Revive Dragon Soul
by AozThe Dragon Sorceror Cybrikian will invent this spell on 3.13.1015 AC after a Dragon Soul he chats with is destroyed by a Dracologist in 1014 AC. After lengthy research, he has limited success in creation of a revival spell for Dragon Souls.
Revive Dragon Soul
Level: 5th Dragon Mage in 1015 AC, 6th Dragon Priest by 1022 AC and 6th Dracologist by 1028 AC
Additional Requirements: Dragons need a constitution of 9 or greater and non-dragons need a constitution 13 or greater to cast spell.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch or within 10 feet (of dragon soul)
Target: A destroyed dragon soul
Duration: InstantaneousThe caster can restore one dragon soul that has been destroyed.
The caster can revive a destroyed dragon soul that has been inactive for up to one day per caster level.
Revive dragon soul is restored with 1 hit point per Hit Die.
The dragon soul that is revived loses one HD when it is bought back. This HD loss cannot be repaired by any spell. If the Dragon soul is 1 hit dice, it loses 2 points of Charisma instead.
After casting the spell and reviving the dragon soul, the Dragon Mage (or Priest) loses 8 points of Constitution. He must rest for a day to recover each point of constitution. The reduction in constitution will affect the total hp of the caster. If the 8-point would drop the spellcaster to a constitution of 1 or 0 hp, he falls unconscious and must make a Save verse Death Ray/Poison or die; however, even if saves will permanently lose two hit points (if this reduces the caster to zero hit points the caster dies).
After casting the spell reviving the dragon soul, a non-dragon caster loses 12 points of Constitution. He must rest for one day to recover each point of constitution. The reduction in constitution will affect the total hp of the caster. If the 12-point would drop the spellcaster to a constitution of 1 or 0 hp, he falls unconscious and must make a Save verse Death Ray/Poison or die; however, even if save will permanently lose 3 hit points (if this reduces the caster to zero hit points the caster dies).
The caster is exhausted until all constitution points are recovered and if unconscious, will awaken after 4 hours for a dragon and 6 hours for a non-dragon. See Corporeal conditions table by Robin for more information.
Material Component: A diamond worth at least 1,000 gp.
Modified with advice from Robin.