (975-988) de Hallus, Saxus (F:8////) Sheriff of Twolakes Vale in Norwold ibn Hamid, Abdallah (F:11////) Ylaruam's Ambassador to Karameikos Harald Gudmundson (954-) (/F:15/F:15/F:13/F:13) Head of Sveamark Clan in Vestland King of Vestland (986-) Harek Hard-Sailer (F:12////) Brother of Kalf the Dueller Husband of Gjaflaug Hjaltisdottir Father of Erika Gjaflaugsdottir (988) & Hoskuld Harekson Head of Vastergard Clan in Soderfjord Hastalan the Fair (-1009) (MU:36/-/-/-/-) King of Ekto (-1009) Hastin Smoothtongue (////) Seneschal of Minrothad City Hatakia (985-) (////) Son of Moglai Khan Heldeberan No-Man's-Fool (925-1009) (MU:36/-/-/-/-) Father of Dromedon (965) King of Aegos (-1009) Helgi Horse-Killer (////) Head of Hadmark Clan in Soderfjord von Hendriks, Ludwig (951-) (F:12/F:16/F:16/F:13/F:13) Baron of the Black Eagle Barony (970-1010) in Karameikos Henock, Estavar (////) Captain of the Sixth Army of Seashield Henri "Le Grognard" (////) Son of Thibaud de Châtelguyon Duc de Ysembragne in Renardy Herigar Tree-Foot (////) Head of Hallmark Clan in Vestland Herjolk Eirikson (////) Head of Ringmark Clan in Ostland Hillsborough, Mortimer "The Defiant" (////) Son of Edward Hillsborough Earl of Penwick in Bellayne Hillsbury, Dolores (/MU:36/MU:36/Mg:20/Mg:20) Princess of Fenswick (1010-) in Glantri Duchess of Fenswick (1010-) in Glantri Treasurer of the Council of Glantri Hillsbury, Margaret (959-1010) (MU:14//-/-/-) Duchess of Fenswick (-1010) in Glantri Hoff, Corwyn (-975) (-/-/-/-/-) Chancellor of Darokin (971-975) Hojah, Bosit (////) Margrave of Hojah von Holmstein, Frederick/Fredek Halvardson (991-) (/F:4/F:4/F:5/) Heir-in-hiding to Freiburg Hool (Orc:17,Sh:5////) Supreme Chief of Orcland Hord Dark-Eye (949-) (F:28/-/-/-/-) Husband of Rhora Anlafsdottir Husband of Yrsa Svalasdottir Father of Alfgeir Hordson, Finn Hordson (995), Geir Hordson (996), Igrid Yrsasdottir (1001) & Sighvat Hordson (1007) Head of Zeamark Clan in Ostland King of Ostland Horsi Ulfson (////) Head of Skanicost Clan in Vestland Hosadus (C:30////) Master of Hule Hoskuld Harekson (C:4////) Son of Gjaflaug Hjaltisdottir & Harek Hard-Sailer Brother of Erika Gjaflaugsdottir Hovar Duck Watcher (948-) (C:18/C:18/C:18/C:14/) Shaman of the Elk Clan in Atruaghin Huaji Khan (966-) (F:21////) Khan of the Kaeruts in Ethengar Hubertek (955-) (///F:19/) King of Meriander (1011-) Commander of Meriander's Armed Forces (1002-) Hugorth the Misanthrope (950-) (MU:36////) King of Blackheart (-?) in Alphatia Hulagu Khan (962-) (F:23////) Khan of the Uighurs in Ethengar Humam, Abbas (//F:22/F:15/) Emir of Nicostenia in Ylaruam Hurkati (997-) (////) Son of Moglai Khan Hutai-Khan (Hobgoblin:21,Wi:3////) Khan of Hobgobland Hygelac the Doubter (////) Head of Romaland Clan in Ostland Hyraksos, Constans (965-) (NM////) Nephew of Lucius Hyraksos Karameikos' Ambassador to Rockhome (995-) Hyraksos, Devon (977-) (/F:12/F:12/F:12/F:12) Son of Katarina & Lucius Hyraksos Husband of Adriana Karameikos-Hyraksos Father of Argent (1009) & Lucien (1007) Karameikos-Hyraksos Prince Consort of Karameikos (1005) Hyraksos, Katarina (////) Wife of Lucius Hyraksos (980) Mother of Devon Hyraksos (977) Hyraksos, Lucius (-1010) (F:12////) Uncle of Constans Hyraksos Husband of Katarina Hyraksos Father of Devon Hyraksos (977) Minister of War to Karameikos (975-1010) Admiral of Karameikos (-1010) Igrid Yrsasdottir (1001-) (-/NW/NW/0-level/) Daughter of Hord Dark-Eye & Yrsa Svalasdottir Sister of Finn Hordson, Geir Hordson & Sighvat Hordson Half-Sister of Alfgeir Hordson Princess of Ostland Ironrod, Roderick (F:9////) Captain of the Guard of Skullheim Castle in the Barony of Twolakes Vale in Norwold Ishmamna I "Black Heart" (////) Princess of Ekiddu in Nimmur Ishme-Hursag (////) Administrator of Southern Shield of Nimmur Ivanov, Youri (MU:10////) Baron of Palatinsk in Glantri Jaervosz Dustyboots (951-) (H:8/H:8/H:8/H F:8,T:9/H F:8,T:9) Sheriff of Seashire (-1012) in Five Shires War-Leader of the Five Shires (-1012) Jahi, Msiba (926-) (C:31//C:31/C:18/) Bwana Ramla (Great Prophet) of Yavdlom (1000-) Jalassa Longwinkle (H:6////) Captain of The Storm Bird Jamal (969-) (F:18////) Orkhan of the Keshak of Ethengar Jenkin Flintfoot (H:6////) Five Shires' Ambassador to Karameikos Jerbat, Arbana (MU:9////) Viscountess of Redstone (-1006) Joam Astlar (969-) (H:8////H F:9) Sheriff of Seashire (1012-) in Five Shires Jonassanian, Callastian (//F:16/F:14/) Duke of Machetos in Thyatis Jorodrin Feadiel (EW:16////) Treekeeper of Clan Feadiel in Alfheim Jowdynites, Callastian (F:12////) Duke of Machetos (970-) in Thyatis Jowett, Olliver (C:18////) Patriarch of the Church of Karameikos (970-) Master of the Order of the Griffon (970-) Jurta (987-) (////) Daughter of Moglai Khan Kadan Khan (953-) (////) Father of Basti Khan of the Kiyats of Ethengar Kadei (962-) (T:28////) Twin-sister of Koja Head of the Silver Dragons of Ethengar Kalf the Dueller (F:12////) Brother of Harek Hard-Sailer Kalimi, Vardon (////) Chancellor of Darokin (949-971) Kalkiin, Almiron (985-) (MU////) Son of Salmahlin Kalkiin Brother of Javas, Lais, Lila & Rohan Kalkiin Kalkiin, Ambika (MU////) Mother of Salmahlin Kalkiin Kalkiin, Javas (962-) (MU////) Son of Salmahlin Kalkiin Brother of Almiron, Lais, Lila & Rohan Kalkiin Kalkiin, Kalindi (962-) (MU////) Wife of Salmahlin Kalkiin Kalkiin, Lais (990-) (MU////) Son of Salmahlin Kalkiin Brother of Almiron, Javas, Lilas & Rohan Kalkiin Kalkiin, Lila (993-) (MU////) Daughter of Salmahlin Kalkiin Sister of Almiron, Javas, Lais & Rohan Kalkiin Kalkiin, Nipa (935-) (MU////) Wife of Salmahlin Kalkiin Kalkiin, Rohan (964-) (MU////) Son of Salmahlin Kalkiiin Brother of Almiron, Javas, Lais & Lila Kalkiin Kalkiin, Salmahlin (935-) (MU//MU:26/Mg:16/) Son of Ambika Kalkiin Husband of Kalindi & Nipa Kalkiin Father of Almiron (985), Javas (962), Lais (990), Lila (993) & Rohan (964) Kalkiin Rajah of Nagpuri in Sind Kanafasti (214-) (EW:18/EW:18/EW:18/E Mg:15/) Royal Wizard of the City of the Stars Karagenteropolus, Demetrion (895-) (MU:36////Mg:20) Magist to the Emperor of Thyatis (960-) Dragon-Knight of Thyatis Karais (998-) (////) Daughter of Moglai Khan Karameikos, Justin (982-) (F:2/F:7/F:7/F:7/F:7) Son of Olivia & Stefan Karameikos Brother of Adriana & Valen Karameikos Prince of Karameikos Karameikos, Olivia (959-) (T:9/T:12/T:12/T:12/T:12) Wife of Stefan Karameikos Mother of Adriana (980), Justin (982) & Valen (986) Karameikos Duchess of Karameikos (979-1006) Queen of Karameikos (1006-) Karameikos, Stefan (948-) (F:15/F:20/F:20/F:15/F:15) Husband of Olivia Karameikos Father of Adriana (980), Justin (982) & Valen (986) Karameikos Duke of Machetos (968-970) Duke of Karameikos (970-1006) King of Karameikos (1006-) Karameikos, Valen (986-) (T:1/T:10/T:10/T:10/T:10) Son of Olivia & Stefan Karameikos Brother of Adriana & Justin Karameikos Prince of Karameikos Karameikos-Hyraksos, Adriana (980-) (F:4/F:10/F:10/F:10/F:10) Daughter of Olivia & Stefan Karameikos Sister of Justin & Valen Karameikos Wife of Devon Hyraksos Mother of Argent (1009) & Lucien (1007) Hyraksos-Karameikos Princess of Karameikos Karameikos-Hyraksos, Argent (1009-) (-////) Son of Adriana & Devon (Hyraksos)-Karameikos Prince of Karameikos Karameikos-Hyraksos, Lucien (1007-) (-////) Son of Adriana & Devon (Hyraksos)-Karameikos Prince of Karameikos Karlsefni Garson (////) Head of Fallersholm Clan in Ostland Karvich, Stefan (////) Regent of Nova Svoga Kaze, Irila (MU:25////) Treasury Minister of Glantri (-1000) Kelar, Eluna (////) Guild Elsan Guild Master in Minrothad Kelar, Erundal (////) Captain of the Radiant Kelvin II, Desmond (C:10////) Baron of Kelvin in Karameikos Kenaton Ka, Ejiiptus (C:20////) Captain of the Sun's Handmaiden Kendach/Kendasius, Julia (960-1005) (C:24/-/-/-/-) Countess of Kendach (-1005) Kendach, Marie (990-) (/F:9/F:9/F:9/) Countess of Kendach (1005-) Kerendas, Maldinius (965-) (F:30//F:32/F:19/) Duke of Kerendas in Thyatis Ketil Skull-Scatterer (////) Head of Highland Clan in Soderfjord Khalid, Shawki (//C:16/C:13/) Emir of Nithia in Ylaruam Killian (////) Captain of the Selwynn Kimber Nimblefingers (////) Guild Quickhand Guild Master in Minrothad Kindle, Jarren (MU:25////) Captain of the Invincible (-?) High Admiral of the Royal Navy of Ierendi Kitakanga (////) Clanmaster of the N'djatwa von Klagendorf, Wulf/Rolf Schwartzen (931-) (/C:30/C:30/C:18/C:18) High Cleric of Vanya (980-) Knute the White (////) Head of Vandermark Clan in Soderfjord Kobhrax (F:25////) Vice-Admiral of the Imperial Navy of Thyatis Koja (962-) (T:28////) Twin-brother of Kadei Head of the Gold Dragons of Ethengar Kokachin (964-) (C:27////) High Priestess of Yamuga the Yurt Dweller in Ethengar Kol XIV/Constantin Diocletius (961-) (Ko:26,Wi:5/Ko:26,Wo:5/Jo:26,Wo:5/Ko WD:7/Ko WD:7,Mg:10) King of Kolland (-x) High Doge of Kol King of South Monsterland (1010-) Prince of New Kolland (1011-) in Glantri Viscount of Blackstone (1011-) in Glantri Kori Fire-Eye Filiawarf (Dw:1////) Niece of Thrais Thoriwarf Korin Orinwarf (Dw:12////) Husband of Bali Farawarf Father of Balin Korinwarf (950) & Balis Baliwarf (952) Head of the Torkrest Clan in Rockhome Senator to Rockhome for the Family of Torkrest Koris Goriswarf (Dw:8////) Wife of Dorto Doricwarf Mother of Thoric Redhand Dortowarf Head of the Buhrodar Clan in Rockhome Senator to Rockhome for the Family of Buhrodar Korrigan, Alexius (F:6////) Seneschal of Karameikos Korudon (////) King of Minaea Koryn the Harpist (948-) (T:36/T:36/T:36/T:20/) King of Ne'er-do-well Kosseauf, Hilda (957-) (MU:5////) Mayor of East Riding in Darokin Krazmos (Gnome:4////) Clanmaster of the Earthshaker Clan Krinagar, Urmahid (968-) (MU:15//MU:19/Mg:14, T:5/Mg:14,T:5) Brother of Lan-Syn Virayana Count of Skullhorn Pass (-?) in Glantri Prince of Bramyra in Glantri Viscount of Skullhorn Pass (-1012) in Glantri Count of Skullhorn Pass (1012-) in Glantri Viceroy of Monteleone in Glantri Chancellor of Glantri Krollnar, Rowena (MU:10////) Viscountess of Bergen in Glantri Kryndylya (935-1009) (C:36/-/-/-/-) Queen of Haven (-1009) in Alphatia Kubek, Lareth (970-) (T:20////) Chief Townsman of West Portage Guildmaster of the Silk Guild of West Portage Laconius, Flavius (////) Former Thyatian Military Officer Wanted murderer Lamak (995-) (////) Son of Moglai Khan Lazarol of Sundsvall (//MU:25//) Thunder Bear Spirit (1009-1010) Leif the Lean (////) Head of Haverhold Clan in Vestland Leilah (940-) (C:30////) Sister of Tarik ben Nadir General of the Imperial Thyatian Army Military Governor of Raven Scarp in the Thyatian Hinterlands de Leon y Valdez, Marianita Lucia (MU:18////) Glantri's Ambassador to Karameikos (997-) Lernal the Swill (975-1010) (F:6/F:6/-/-/-) Half-Brother of Ericall & Tredorian Governor of Landfall (995-1010) in Norwold Loberlinn Mulgor (H Master:32////) Captain of the Bloodsail Lodestar, Gundal (Gnome:9////) Leader of the 2nd Squadron of Serraine Lodrig II (-1009) (/-/-/-/-) King of Notrion (-1009) Lodrig III (990-1010) (/MU:9/-/-/-) King of Notrion (1009-1010) Lopra (Triton:7////) King of Suthus Lornce M'Jozee (965-) (MU:18/MU:25/MU:25/Mg:16/) "Baron" (King) of East Portage (-1010) Duke of East Portage (1010-1011) Lothir (Nagpa:9////) Twin-Brother of Abatu Louis IV "Le Cabotin" (////) Son of Gaston de Clairvault King of Renardy Lowenroth, Franz (MU:12////) Baron of Adlerturm in Glantri Lutescu, Vlad (964-) (C:6////) Ruler of Rugalov in Karameikos Lycrandonion, Harantius (940-) (F:36////) General of the Imperial Thyatian Army Garrison Commander of Redstone (-1007) Lymianoporus, Larandia (950-) (Fo:10////) Chief Townswoman of Foreston in Thyatis Lynnwyl Chossum (E:5////) Clan Master of Clan Chossum in Alfheim Mad Creeg (-637) (-/-/-/-/-) King of Ierendi (602-637) Madhar, Drisana (974-) (////) Half-Sister of Vijay Niranjan Wife of Rohit Madhar & Bhagwandas ?? Rani of Jalawar (-1005) in Sind Madhar, Rohit (971-1005) (/-/-/-/-) Husband of Drisana Madhar Madiera (MU:25////) Counsellor to the King of Alpha Maeragh Littlelaughs (959-) (H:8/H:8/H:8/H F:8/H F:8) Sheriff of Eastshire (989-) in the Five Shires Chief Justiciar of the Five Shires di Malapietra, Agostino (MU:9////) Brother of Giovanni, Innocenti & Lucrecia di Malapietra Castellan of Ylourgne in Glantri di Malapietra, Bartolomeo (988-) (MU:7////) Son of Innocenti & Letizia di Malapietra di Malapietra, Giovanni (MU:9////) Brother of Agostino, Innocenti & Lucrecia di Malapietra Condottiere of Lizzieni in Glantri di Malapietra, Innocenti (962-) (MU:17/MU:17/MU:17/Mg:13/) Brother of Agostino, Giovanni & Lucrecia di Malapietra Husband of Letizia di Malapietra Father of Bartolomeo di Malapietra (988) Prince of Caurenze (-1006) in Glantri Viscount of Sirecchia (-1006) in Glantri Viceroy of Ylourgne (-1006) in Glantri High Master of Earth Elementalism di Malapietra, Letizia (F:10////) Wife of Innocenti di Malapietra Mother of Bartolomeo di Malapietra (988) di Malapietra, Lucrecia (MU:10////) Sister of Agostino, Giovanni & Innocenti di Malapietra Malaric, Caine (F:4////) Thyatis' Ambassador to Five Shires (994-) Mananjary (////) Father of Abovombe (938) King of Manaraka Manghai (982-) (F:9////) Son of Moglai Khan Husband of Basti Announced Heir to the Golden Khan Manre, Elmora (////) Guildmaster of the Merchant Sailor Guild of the Minrothad Guilds von Manthofen, Richter (973-) (F:11////) Leader of the 1st Squadron of Serraine de Manzanas, Luis (973-) (/F:12///) Baronet of Aranjuez in Saragón Mapseir, Holori (////) Guildmaster of the Tutorial Guild of the Minrothad Guilds du Marais, Malachie (MU:10/MU:10/MU:10/Mg:11/Mg:11) Husband of Diane de Moriamis (1005) Baron de Morlay (-1005) in Glantri Vicomte de Malinbois (1005-) in Glantri Prince of Morlay-Malinbois (1005-) in Glantri Leader of the Canine Protection Society Marakaz (MU:10(AC1005)////) Captain of the Small Alphatian Flying Ship The Tipsy Tyrant Marguerite "La Soyeuse" (////) Daughter of Gilles de St. Gens-de-Bout Comtesse de Marmandy in Renardy Marianne (F:14////) Queen of Ierendi (1000) Mariella/Hyldeborg (980-) (NW/NW/NW/0-level/) Daughter of Eriadna & Torenal Sister of Ericall & Tredorian Half-Sister of Eldrethila, Lernal the Swill & Zandor Wife of Norlan "Baroness" (Queen) of Qeodhar Marilenev, Magda (NW////) Ruler of Marilenev in Karameikos Markovitch, Szasza (MU:12////) Baroness of Vladimirov in Glantri Maruti, Jarita (938-) (MU:30////) Court Jadugerya (mage) to the Rajadhiraja of Sind Maryan of Halls (MU:13////) Magist of the Barony of Twolakes Vale in Norwold de Matacán, Angelita (////) Baronet of Saragón in Saragón Matrongle, Black Toes (-?) (-/-/-/-/-) Husband of Kerhy Matrongle (637) King of Ierendi (637-?) Matrongle, Kerhy (-?) (-/-/-/-/-) Wife of Black Toes Matrongle (637) Maud (Dr////) Daughter of Trestana Great Druidess of Robrenn Mauntea, Charles (-932) (-/-/-/-/-) Husband of Lydia Mauntea Merchant King of Darokin (927-932) Mauntea, Corwyn (954-) (/T:6/T:6/T:6/T:6) President of the Merchant's Council of Darokin (988-) Chancellor of Darokin (988-) Mauntea, Lydia (-949) (-/-/-/-/-) Wife of Charles Mauntea Chancellor of Darokin (932-949) Mazin, Kamal (//F:16/F:13/) Great Khan (Emir) of Makistan in Ylaruam Mazioth "The Hook" (////) Son of Gerphemon of Hethzya Viscount of Hethzya in Herath McAlister, Finnister (C:10////) Counsellor to the King of Alpha McAllister, Alasdair (MU:13////) Husband of Barbara McAllister Father of Sean McAllister (994) Count of Glenargyll in Glantri McAllister, Barbara (F:4////) Daughter of Brannart McGregor Sister of Duncan & Quentin McGregor Wife of Alasdair McAllister Mother of Sean McAllister (994) McAllister, Sean (994-) (MU:5////) Son of Alasdair & Barbara McAllister McDougall, Eachainn (MU:11////) Marquis of Dunvegan in Glantri McDuff/McClintock, Angus (MU:21////) Son of Myra McDuff & Thar Professor Emeritus at the Great School of Magic in Glantri McDuff, Myra (MU:10////) Mother of Angus McDuff Baroness of Uigmuir in Glantri McGregor, Angus (990-) (MU:12////) Son of Mary & Quentin McGregor McGregor, Brannart (927-) (MU:33/MU:33/MU:33/Mg:19/Mg:20) Father of Barbara McAllister, Duncan & Quentin McGregor Prince of Klantyre in Glantri Viscount of Crownguard in Glantri Viceroy of Sablestone in Glantri McGregor, Duncan (F:28////) Son of Brannart McGregor Brother of Barbara McAllister & Quentin McGregor Captain of the Skullhorn Pass Camp in Glantri Master of the Followers of the Claymore in Glantri McGregor, Mary (F:12////) Wife of Quentin McGregor Mother of Angus McGregor McGregor, Quentin (MU:9////) Son of Brannart McGregor Brother of Barbara McAllister & Duncan McGregor Husband of Mary McGregor Father of Angus McGregor (990) Castellan of Fort Sablestone in Glantri McRhomaag, Uthgaard (960-) (F:20/F:25/F:25/F:16/) Thane (Baron) of Caerdwicca Mealidan Mealidil (E:8////) Clanmaster of Clan Mealidil in Alfheim Chief Librarian of Clan Mealidil in Alfheim Mealiden Starwatcher (-250BC) (-/-/-/-/-) King of Alfheim (700BC-350BC) Meditor, Astra (E:2////) First Consort of Oran Meditor Meditor, Brendel (E:7////) Keeper of the Pearl of the Meditor Clan in Minrothad Meditor, Ginol (E:7////) Uncle of Oran Meditor First Adviser to the Ruling Guild Master of the Minrothad Guilds Meditor, Kitrina (-965) (-/-/-/-/-) Ruling Guildmaster of the Minrothad Guilds (862-965) Meditor, Misan (-/-/-/-/-) Ruling Guildmaster of the Minrothad Guilds (850-862) Meditor, Oran (839-) (E:5/E:10/E:10/E F:10,Mg:11/E F:10,Mg:11) Nephew of Ginol Meditor Husband of Astra Meditor Ruling Guild Master of the Minrothad Guilds (989-) Meinhard, Siegfried (////) Military Governor of Landfall (1010-) in Heldann Mellora (800-1009) (Dryad Dr:10/-/-/-/-) Husband of Drushiye Queen of Limn (-1009) in Alphatia Milaster (E:8////) Alfheim's Ambassador to Five Shires Miosz II (986-) (////) Nephew of Stavros Margrave of Slagovich Moghul Khan (Orc Devil-Swine HD:9////) King of Yellow Orkia Moglai Khan (958-) (F:30/F:33/F:33/F:19/F:19) Cousin of Ortu Husband of Abatai, Tanai & Urutas Father of Arant (984), Bakai (983), Cartoas (993), Gutarsan (989), Hatakia (985), Hurkati (997), Jurta (987), Karais (998), Lamak (995), Manghai (982), Nahhar (996), Nortai (990) & Subatai (984) The Golden Khan (985-) Great Khan of the Ethengar Khanates (996-) Khan of the Murkits (984-) of Ethengar de Montejo y Aranjuez, Balthazar "El Moro" (MU////) Barón of Saragón Mord the Greedy (////) Head of Gotland Clan in Ostland Morur Blackheart (Dw:8////) Chief of the Underside of Rockhome de Montebello, Isabella (MU:10////) Baronessa del Egorn in Glantri de Montejo y Sotto, Caterina (////) Daughter of Esperanza de Sotto y Rivera Sister of Dulcinea de Narvaez y Sotto Wife of Claudio de Montejo y Sotto de Montejo y Sotto, Claudio (////) Husband of Caterina de Montejo y Sotto de Moriamis, Diane (MU:11////) Wife of Malachie du Marais (1005) Vicomtesse de Malinbois (-1005) in Glantri Multhim Greybeard (-1008) (H:8/-/-/-/-) Sheriff of Highshire (-1008) in Five Shires Munte III (////) Margrave of Zagora ben Nadir, Jamila (T:1////) Daughter of Tarik ben Nadir ben Nadir, Tarik (935-) (F:12//F:15/F:13/) Brother of Leilah Father of Jamila ben Nadir Sheik (Duke) of Tel Akbir in Thyatis Nahhar (996-) (////) Daughter of Moglai Khan Naji, Sa'id (//F:16/F:13/) Emir of Abbashan in Ylaruam Namrud XII "Seven Legs" (////) Prince of Shubat-Nammu in Nimmur Nandin, Easwar (985-) (////) Son of Marut & Tulasi Nandin Twin-Brother of Inder Nandin Brother of Kaveri Nandin Nandin, Inder (985-) (////) Son of Marut & Tulasi Nandin Twin-Brother of Easwar Nandin Brother of Kaveri Nandin Nandin, Kaveri (988-) (////) Daughter of Marut & Tulasi Nandin Sister of Easwar & Inder Nandin Nandin, Marut (959-) (//F:15/F:13/) Husband of Tulasi Nandin Father of Easwar (985), Inder (985) & Kaveri (988) Nandin Rajah of Jhengal in Sind Nandin, Tulasi (965-) (////) Wife of Marut Nandin Mother of Easwar (985), Inder (985) & Kaveri (988) Nandin Naramis, Ezechiel (E:9////) Viscount of Nathrat (-1006) in Glantri Naravipa Dagger Tooth (968-) (/F:28/F:28/F:17/) Chief of the Tiger Clan in Atruaghin de Narvaez y Montoya, Hugo "El Despiadado" (////) Father of Catalina de Bigotillos y Narvaez, Julio (991) de Narvaez y Sotto, Damita & Monte (990) de Narvaez Barón of Narvaez de Narvaez y Sotto, Dulcinea (////) Daughter of Esperanza de Sotto y Rivera Sister of Caterina de Montejo y Sotto Wife of Julio de Narvaez y Sotto de Narvaez y Sotto, Julio (991-) (////) Son of Hugo de Narvaez y Montoya Brother of Catalina de Bigotillos y Narvaez, Damita & Monte de Narvaez Husband of Dulcinea de Narvaez y Sotto Nergil VII "Cotton Head" (////) Prince of Sur in Nimmur ul-Nervi, Anandarun (-889) (-/-/-/-/-) Grandson of Nitara ul-Nervi Rajadhiraja of Sind (882-889) ul-Nervi, Anila (979-) (////) Wife of Chandra ul-Nervi Mother of Sitter ul-Nervi (999) ul-Nervi, Balin (-832) (-/-/-/-/-) Son of Ramanan ul-Nervi Brother of Kulpakh ul-Nervi Father of Nitara ul-Nervi (814) Rajadhiraja of Sind (812-832) ul-Nervi, Chandler (987-) (////) Son of Chandra & Jaya ul-Nervi Brother of Kedar ul-Nervi Half-Brother of Sita ul-Nervi ul-Nervi, Chandra (965-) (C:14//C:16/C:13/C:13) Grandson of Kapil ul-Nervi Brother of Kiritan ul-Nervi Husband of Anila & Jaya ul-Nervi Father of Chandler (987), Kedar (991) & Sita (999) ul-Nervi Rajadhiraja of Sind (992-1004) (1009-) ul-Nervi, Darshan (-/-/-/-/-) Son of Kers ul-Nervi Rajadhiraja of Sind (913-915) ul-Nervi, Hansh (-793) (-/-/-/-/-) Grandson of Kistna ul-Nervi Father of Ramanan ul-Nervi Rajadhiraja of Sind (776-793) ul-Nervi, Jaya (967-) (////) Wife of Chandra ul-Nervi Mother of Chandler (987) & Kedar (991) ul Nervi ul-Nervi, Kapil (-992) (-/-/-/-/-) Son of Timin ul-Nervi Grandfather of Chandra & Kiritan ul-Nervi Rajadhiraja of Sind (951-992) ul-Nervi, Kedar (991-) (////) Son of Chandra & Jaya ul-Nervi Brother of Chandler ul-Nervi Half-Brother of Sita ul-Nervi ul-Nervi/Zeberdesti, Kers (-913) (-/-/-/-/-) Father of Darshan ul-Nervi Rajadhiraja of Sind (901-913) ul-Nervi, Kiritan (////) Grandson of Kapil ul-Nervi Brother of Chandra ul-Nervi Ruler of Palkat (-1004) Rajadhiraja of Sind (1004-1009) ul-Nervi, Kistna (701-776) (-/-/-/-/-) Son of Narenda ul-Nervi Grandfather of Hansh ul-Nervi Rajadhiraja of Sind (735-776) ul-Nervi, Kulpakh (-812) (-/-/-/-/-) Son of Ramanan ul-Nervi Brother of Balin ul-Nervi Rajadhiraja of Sind (812-812) ul-Nervi, Narenda (-735) (-/-/-/-/-) Son of Sanjiva ul-Nervi Husband of Mandara Father of Kistna ul-Nervi (701) Rajah of Sindrastan (691-703) Rajadhiraja of Sind (703-735) ul-Nervi, Nitara (814-) (////) Daughter of Balin ul-Nervi Grandmother of Anandarun ul-Nervi Ranidhiraja of Sind (832-882) ul-Nervi, Ramanan (-812) (-/-/-/-/-) Son of Hansh ul-Nervi Father of Kulpakh & Balin ul-Nervi Rajadhiraja of Sind (793-812) ul-Nervi, Sanjiva (-691) (-/-/-/-/-) Father of Narenda ul-Nervi Rajah of Sindrastan (-691) ul-Nervi/Ylaici, Sarad (-939) (-/-/-/-/-) Father of Timin ul-Nervi Rajadhiraja of Sind (915-939) ul-Nervi, Sita (999-) (////) Daughter of Anila & Chandra ul-Nervi Half-Sister of Chandler & Kedar ul-Nervi ul-Nervi, Timin (////) Son of Sarad ul-Nervi Father of Kapil ul-Nervi Rajadhiraja of Sind (939-951) ul-Nervi, Vadin (////) Rajadhiraja of Sind (889-901) Niall (F:7////) Guard Captain of Fenswick in Darokin Nicodemus (////) King of Verdan Niddrow the Wise (Dw:8////) Keeper of the Forge of the Clan of Stormhaven in Norwold Nikelnevich, Aleksyev (955-) (C:11////) Patriarch of the Church of Traladara in Karameikos Niranjan, Vijay (969-1005) (/-/-/-/-) Half-Brother of Drisana Madhar Nizam (Gnoll:15////) Pasha of South Gnollistan Noris Naiswarf (Dw:2////) Daughter of Everast XV Sister of Duris Naiswarf & Everast XVI Princess of Rockhome Senator to Rockhome for the Family of Everast (990-) Norlan (972-) (F:18/F:24/F:24/F:16/) Husband of Mariella "Baron" (King) of Qeodhar (996-) Kjavik (Scourge) of Norzee Nortai (990-) (////) Daughter of Moglai Khan Nurokidu Nuar (950-) (Rake:36/Rake:36/Rake:36/Rake:20/) Archduke of the Pearl Islands (-?) in Thyatis King of the Pearl Islands Nyraviel, Aliana (E:9////) Countess of Soth-Kabree in Glantri Oakleaf Green (H////) Sheriff of Hollydown in Darokin Oaktree, Delsel (////) Assistant Governor of Aegos (1009-) Oberack of Ostland (961-) (////Mg:18) Leader of Oberack's Raiders Octavian, Hector (C:14////) Thyatis' Ambassador to Ierendi Oesterhaus, Heinrich (//F:36/F:20/) Count of Hattias in Thyatis Ohr'r (Bugbear:16////) Chief of Bugburbia Oktai Khan (974-) (F:14////) Khan of the Taijits in Ethengar Olaf Yarrvikson (961-) (/F:10/F:10/F:10/) Son of Yarrvik the Just King of Oceansend (-1011) Councillor of Oceansend (1011-) in Heldann One-Eye (F:6////) Pirate-King of Kron Onnena the Sylvan (////) Daughter of Subellos Countess of Morguen in Robrenn Orögi "The Half-Ogre" (////) King of the Tribe of the Storm Bringers Ortu (963-) (F:9////) Cousin of Moglai Khan Osteric, Cornel (F:7////) Thyatis' Ambassador to Karameikos (992-) Ottar Heathcock (////) Head of Ranholm Clan in Soderfjord Ottar the Swimmer (////) Head of Oland Clan in Ostland Paka, Kondu (966-) (F:28//F:28/F:17/) Bwana Gwaride (Great Guardian) of Yavdlom The Arm of Yav Palfrit (F:14////) King of Ierendi (1000) Palykratidius, Thyarius (950-) (C:36////) Head of the Officer's Training School of Kerendas in Thyatis Pandar, Uther (C:17////) Count of Kendach (-?) Paramesh, Inay (//T:15/T:13/) Rajah of Jalawar (1005-) in Sind Patrizio, Baldassare (//C:15/C:13/) Count of Lucinius in Thyatis Penhaligon, Arteris (971-) (F:9////) Daughter of Arturus Penhaligon Half-Sister of Ilyana Penhaligon Ruler of Penhaligon (996-) in Karameikos Penhaligon, Arturus (-996) (-/-/-/-/-) Brother of Kavorquian Penhaligon Father of Arteris (971) & Ilyana Penhaligon Ruler of Penhaligon (970-996) in Karameikos Penhaligon, Ilyana (F:4////) Illegitimate Daughter of Arturus Penhaligon Half-Sister of Arteris Penhaligon Penhaligon, Kaerin (974-) (F:4////) Adopted son of Kavorquian Penhaligon Penhaligon, Kavorquian (-1000) (/-/-/-/-) Brother of Arturus Penhaligon Philippe "Le Chevalier Sans Puce et Sans Reproche" (////) Son of Grégoire de Rochefort Baron de Brégoigne in Renardy Piroska of Citadel (//MU:20//) Lightning Hawk Spirit (1009-1010) Porphyriel (273-) (EW:21,ES:21/EW:21,ES:21/EW:21,ES:21/SE Mg:15,C:12/) Radiant Shaman of Rafiel in the City of the Stars Powakuan Sleeps-With-Open-Eyes (968-) (/F:10/F:10/F:10/) Chief of the Bear Clan in Atruaghin Prestelle (E:3////) Chief Trader and Ruler of Rifllian in Karameikos Psa'gh (////Ko F:12) Leader of the Hardanger Kobolds in Soderfjord Purringstoke, Meghan "The Gaunt" (////) Daughter of Melville Purringstoke Viscountess of Furfield in Bellayne Pyre (Huge Red Dragon HD:20////) The Overking of the Dark Jungle Qirklin (981-) (/C:20/C:20/C:15/) Prince of Floating Ar Patriarch of Valerias Qissling (932-) (/MU:28/MU:28/Mg:18/) King of Floating Ar Qreebak "The Dreamer" (////) King of the Tribe of the Black Orchid Radhas, Balin (961-) (F////) Grandson of Mohan Radhas Brother of Dalal & Sankar Radhas Radhas, Dalal (963-) (//T:12/T:12/) Grandson of Mohan Radhas Brother of Balin & Sankar Radhas Rajah of Baratkand in Sind Radhas, Mohan (////) Grandfather of Balin, Dalal & Sankar Radhas Great-grandfather of Tulasi Rudraksha Rajah of Baratkand (-?) in Sind Radhas, Sankar (972-) (////) Grandson of Mohan Radhas Brother of Balin & Dalal Radhas Radu, Anton (937-) (T:12////) Head of the Merchants' Guild of Karameikos Head of the Veiled Society of Karameikos Ragnar Solmundson (////) Head of Vithesford Clan in Ostland Ragnar the Stout (958-) (/F:28/F:28/F:17/F:17) Head of Soderfjord Clan in Soderfjord War Leader of the Nordhartar Defence League Commander of Ragnar's Fort King of Soderfjord (1012-) Raman, Nabonidus (950-) (MU:6////) Lieutenant in the Imperial Alphatian Navy Ramenhotep X (My:15////) Pharaoh of Thothia (-?) Husband of Aketheti Ramenhotep XXIII (950-1002) (C:15/-/-/-/-) Husband of Aketheti Pharaoh of Thothia (-1002) Ramenhotep XXIV (985-) (/C:10/C:10/C:10/C:10) Pharaoh of Thothia (1002-) Ratibus (T:32////) King of the Court of Beggars in Glantri Redsword Truetalker (E:10////) Clanmaster of Clan Red Arrow in Alfheim Reston of Akesoli (972-) (/F:26/F:26/F:16/F:16) King of Ierendi (1007-) Retebius, Callastian (970-) (Rake:20//Rake:24/Rake:16/) Husband of Mitasula Retebius Duke of Retebius in Thyatis Retebius, Mitasula (973-) (MU:18////) Wife of Callastian Retebius Duchess of Retebius in Thyatis Rezzan (F:15////) Commodore of the Imperial Navy of Thyatis Rhody, Jerem (957-) (//C:25/Dr:16/) King of Emerond (989-) Rhora Anlafsdottir (-990) (-/-/-/-/-) Wife of Hord Dark-Eye Mother of Alfgeir Hordson Queen of Ostland (-990) Rognvald the Raven (////) Head of Kalsloviki Clan in Ostland Rollo Harekson (////) Head of Nordcastel Clan in Soderfjord Rollo the Cruel (////) Head of Sognesholm Clan in Ostland Rotolf Kalfson (////) Head of Bornbank Clan in Vestland Rudraksha, Asha (976-) (////) Wife of Kabir Rudraksha Rudraksha, Bel (980-) (////) Daughter of Kami Valin Wife of Hara Rudraksha Rudraksha, Hara (980-) (//F:14/F:13/) Son of Kabir Rudraksha Brother of Meena & Mitra Rudraksha Husband of Tulasi & Bel Rudraksha Maharajah of Peshmir (1005-) in Sind Rudraksha, Harini (978-) (////) Wife of Kabir Rudraksha Rudraksha, Kabir (//T:29/T:17/) Husband of Asha, Harini & Kasi Rudraksha + 4 others Father of Hara (980), Meena (994) & Mitra (987) Rudraksha Maharajah of Kadesh in Sind Rudraksha, Kasi (972-) (////) Wife of Kabir Rudraksha Rudraksha, Meena (994-) (////) Daughter of Kabir Rudraksha Sister of Hara & Mitra Rudraksha Rudraksha, Mitra (987-) (////) Daughter of Kabir Rudraksha Sister of Hara & Meena Rudraksha Rudraksha, Tulasi (981-) (////) Great-granddaughter of Mohan Radhas Wife of Hara Rudraksha Ruggiero, Leonidas (//F:19/F:14/) Duke of Kantrium in Thyatis Runolf the Dandy (////) Head of Marsfjord Clan in Vestland Rurik Sturlason (////) Head of Fynmark Clan in Vestland Sabak (915-) (MU:28////) Leader of the Golden Khan's Hakomons in Ethengar Santarian Keltander (970-) (Pe:11,Sh:4/Pe:11,Sh:4/Pe:11,Sh:4/Pe R:10/) Mayor of Serraine (1000-) Sascia (972-) (F:12////) Townmistress of Luln in Karameikos Schonberg, Gunter (F:11////) Ierendi's Ambassador to Karameikos (995-) Sebastiana, Alessandra Military Governor of Trikelios (1010-) de Sephora, Genevieve (MU:20////) Comtesse de Touraine in Glantri High Mistress of Alchemy Sergyev (C:9////) Patriarch of the Cult of Halav (995-) Shadow Lord, The (////) King of Denagoth Shaedrik Divotfoot (977-) (/H:8/H:8/H F:8/) Sheriff of Leeha Shalander (890-) (E:7////) Brother of Galladin Alfheim's Ambassador to Karameikos Sharlikran (E:10////) Counsellor to the Clanmaster of Clan Chossum in Alfheim Shazak XII "The Slick" (////) Son of Shazak XI "No Tail" King of Shazak Sheneser II "Iron Sing" (////) Prince of Ankesh in Nimmur Siaron Lagrius (959-) (/MU:13/MU:13/Mg:12/) Queen of Lagrius (-1011) Sighvat Hordson (1007-) (-////) Son of Hord Dark-Eye & Yrsa Svalasdottir Brother of Finn Hordson, Geir Hordson & Igrid Yrsasdottir Half-Brother of Alfgeir Hordson Prince of Ostland Sigismund III the Great (Pa////) Son of Godegesil King of Eusdria Sigrid Halldorson (////) Head of Hammersholm Clan in Ostland Sigvaldi Thorirson (////) Head of Haltimark Clan in Ostland Sildil Seaeyes (978-) (H:8/H:8/H:8/H F:8/H F:8) Sheriff of Southshire (995-) in Five Shires Leader of the Navy of the Five Shires Sildreth II (960-1009) (C:24/-/-/-/-) King of Greenspur (-1009) in Alphatia Skapti the Skald (////) Head of Norrland Clan in Vestland Skyratchet, Branwys (Gnome:8,Sh:8////) Clan Elder of the Skyratchet Clan of Serraine Sokki Sturlson (////) Head of Olvasford Clan in Soderfjord da Solidão, Dominíca (////) Leader of Protectorado da Presa in Texeiras Solvi Hardhand (////) Head of Castellan Clan in Soderfjord de Sotto y Rivera, Esperanza "La Illustre" (////) Mother of Caterina de Montejo y Sotto & Dulcinea de Narvaez y Sotto Baronesa of Gargoña (985-) Srinivasan, Ultman (//F:18/F:14/) Husband of 12 Father of 19 Grandfather of 50 Rajah of Azadgal in Sind Ssa'a IV "Silver Tail" (////) Daughter of Roha'a II Queen of Cay Staffleheim, Boris (969-) (F:10////) Captain of the Akesoli City Guard in Darokin Starkad the Hunter (////) Head of Osterlo Clan in Ostland Starwatcher (EW:20////) Treekeeper of Clan Long Runner in Alfheim Stavros (////) Uncle of Miosz II Adviser to the Margrave of Slagovich Leader of the Knights of Halav in Slagovich Steinthor Pin-Leg (////) Head of Hillgard Clan in Soderfjord Stillian/Lillian (949-) (MU:24/MU:30/MU:30/Mg:18/) Queen of Trikelios (-1010) (1011-) Queen of Ierendi (1011-1011) Stolander (MU:5(AC1005)/-/-/-/-) Lieutenant in the Imperial Alphatian Army Stronghold, Thor (////) Guild Hammer Guild Master in Minrothad Subatai (984-) (////) Son of Moglai Khan Sulescu, Zemiros (MU:9////) Ruler of Sulescu in Karameikos Sur, Darshan (////) Uncle of Sarojun Sur Sur, Sarojun (974-) (//F:22/F:15/) Nephew of Darshan Sur Maharajah of Gunjab in Sind Swith, Azlum (////Mg:21) Captain of the Geodome Airship Talasar, Ecbashur/Yodar Jernog (C:17////) Lieutenant Commander of the Imperial Alphatian Navy Talinguk Rolls-His-Canoe (957-) (/T:16/T:16/T:13/) Chief of the Turtle Clan in Atruaghin Tanadaleyo (679-) (EL:11/E:13/E:13/SE F:13,Mg:13/SE F:13,Mg:13) Daughter of Telemon & Caerefel Radiant Princess of the Shadow Elves (1005-) Governor of Aengmor (1007-) Tanai (////) Wife of Moglai Khan Tanarobi Nuar (951-) (Rake:6/Rake:6/Rake:6/Rake:6/) Pearl Islands' Ambassador to Thyatis Taragin Oakbranch (E:10////) Guardian of Alfheim Town Counsellor of Clan Grunalf in Alfheim di Tarento, Antonio (MU:12////) Viscount of Castelbianco in Glantri Leader of the Thugs' Guild in Glantri Tarisco Highnose (972-) (/H:8/H:8/H F:7,T:7/H F:7,T:7) Sheriff of Highshire (1008-) in Five Shires Tarn Oakleaf (Dr:24////) Druidic Representative to the Court of Alpha Tastagarth Lunn (940-) (MU:18/MU:22/MU:22/Mg:15/) Governor of Dunadale (-WotI) King of Dunadale (WotI-1010) Tehuantipoca, Zotl (Gnoll:19////) Lord of Oenkmar Commander of the Oenkmarian Army Teldon (MU:15////) Head of the Magicians' Guild of Specularum in Karameikos Telemon (289-)/(568-) (EL:15/E:15/E:15/SE F:12,Mg:15/SE F:12,Mg:15) Husband of Caerefel Father of Tanadaleyo (679) General of the Shadow Elves King of the City of the Stars (582-) Temur Khan (971-) (T:24////) Khan of the Yugatais in Ethengar Teng Lin-Dieu (959-) (C:36/C:36/C:36/C:20/) Archduke of Ochalea (-?) in Thyatis King of Ochalea Patriarch of Koryis Terari/Tylion IV (871-) (MU:36/MU:36/MU:36/Mg:20/Mg:20) Son of Tylari III Father of Eriadna (920) Emperor of Alphatia (919-962) Headmaster of the Karameikan School of Magecraft (1010-) Terlagand, Mariana (MU:15////) Marchioness of Barrym in Glantri Teskilion (967-) (/F:14/F:14/F:12/) King of Dawnrim Teuthoel the Merciful (////) Son of Trestana Baron of Sedhuen in Robrenn de Texeiras, Bartolomeu "O Calvo" (////) Barão de Texeiras Thar (959-) (Orc:29,Sh:12/Orc:29/Orc:30/Orc F:18/Orc F:18) Father of Angus McDuff Orc King of the Broken Lands (975-1010) Chief of Orcus Rex (-1011) Supreme Commander of the Legion (-1010) Theodamir the Stutterer (////) Son of Althuin Count of Harstal in Eusdria Thorbjorn Rorikson (////) Head of Gretmarsh Clan in Soderfjord Thoric Redhand Dortowarf (DwC:12////) Son of Dorto Doricwarf & Koris Goriswarf Minister of Histories in Rockhome Thorir the Wealthy (////) Head of Ostmanland Clan in Ostland Thorkell Gydason (////) Head of Vithesfeld Clan in Soderfjord Thrain Helgason (////) Head of Falsterholm Clan in Vestland Thrais Thoriwarf (Dw:4////) Aunt of Kori Fire-Eye Filiawarf Wife of Duro (988) Head of the Skarrad Clan (990-) Senator to Rockhome for the Family of Nordenshield Thrildor Blackhammer (Dw:8////) Rockhome's Ambassador to Five Shires (988-) Throic Oicwarf (Dw:5////) Captain of the Thorns of Rockhome Tiberia, Edmondo (////) Military Governor of Dunadale (1010-) Tien-Tang, Triella (930-) (MU:36//MU:36/Mg:20/) Duchess of Mositius in Thyatis Tigurta I "The Taciturn" (////) Queen of Apsur in Nimmur High Priestess of Nin-Hurabi Timalta (982-) (/MU:5/MU:5/Mg:5/) Queen of Gaity (-1010) Timenko, Piotr-Grygory (MU:9////) Baron of Kutchevski in Glantri Tisza, Valdo (NM////) Minister of Finance to Karameikos de Tolón, Claudio (////) Baronet of Montejo in Saragón Torenal (945-1004) (F:36/-/-/-/-) Father of Ericall (972), Lernal the Swill (975), Mariella (980) & Tredorian (983) General of Empress Eriadna of Alphatia's Guard (-1004) Torenescu, Sergei (F:4////) Karameikos' Ambassador to Glantri Toriath the Black (955-) (F:12////) Ruler of the Village of Toriath of the Yanniveys Torion, Anaxibius (970-) (F:30/F:36/F:36/F:20/) Husband of Stefania Torion Count of Redstone (1010-) in Thyatis General of the Thyatian Army Torion, Asteriela (979-) (MU:4/MU:14/MU:14/Mg:12/Mg:13) Daughter of Gabriela & Thincol Torion Sister of Eusebius & Stefania Torion Wife of Eruul Zaar (1008) Queen of Helskir (1008-) Torion, Coltius (994-) (/NM/NM/0-level/B:1) Son of Eusebius & Lucianna Torion Brother of Gabronius Torion Prince of Thyatis Torion, Eusebius (961-) (F:18/F:21/F:21/F:15/F:15) Son of Gabriela & Thincol Torion Brother of Asteriela & Stefania Torion Husband of Lucianna Torion (993) Father of Coltius (994) & Gabronius (999) Torion Captain of the Imperial Army of Thyatis Count of Lucinius (-?) Prince-Regent of Thyatis (-1012) Emperor of Thyatis (1012-) Torion, Gabriela (947-1011) (NW//NW/-/-) Daughter of Gabrionus V Wife of Thincol Torion (960) Mother of Asteriela (979), Eusebius (961) & Stefania (970) Torion Empress of Thyatis (-1011) Torion, Gabronius (999-) (/NM/NM/0-level/0-level) Son of Eusebius & Lucianna Torion Brother of Coltius Torion Prince of Thyatis Torion, Lucianna (975-) (////B:5) Wife of Eusebius Torion (993) Mother of Coltius (994) & Gabronius (999) Torion Empress of Thyatis (1012-) Torion, Stefania (970-) (T:15/T:23/T:23/F:5,T:14/F:5,T:15) Daughter of Gabriela & Thincol Torion Sister of Asteriela & Eusebius Torion Wife of Alfgeir Hordson (987) Wife of Anaxibius Torion Princess of Thyatis Countess of Redstone (1010-) in Thyatis Garrison Commander of Redstone Castle (1010-) General of the Thyatian Army Torion, Thincol (938-1012) (F:36/F:36/F:36/F:20/-) Husband of Gabriela Torion (960) Father of Asteriela (979), Eusebius (961) & Stefania (970) Torion Emperor of Thyatis (960-1012) Tormandros, Lucas (964-) (F:4////) Townsmaster of Specularum in Karameikos de Torreón y Morales, Isabel "La Terrible" (////) Baronesa of Torreón Traegar (NM////) Captain of Bethilda's Star Tredorian (983-) (F:4////) Son of Eriadna & Torenal Brother of Ericall & Mariella Half-brother of Eldrethila, Lernal the Swill & Zandor Trenzantenbium, Lucinius (-0) (-/-/-/-/-) Governor of Kerendas (-2BC) King of Thyatis (2BC-0) Tristilia of Gaity (972-) (MU:12/MU:20/MU:20/Mg:15/) Queen of Ierendi (1007-1011) Trumbull (944-1010) (T:10/T:16/-/-/-) Townsmaster of Ekto (-1009) Governor Pro Tem of Ekto (1009-1010) Tulabal Shadowfall (975-) (/T:16/T:16/F:4,T:13/) Chieftainess of the Elk Clan in Atruaghin Tylari III (////) Mother of Terari Empress of Alphatia (-919) Ukul "Harpoon Hand" (////) King of the Tribe of the Sea Plague Ulf Kolson (////) Head of Suddland Clan in Soderfjord Umlat (C:6////) Tribal cleric of the Village of Mantru on the Isle of Dread Urbaal, Emeth (MU:12////) Count of Wylon (-1006) in Glantri Urutas (////) Wife of Moglai Khan Utha the Fair (////) Daughter of Aldaric Baroness of Savaria in Eusdria Uthom (Triton MU:7////) Court Wizard of Suthus Valentia (-?) (-/-/-/-/-) Wife of Zendrolion Valentin of Starpoint (//MU:19//) Black Eagle Spirit (1009-1010) Valin, Kami (918-) (////) Father of Bel Rudraksha (980) Maharajah of Peshmir (-1005) in Sind Vandehaar, Pieter (MU:11////) Baron of Oxhill in Glantri Vandrad Horikson (////) Head of Ozurfold Clan in Soderfjord Vandrad the Strong (////) Head of Hennesdalir Clan in Vestland Vanisi, Derek (846-) (E:8,Me:5////) Captain of the 1st Army of Darokin Vendor, Hildric (////) Guild Corser Guild Master in Minrothad Venkat, Bharani (////) Uncle of Ramanan Venkat Chief Adviser to the Rajah of Shajarkand in Sind Venkat, Ramanan (987-) (//F:7/F:7/) Nephew of Bharani Venkat Rajah of Shajarkand in Sind Verdier, Rewen (E:6////) Keeper of the Carven Oak of Clan Verdier in Minrothad Verlien, Sinaria (MU:21////) Countess of High Sonden in Glantri Vigfus Ketilson (////) Head of Oberbeck Clan in Soderfjord de Vilaverde, Fernando (////) Son of Jorge "O Temerário" de Vilaverde Brother of Jorge de Vilaverde de Vilaverde, Jorge (////) Son of Jorge "O Temerário" de Vilaverde Brother of Fernando de Vilaverde Ruler of Porto Escorpião de Vilaverde, Jorge "O Temerário" (955-) (////) Father of Fernando and Jorge de Vilaverde Barão of Vilaverde Villiun (971-) (/C:30/C:30/C:18/) King of Horken Patriarch of Alphatia Virayana, Aleah (T:17////) Wife of Jherek Virayana Virayana IV, Jherek (958-) (MU:27/MU:30/MU:30/Mg:18/Mg:18) Husband of Aleah, Lan-Syn & Waira Virayana Father of Ralindi & Rejladan Virayana Prince of Krondahar in Glantri Khan of Singhabad in Glantri Supreme Judge of the Council of Glantri High Master of Dream Magic Virayana, Lan-Syn (MU:17////) Sister of Urmahid Krinagar Wife of Jherek Virayana Virayana, Ralindi (MU:9////) Son of Jherek Virayana Half-Brother of Rejladan Virayana Virayana, Rejladan (MU:9////) Son of Jherek Virayana Half-Brother of Ralindi Virayana Virayana, Waira (F:14////) Wife of Jherek Virayana Vlaardoen, Anton (F:22////) Brother of Vanserie Vlaardoen Vlaardoen, Juliana (982-) (MU:9/MU:15/MU:15/Mg:14/Mg:14) Daughter of Vanserie & Wilhelmine Vlaardoen Princess of Bergdhoven (1009-) in Glantri Viscountess of Linden (1009-) in Glantri Vlaardoen XI, Vanserie (-1009) (MU:28/-/-/-/-) Brother of Anton Vlaardoen Husband of Wilhelmine Vlaardoen Father of Juliana Vlaardoen (982) Prince of Bergdhoven (-1009) in Glantri Viscount of Linden (-1009) in Glantri Treasurer of the Council of Glantri (-1009) High Master of Fire Elementalism (-1009) Leader of the Followers of Fire in Glantri (-1009) Vlaardoen, Wilhelmine (-1009) (MU:23/-/-/-/-) Wife of Vanserie Vlaardoen Mother of Juliana Vlaardoen (982) Voll, Aladan (F:5////) Minrothad's Ambassador to Karameikos (994-) Vorloi, Grygory (////) Son of Philip Vorloi Brother of Marianna Vorloi Vorloi, Marianna (////) Daughter of Philip Vorloi Sister of Grygory Vorloi Vorloi, Philip (F:3////) Father of Grygory & Marianna Vorloi Baron of Vorloi in Karameikos Whitehall, Estella (NW////) Darokin's Ambassador to Karameikos (985-) Whitwell, Purceval "The Iron Clawed" (////) Son of Hume Archibald Whitwell Duke of Pawcester in Bellayne Wutyla, Laszlo (MU:9////) Baron of Mariksen in Glantri Xanathon (C:14////) High Priest of the Temple of Cretia in Rhoona in Vestland Xanthus (949-) (///Mg:17/) King of Blackrock Xilochtli (947-) (Orc:26,Sh:17/Orc:26,Sh:17/Orc:26,Sh:17/Orc F:10,Sh:13/) High Priest of Atzanteotl Ruler of Oenkmar Yahav IV "The Watcher" (////) Son of Amsharai II Wizard-King of Herath Yaluughu "The Dark Weaver" (////) Son of Ezer of Ensheya Duke of Ensheya in Herath Yarani (-1000) (/-/-/-/-) Bwana Ramla of Yavdlom (-1000) Yarol, Zogrev (950-) (F:9////) Minister of State to Karameikos (995-) Yarrvik the Just (935-) (F:9////) Father of Olaf Yarrvikson (961) King of Oceansend (960-?) Yav/Mulogo (556BC-758) (-/-/-/-/-) Seer to the Tanagoros Herald to the Immortal Yav Yavi (////) Prayer Leader of the Ierendi Sanctuary of the Eternal Truth Yavswano, Jibada (984-) (F:2//F:10/F:10/) Mokuba (Overlord) of Yavdlom (997-) Yazar (-1010) (Go:24,Wi:13//-/-/-) Wife of Doth Queen of High Gobliny (-1010) Yetunde (935-) (Dr:29//Dr:31/Dr:18/) Tayme (Queen) of the Karimari (984-) Yezarath of Pazphezu (////) Overseer of the Wildwoods of Herath Yrsa Svalasdottir (975-) (C:8/C:10/C:10/C:10/) Half-Sister of Gunnhild Svalasdottir Wife of Hord Dark-Eye Mother of Finn Hordson (995), Geir Hordson (996), Igrid Yrsasdottir (1001) & Sighvat Hordson (1007) Queen of Ostland (996-1013) Zaar, Eruul (955-) (F:27/F:30/F:30/F:18/) Husband of Asteriela Torion (1008) King of Helskir (1008-) Zaaviq (F:17////) Commander in the Imperial Navy of Thyatis Zandor (966-) (MU:30/MU:30/MU:30/Mg:18/) Son of Eriadna & Zyndryl Brother of Eldrethila Half-Brother of Ericall, Mariella, Tredorian & Zynnia Emperor of the New Alphatian Empire (1010-1012) Zar/Titus Titonius (Ko:20////) Generalissimo of the Imperial Army of Kol Zendrolion (-20) (-/-/-/-/-) Husband of Valentia Emperor of Thyatis (0-20) Zgozod (////) Commander of the Slagovich Army Zhengys (F:18////) Admiral of the Empire of Alphatia Zsiga of Blackheart (//MU:22//) Growling Bear Spirit (1009-1010) Zvornik, Galben (923-) (////) Margrave of Zvornik Zyndryl (920-?) (MU:36/-/-/-/-) Father of Eldrethila (963), Zandor (966) & Zynnia (980) King of Aquas (-?) in Alphatia Zynnia (980-) (/MU:4/MU:4/Mg:5/) Daughter of Lynnia & Zyndryl Half-Sister of Eldrethila & Zandor Queen of Aquas