Current rumour list
by Cab DavidsonApropos of nothing in particular, just for fun, here's the current rumour list from my campaign (set in Maganshire, Norwold). Yes, it's a d30 roll, the number a PC gets depends on the success of their information gathering attempt.
1. A village, Ano, has been completely destroyed and denuded of wood. It’s in Two Lakes Vale
2. Rumblings of trouble around the Alatians turned out to be untrue, and the Great Pirate Fleet attacked Alphatian shipments of Guano from Everfeed to Bellisaria.
3. The gnomes in the hills are… up to something. It’s a feeling that many traders who’ve come through there have had.
4. There’s something seriously bad happened to the Broken Lands. There are humanoid tribes on the run seemingly across the Known World.
5. The Khan has summoned the Horde and seems to be hunting humanoids across his lands.
6. The herring catch has been huge, but you can’t get an eel for love nor money this year
7. It’s looking like an excellent wheat harvest approaching
8. Dragon raids have been reported further from the Wyrmsteeth than normal – Soderfjiord has been hit hard, the Jarls failed to unite to help fight them off
9. King Thar has left the Broken Lands, and is raising a new army.
10. There are strange raiders coming from the ruins of Landfall
11. The Sasquatch are unhappy with their neighbours up in the mountains
12. Pale elves have been seen in the woods south of Magan
13. Pirates have been operating near the Grallochs again
14. Slave prices are sky high in Thyatis and Alphatia, slavers are getting braver at taking captives in new territories
15. Fewer Thyatian ships have been seen in the Alphatian Se and Western Sea of Dawn than usual. Where is their navy?
16. A metamorph sage is in Magan, seeking knowledge of the wild creatures of Norwold.
17. Traders have been taking some really odd shipments up past Quercus. Odd alchemical stuff.
18. Serraine was seen over Hamsterley recently
19. Vestland has broken ties with Thyatis lately, turfing out their garrisons because of lack of support for their King
20. A theatre troop that was visiting from Alphatia went missing in Coston. Nobody knows what happened to them.
21. There’s a program for down and outs that has really turned the lives of the tramps around, they’re doing really well. Out on the Lief road somewhere. They're preaching the good word of a new immortal, Hallucigenia.
22. A whole lot of elves from Wendar have been seen in these parts lately, something about searching for followers of The One
23. A new gnomish ambassador is in town. Nobody knows where he’s from
24. The Queen is talking about adopting a successor
25. The leader of the Vampires that had a coven in the docks is back, they say he’s been recruiting
26. There were some guys in town from Esterhold, sent by the Emperor himself. They’re prospecting for some kind of rare metal.
27. Loads of strange creatures have been appearing up in caves in the mountains, with stories of something coming up from deep below
28. The shadow elves are on the verge of a civil war
29. There’s a rumour that the Emperor is going to call Glantrian ambassadors to Magan for a conference. Something big is brewing
30. A travelling scholar has come from the far east. She’s golden. And hairy. And nobody has worked out what she is.