The Campaign
As Nidrith studied the interlopers, a glittery red wind swept down the canyon, dimly lighting the scene. The intruders' argument reached a climax as the tall human woman drew a radiant sword and threatened a small lupin in leather armour. The lupin stammered for a moment, ears perked forward, then reached into his belt pouch and drew out a handful of pinkish glowing coins.
The tall woman seemed happy and turned away, stuffing a few coins into her pockets and handing some to her other two companions. It looked like they were ready to move on, continuing their exploration of the canyon.
Nidrith sighed. She didn't want them to find her cave. It was bad enough being one of the Afflicted; she didn't want others to see her current state. She knew she must be prepared to defend her home, such as it was; she began casting a spell. A lopsided smile appeared on her scaly face as she quietly chanted the magical words. At least the Time of Loss and Change hadn't taken away her ability to cast spells.
As the spell took shape, Nidrith felt the familiar tingle that always came when she tried to detect magic in the cursed lands. Maybe she could cut through the interference in the air, and learn if any of the intruders were carrying any dangerous magic. Eyes narrowed in concentration, she brought her smaller arm toward the larger one, to link twisted fingers and complete the spell. Success!
Nidrith frowned as she contemplated the information gleaned. One of the strangers was an Inheritor. He would be tough to fight, and it was Inheritors who took away her cinnabryl. Still, perhaps this one would be willing to help her. . . .
This chapter includes tips on running a SAVAGE COAST campaign, as well as some additional rules and information for the DM.
Herein, a brief overview of the world that is home to the Savage Coast is followed by advice for adapting the setting to other campaign worlds. Immortals and deities are covered next, followed by a general overview of the politics and current events of the Savage Coast. Then comes advice on running campaigns in this wild and war-torn setting.
The World
Set in Mystara, the Savage Coast borrows many things from the surrounding lands. Explorers from the Known World have settled several times along the Savage Coast. Many of the coast's languages and cultures have their roots in the Known World. The Savage Coast also uses the Thyatian calendar, which designates the current year as AC 1010, dividing the year into 12 months of 28 days each. The months and days of the calendar are shown in Table 17.1. The new moon begins with the first week of each month.
Months (season)
Days of the Week
Nuwmont (midwinter)
Vatermont (late winter)
Thaumont (early spring)
Flaurmont (midspring)
Yarthmont (late spring)
Klarmont (early summer)
Felmont (midsummer)
Fyrmont (late summer)
Ambyrmont (early fall)
Sviftmont (midfall)
Eirmont (late fall)
Kaldmont (early winter)
Despite these commonalties and shared backgrounds, no political ties remain between the Savage Coast and the Known World. Communication and trade between them is sporadic at best.
The Savage Coast is also the point of origin of several cultures that have spread to other places. The araneas had their start on the coast, as did the three races of lizard kin, the wallaras, and tortles. Minotaurs are descended from their winged kin (the enduks), while the winged elves of the Savage Coast (the ee'aar) are an offshoot of normal elves. The origins of phanatons, rakastas, and lupins are unsure, but it seems likely that these three races came from elsewhere, spreading simultaneously to the Known World and the Savage Coast. Ironically, many of the so-called savage races of the Savage Coast (phanatons, tortles, wallaras, caymas, gurrash, and shazaks) are less primitive than their cousins in other parts of the world. Similarly, lupins and rakastas have true civilisations only on the Savage Coast; in other places, they have nomadic tribal cultures. It should be noted that the native races do not consider the area a "frontier," and that term is certainly a misnomer in regard to their cultures. Only the humans and demihumans of the eastern coast think of the region in those terms.
It is not necessary to play the campaign with the Savage Coast as part of the larger MYSTARA campaign world. The Savage Coast can be placed in other worlds published for the AD&D game or in a world of the DM's creation. This can be done to add spice to an existing campaign or to allow players to take existing characters into the SAVAGE COAST campaign, rather than creating new characters. Tips for adapting the Savage Coast to other worlds follow.
Other Worlds
The Savage Coast stretches between the Serpent Peninsula in the east and the Orc's Head Peninsula in the west. The maps included with this set show the coastal region, the northern portion of the Orc's Head Peninsula, and part of the Serpent Peninsula. The maps show a region approximately 2,700 miles long from east to west that contains more than 5,000 miles of coastline (just over 2,100 of which is the Savage Coast, between the two peninsulas) and more than one million square miles of land. Obviously, this is not a region that can be conveniently dropped in wherever the DM desires. It is more of a subcontinent, and some thought should be given to where it is placed. The entire setting need not be used; for example, a DM could use just the coastal nations themselves, the nation of Herath, or the rakastas.
The climate of the Savage Coast is warm temperate to sub-tropical. Because of the long coastline and the warm currents, it rarely snows anywhere along the coast (perhaps once in 10 years). The plant life of the region varies from coniferous and deciduous forest plants to palm trees and long grasses. The Savage Coast has hills, mountains, swamps, and deserts, each with appropriate plant life. The animal life of the region is fairly typical for climate and terrain as well.
Monsters and Legacies
Monsters of the Savage Coast include whatever the DM chooses, but should fit with the rest of the ecology. For example, no thri-kreen should live here, because the grasslands and deserts are occupied by other creatures. Few lycanthropes exist here, because lupins hate them (especially werewolves), hunting them down whenever possible. Civilisations should be limited to those intelligent races specifically mentioned in this set, plus whatever the DM might want to put in an underdark setting. Individuals or small families of other intelligent species might live here, but they should be used sparingly. The forests of Robrenn have many sylvan and faerie creatures, while the forests of Herath hold insects and arachnids of all shapes and sizes.
Generally, in the cursed lands, members of intelligent animal races are susceptible to the effects of the curse. This includes members of all PC races, goblinoids, and intelligent monsters. The effects are as described in "The Curse and the Legacies" chapter. Many animal life forms have Legacies as well. Magical beings, most sylvan creatures, and monsters with spell-like powers (such as unicorns, pixies, and beholders) do not gain Legacies. Almost all other monsters are affected by at least the side effects of the Red Curse, and the majority gain Legacies as well.
Many monsters with Legacies are also transformed by the detrimental effects of the Red Curse. When a monster gains a Legacy, roll a saving throw vs. spell. If the saving throw fails, the monster becomes Afflicted. Otherwise, the creature could appear perfectly normal, except for being red in colour.
Except undead described especially for the SAVAGE COAST setting, undead are never affected by Legacies. Plants and fungi never acquire Legacies but might suffer slightly by the side effects of the Red Curse, acquiring red striping or spotting on the leaves or bark.
As mentioned before, Mystara has Immortals instead of gods. These Immortals have great power and grant spells to clerics. Immortals do not die of old age, disease, or damage; they do not need to eat, drink, or breathe; they are unaffected by mortal magic and can cast spells far more powerful than those cast by mortals; and they live on other planes. Like gods, Immortals are not "monsters" to be used in direct conflicts with PCs.
The main difference between gods and Immortals is that the latter were once mortal, attaining Immortal status through the sponsorship of Immortals who approved of their mortal accomplishments. This means that Immortals retain an empathy with mortals and are more willing to interfere in their affairs. By doing so, they work to achieve their own personal goals, gain further powers, and advance their Spheres (see subsequent text). While Immortals are forbidden from acting directly against mortals, they can work through agents and prophesies.
The path to Immortality is difficult and is not covered in these rules. The Wrath of the Immortals offers rules for characters achieving Immortality in the D&D game system. Those rules can be adapted for use with the AD&D game system if so desired.
Immortals are ranked in degree of power. The rankings, from lowest to highest are as follows: Initiate, Temporal, Celestial, Empyreal, Eternal, Hierarch. These rankings are important (from a mortal viewpoint) only to show the raw power of Immortals in relation to one another. It does not reflect the power or influence of various churches. Immortals increase their rankings through activities and experience, similar to the way that PCs rise in levels.
Immortal Spheres
Each Immortal also belongs to a Sphere (not to be confused with the clerical spheres of spells). Each Sphere is a sort of loose pantheon of like-minded individuals with common goals and an established, though changeable, hierarchy. The five spheres are Matter, Energy, Time, Thought, and Entropy. Each Sphere is related to an element; members of each Sphere have alignment tendencies, but alignments are not set. A member of any Sphere can have any alignment. Note also that a Sphere is not a place, but a philosophy. See the sidebar for a description of the five spheres.
Specialty priests can replace the required kits for priests in this setting. Clerical spheres are suggested for priests according to their patron Immortal's sphere. Most specialty priests should have a special weapon available to them, based on the Immortal's preferences or abilities. Some might have other special abilities or access to unusual spells. For instance, priests of a patron of thieves could have thieving abilities, or the patron of magic might grant wizard spells. These decisions are left to the DM. Comparisons with established specialty priests would be valuable. DMs should also consider the desired power level of specialty priests, and try to balance them with other classes. The DM may also choose to allow specialty priests unlimited advancement if they are priests to racial patrons.
The Sphere of Matter concerns itself with the physical world and its inhabitants. This is the Sphere of solidity, sturdiness, and stability mutable within set and understandable rules. This Sphere relates to the element of earth, and most of its members are lawful. Suggested priest spheres are as follows: Major Access to All, Animal, Elemental (Earth), Plant, and Summoning; Minor Access to Combat, Creation, Divination, and Healing.
The Sphere of Energy promotes activity and transformation. It includes such things as fire, creation, and magic. Energy is temperamental, dynamic, changing, and brilliant. This Sphere relates to the element of fire, and most members are chaotic. Suggested priest spheres are as follows: Major Access to All, Creation, Elemental (Fire), Sun, and Weather; Minor Access to Combat, Guardian, Healing, and Summoning.
The Sphere of Time seeks constant change, but at a set and controlled rate. Like a river, time is constantly in motion, while remaining in one place. This is the Sphere of history, growth, and rebirth. The Sphere relates to the element of water. Most members are neutral. Suggested priest spheres are as follows: Major Access to All, Creation, Divination, Elemental (Water), and Healing; Minor Access to Animal, Necromantic, Plant, and Sun.
The Sphere of Thought seeks understanding and enlightenment, attracting Immortals who revere realisation, philosophy, and analysis. This Sphere relates to the element of air, ephemeral yet ever-present, invisible yet pervasive. Most members are good. Suggested priest spheres are as follows: Major Access to All, Astral, Elemental (Air), Divination, and Summoning; Minor Access to Charm, Guardian, Healing, and Weather.
The Sphere of Entropy is the Sphere of destruction, disintegration, and death the end of all things. It is the shattering of matter, the quenching of energy, the final lapse of time, and the stilling of thought. It acts against all the other Spheres, and even against itself. This Sphere has no definite elemental analogue, but some believe it to be tied to the Negative Energy Plane (hinting at the possibility of an undisclosed sixth sphere tied to the Positive Energy Plane). Most Immortals of the Sphere of Entropy are evil. Suggested priest spheres are as follows: Major Access to All, Combat, Divination, Healing (reverse only), and Necromantic (including reverse); Minor Access to Elemental (reverse only), Plant (reverse only), Summoning, and Weather.
Thus, the DM should consider geography and climate when placing the Savage Coast into another world. Adjustments can be made in the size of the area (ignoring the peninsulas, for instance), and the climate can be modified to reflect the area's placement.
In general, the Savage Coast should be placed somewhere far away from the main campaign area of the DM's world. This way, when the PCs discover a "new" area that is already settled and civilised, a logical reason exists as to why they have never heard of it before. In addition, it keeps red steel and the Legacies from interfering with the rest of the campaign world.
Specific Immortals
Following is a short overview of the Immortals who are revered on the Savage Coast. Each entry includes the Immortal's most common name; the Immortal's gender; regions in which the Immortal is revered and the local name used there if different; the Immortal's rank and Sphere; the required alignments of the Immortal's priests/followers; and a short description of the Immortal's areas of interest. If only one element of an alignment is listed, clerics and followers can be of any alignment that contains that component.
al-Kalim. Male. Revered in Saragón. Initiate of Time. Any/Lawful or Neutral. Imported with Ylari settlers a century ago, al-Kalim is the patron of scholarship, tolerance, and courage. He is the favourite of sages and wizards, as well as warriors who favour strategic planning.
Asterius. Male. Revered in Robrenn as Belnos. Eternal of Thought. Any/Any. Asterius controls the moon, money, and commerce. The patron of healers, traders, thieves, and travellers abroad, Asterius is popular among halflings.
Atzanteotl. Male. Revered in Nimmur as Menlil. Hierarch of Entropy. Chaotic/Chaotic or Neutral. This corrupter of civilisations seeks destruction of all surface life. He is the patron of war and revenge among the manscorpions; he also taught them how to make protective body paints so they could venture into Gilmun, the "land above," a place of sun and light.
Calitha Starbrow. Female. Revered in Bellayne as Felidae, by tortles as Mother Ocean, and by wallaras as Barramundje the Mother. Celestial of Time. Neutral/Any. In Bellayne, this Immortal governs oceans, travellers, adventurers, good fortune, and merchants. The tortles revere Calitha as their mother and protector, chief among their Immortals. Among the wallaras, Barramundje is the mother of rivers and billabongs, patron of fertility, the element of water, and all that grows. Anyone who befouls the lands of the wallaras runs the risk of being cursed to become a wandering frilled lizard, eventually to fall to some hunter's boomerang. One of the first elven Immortals, Calitha also protects the sea, which is the cradle of life.
Clébard, Saimpt. Male. Revered in Renardy. Initiate of Thought. Lawful/Any. One of the few lupin Immortals, he is the patron of loyalty, fidelity, and family. He represents the law, as well as love between those of good breeding.
Crakkak of the Sharp Tooth. Male. Revered by orcs of the Dark Jungle. Temporal of Matter. Chaotic/Any. This savage aquatic power is the great shark spirit of the orcs of the Dark Jungle, the bringer of disasters to seafarers.
Demogorgon. Female. Revered in Ator as Goron. Eternal of Entropy. Chaotic evil/Non-good. Goron is the embodiment of gurrash evil and destruction. She is the reptilian queen of evil and water; she made the gurrash brutal and bloodthirsty, causing them to revolt against Herath. For the gurrash, Goron is the patron of victory, bravery, and ultimately death (because Goron uses her followers as fodder to spread destruction).
Diulanna. Female. Revered in Robrenn as Arduinna. Celestial of Thought. Lawful or Good/Any. The patron of will, her interests are willpower, archery, and hunting. She accepts only female druids.
Eiryndul. Male. Revered in Eusdria as Eirys, in Herath as Shaibuth, and in Aeryl as The Adventurer. Empyreal of Energy. Any/Any (mostly Chaotic). One of the first elven Immortals, Eiryndul promotes jokes, amusement, and relaxation. In Eusdria, this Immortal is protector of elves and woodland beings and patron of elven wizards. In Herath, Shaibuth is the patron of forest dwellers and the sponsor of a small druidic sect composed only of Webmasters. Among the ee'aar, Eiryndul represents freedom, curiosity, and acting on impulse. Wandering or adventuring ee'aar often follow Eiryndul.
Faunus. Male. Revered in Robrenn as Cernuinn. Temporal of Matter. Neutral or Chaotic/Any. Often depicted as a man with the head or antlers of a deer, this patron of woodland beings and herd animals is fond of eating, drinking, poetry, song, and bards. One of the oldest Immortals, Faunus lacks both malice and ambition.
Frey. Male. Revered in Eusdria as Fredar. Celestial of Thought. Lawful or Neutral/Any. This thoughtful warrior is wise, noble, handsome, and inspires strategic planning and nobility of deed. He is held in high regard by the freehearts of Eusdria. Frey is the brother of Freyja.
Freyja. Female. Revered in Eusdria as Fredara. Celestial of Thought. Lawful or Neutral/Any. This wise warrior is beautiful, thoughtful, and noble. She inspires tactical planning and honourable actions and is highly regarded by the freehearts of Eusdria. She is the sister of Frey.
Great One. Male. Revered by wallaras as Agundji. Eternal of Matter. Any/Any. This patron of dragons is the chief Immortal of the wallaran pantheon. Most wallaras revere Agundji as the lord of all creatures and the patron of sky heroes. His interests extend to the sky, the element of air, colours, and mimicry.
Hel. Female. Revered in Robrenn and Eusdria as Nyt. Hierarch of Entropy. Neutral or Evil/Non-good. This patron of death and reincarnation sees death and entropy as part of life. While not really followed in Robrenn or Eusdria, she is acknowledged as part of the beginning and the end of everything. The most powerful Immortal of Entropy, she is one of the oldest Immortals and a foe of Odin.
Iliric. Male. Revered in Herath as Negyavim. Temporal of Energy. Chaotic/Any. This Immortal is a brilliant teacher of magic whose attention was attracted to the nation of mages. Negyavim is not only the patron of Herathian wizardry but also of greed and insensitivity.
Ilsundal. Male. Revered in Eusdria as Tiuz, in Aeryl as The Guide. Eternal of Energy. Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral/Any. Ilsundal was one of the first elven Immortals. Patron of elves, wisdom, law, and trust, Tiuz is often represented among Eusdrian clerics as a warrior whose right hand is missing. Ilsundal leads the ee'aar pantheon and represents peace and serenity. The ee'aar believe that it was Ilsundal's will that led them to the high mountains and that he requires them to live there in quiet seclusion from the rest of the world.
Ixion. Male. Revered in Narvaez, by goblinoids as Tabak, by wallaras as Warruntam the Eagle Spirit, and in Nimmur and Eshu as Idu. Hierarch of Energy. Any/Any. Ixion represents fire and sun, as well as a balance of passion and wisdom, power and scholarship. He is the eldest known Immortal of Energy. In Narvaez, he is the sun, life, power, and wisdom and is seen as the one Immortal worthy of true veneration (though Vanya is seen as his avenging servant); much religious persecution has been carried out in his name. The Yazi and Yazak goblinoids see Tabak as the ruler of the sun and the moon, the bringer of the seasons, and the maker of order. In the lands of the wallaras, Warruntam is the patron of hunting, speed, bravery, and fire; he is also the closest thing they have to a patron of war. Idu is the patron Immortal of the enduks, who were created to serve him. Among the manscorpions, Idu is generally feared and hated, an "evil" figure who caused the sun to destroy manscorpions. Some few manscorpions still revere Idu, but they are considered dangerous heretics by the established clergy of Nimmur.
Ka the Preserver. Male. Revered in Shazak as Ka'ar, by tortles as Father-Earth, and by wallaras as Genjoo the Crocodile Spirit. Hierarch of Matter. Lawful or Neutral/Any. Ka interfered with Herathian experiments to create shazaks (because he felt it wrong for mortals to create life), making the shazaks unsuitable as Herathian slaves. Ka became the patron of the shazaks and is their patron of trade, wealth, and a better life. The tortles revere Ka as their father, husband to Calitha, their mother. Among the wallaras, Genjoo is responsible for the earth, the land, and the magical places. Great rocks are thought of as entrances to Genjoo's world and are venerated by wallaras.
Kagyar. Male. Revered in Robrenn as Belsamas and in Eusdria, Bellayne, and Cimarron County as Kagyar. Eternal of Matter. Any (true neutral in Robrenn)/Any. This patron of dwarves governs the arts of forging, metalworking, and construction. In Bellayne, Kagyar represents the working-class male. In Cimarron County, Kagyar is the patron of artifice, and the master of firearms.
Karaash. Male. Also known as Ilneval. Revered by the orcs of the Dark Jungle, and by the Yazak and Yazi goblinoids. Initiate of Thought. Chaotic or Neutral/Any. The patron of warriors among the tribes of orcs in the Dark Jungle, as well as among the Yazi and Yazak goblinoids, Karaash is the stern, uncompromising warleader, not given to rages or expressions of any emotions. He encourages strategic planning and proving personal strength in individual combat.
Korotiku. Male. Revered in Renardy as Saimpt Renard, in Herath as Yehm. Hierarch of Thought. Any/Any. Saimpt Renard represents wit, freedom of thought, wisdom, sense of smell, cunning, and trickery. He leads the pantheon of Renardy and, as a prank played on pompous Immortals of human origins, sponsored lupins to become Immortals. In Herath, Yehm is the grand patron of the araneas. A prankster, Korotiku is one of the oldest Immortals. He is venerated by those who survive by guile and deception, even though he encourages the shattering of illusions.
Loki. Male. Revered in Eusdria as Lokar and in Hule as Bozdogan. Eternal of Entropy. Chaotic/Non-lawful. The ultimate troublemaker and sower of dissension, a malicious trickster and causer of betrayal, Lokar is the patron of flames, mischief, and lies. He plots the destruction of Viuden (Odin), Donar (Thor), and Eirys (Eiryndul). As Bozdogan, Loki has created in Hule a bureaucracy of liars, politicians, and thieves as a monument to his own cleverness.
Loup, Saimpt. Male. Revered in Renardy. Temporal of Thought. Any/Any. One of the few lupin Immortals, Saimpt Loup portrays both good and evil among lupins, as the patron of mercy, hunger, destruction, night, and winter. Among the peasant classes, Saimpt Loup is revered as the one who keeps the lupins strong by weeding out the sick and weak.
Malinois, Saimpt. Male. Revered in Renardy. Celestial of Thought. Good/Non-evil. One of the few lupin Immortals, Saimpt Malinois the Were-Slayer is the patron of hunters and master of revenge, courage, warriors, blacksmiths, and those who go to war. He is the lord of glory and conquests against evil.
Masauwu. Male. Revered in Herath as Eneban, in the Savage Baronies as The Ambassador. Eternal of Entropy. Chaotic/Any. Eneban represents the arts of diplomacy, intrigue, influence, and masquerade, things of vital importance to araneas. By definition, he is the patron of rulers, spies, liars, thieves, and smooth-talking manipulators. In the Savage Baronies, Masauwu is regarded as the patron of diplomats and politicians, those who seek to win by intrigue rather than by open warfare.
Mâtin, Saimpt. Male. Revered in Renardy and as Brother Shell by tortles. Temporal of Thought. Lawful or Good/Any. One of the few lupin Immortals, the Great Watcher is patron of fortresses, guards, and those who died on the battlefield protecting their kin. He is the master of safety and happiness at home. Brother Shell is a recent addition to the tortle pantheon and is believed to be the son of Ka and Calitha. He represents defence of land and protection of the family.
Mealiden Starwatcher. Male. Revered in Aeryl as The Guardian and in the Savage Baronies as Milan. Empyreal of Energy. Lawful/Any. Mealiden protects Ilsundal. Among the ee'aar, Mealiden is revered as the defender of Aeryl, and by extension, the patron of war. He likes bold, mocking, light-spirited adventurers. In the Savage Baronies, Milan is the patron of seafarers and Swashbucklers.
Nyx. Female. Revered in Nimmur as Nin-Hurabi and by the orcs of the Dark Jungle as Na'al. Hierarch of Entropy. Any/Any. Nyx is the Immortal of night, darkness, beasts of the darkness, and undead; she ultimately wants undead to take over the world. In Nimmur, Nin-Hurabi represents darkness, fertility, birth, and the safety of the caverns of Apsur (the dark underworld beneath Gilmun, realm of Atzanteotl). Nin-Hurabi seeks to protect the manscorpions and believes they should remain in the caverns. She despises Ixion for the way he dismissed and cursed the manscorpions and frowns on the way Atzanteotl manipulated the manscorpions into conquering ancient Nimmur. Among the orcs of the Dark Jungle, Nyx is simply the patron of darkness, a favourite of those orcs who live in caverns.
Odin (or Wotan). Male. Revered in Robrenn as Taranos and in Eusdria as Viuden. Hierarch of Thought. Lawful Good or Neutral Good/Any. Wise and thoughtful, Odin is one of the oldest Immortals. In Robrenn, he is the master of the skies, storms, and mighty lightning, but he is not very influential. In Eusdria, he leads the pantheon as the representation of sky, storms, and authority.
Orcus. Male. Revered by the orcs of the Dark Jungle as Oruguz. Eternal of Entropy. Chaotic Evil/Neutral or Chaotic. Cold and cruel, this bestial engine of destruction is a genius who loves to destroy in spectacular fashion. Oruguz is a favourite of porcine lycanthropes who lead the Sea Plague tribe of orcs in the Dark Jungle.
Ordana. Female. Revered in Robrenn as Breig, in Bellayne as Tawnia, and in Jibarú as Uí. Hierarch of Time. Neutral/Any. Originally a treant, she is the Mother of Forests, Patron of Robrenn, and head of the Robrenn pantheon. She allows only female druids, though men often follow her precepts. She is venerated by most elves in Robrenn. In Bellayne, she defends elves and rakastas, hunters, archers, and druids. As Uí, Ordana is the head of the phanaton pantheon, patron of the forest and protector of its people. Ordana gave the phanatons the impetus toward civilisation, so they might defend themselves from the araneas, whom Ordana hates as manipulators of life. Ordana promotes commerce between phanatons and wallaras.
Ralon, Saimpt. Female. Revered in Renardy and as Sister Grain by tortles. Initiate of Thought. Any/Any. One of the few lupin Immortals, Saimpt Ralon is the patron of life, good food, fun, and health; she is master of wealth, farmers, merchants, and those who produce goods for all. Among tortles, Sister Grain is a recent addition. Considered the daughter of Ka and Calitha and sister to Mâtin, she is the patron of farmers and the bringer of food.
Shining One, Kurtulmak the. Male. Revered in Cay as Kutul. Temporal of Energy. Non-lawful/Any. This patron of the caymas is a chaotic teacher of tricks, traps, indirect confrontation, and using enemies' strength against them. Seeing that the caymas were poor warriors, he sought to teach them a few things. He shares leadership of the caymas with Terra and is the patron of war, fire, and territorial gains.
Talitha. Female. Revered by the orcs of the Dark Jungle as Ait-Tha. Eternal of Entropy. Chaotic/Any. This Immortal is devoted to self-gratification and malicious stealing. Among the orcs of the Dark Jungle, she is patron of thieves and victory by deception.
Tarastia. Female. Revered in Bellayne as Pax Bellanica and in the Savage Baronies as The Judge. Eternal of Energy. Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good/Any. This patron of justice and revenge aids seekers of honourable vengeance. Though she represents peace to the rakastas, she also inspires them to mount crusades against the goblinoid hordes. In the Savage Baronies, the Judge is the representation of justice. She is also the patron of duellists.
Terra. Female. Revered by the goblinoids as Yamag, in Cay as Cay, and in Jibarú as Mother-Earth or Marau-Ixuf. Hierarch of Matter. Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good/Lawful or Neutral. Terra, the most powerful of the Immortals of Matter, is concerned with the creation and protection of new life. The Yazi and Yazak goblinoids believe that Yamag is the keeper of the world. She insure new births to replace those who die, brings death to beings whose time has come, and keeps rivers and wells flowing. Cay represents earth, life, fertility, population growth, and good luck. She resented Herathian experiments on other races and is the Immortal who made the caymas too proud of their limited building skills, so as to become useless to the Herathians. In Jibarú, she is the patron of birth, life, and death. It was Terra who caused the early phanatons to be predators to balance the aranean threat. She encourages commerce between the phanatons and the wallaras.
Thor. Male. Revered in Robrenn as Tuatis, in Eusdria as Donar, and in the Savage Baronies as the General. Eternal of Energy. Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good/Any. In Robrenn and Eusdria, this Immortal is the patron of warriors, the unchallenged lord of wars and bravery. He demands a code of honour and is the patron of many Companies of Honourbound. He sometimes sponsors reckless urges and berserk rages in Eusdrian followers. In the Savage Baronies, the General is the patron of war, bravery, and honourable treatment of the enemy.
Valerias. Female. Revered in the Savage Baronies and as Shaya in Herath. Hierarch of Matter. Any (usually Chaotic)/Any. Valerias is dedicated to romance, passion, and emotion; she is a figure of both love and war. In the Savage Baronies, she is the patron of Gauchos and Swashbucklers, as well as any other passionate individuals. She is the inspiration for duels and wars, as well as representing the reason to come home. Valerias is attracted to tragic love stories and is the patron of Herathians unable to fully realise their love because of interspecies conflict or an all-consuming devotion to magic.
Vanya. Female. Revered in Bellayne as Belbion; in Narvaez as the Inquisitor; and in Vilaverde, Texeiras, and Torreón as Faña. Empyreal of Time. Any/Any. In Bellayne, Belbion represents pride, honour, war, conquests, and the superiority of one's way. She is a favourite of warriors and those who believe that rakastan culture is better than any other. She is venerated by those who want to expand their boundaries and those who believe in survival of the fittest. She often inspires wars against goblinoids. In Narvaez, the Inquisitor represents pride and the correctness of beliefs, so is the punisher of those who stray and the avenger of all who do not follow the way of Ixion, lord of fire. Faña represents war and pride in Texeiras, Vilaverde, and Torreón. In those states, she is the patron of warriors and the representation of self-defence and vindication, especially reprisals against those who deliver insults.
Yav. Male. Revered in Yavdlom. Celestial of Time. Neutral or Good/Any. This patron of divination and prophecy is very important in Yavdlom. He teaches responsibility with divination and prophecy.
Zirchev. Male. Revered in Robrenn as Leug and in Jibarú as the Huntsman or Uatuma. Celestial of Energy. Neutral/Any. This patron of forest folk is a huntsman and beast-handler. In Robrenn, Leug is patron of demihumans, wisdom, and the arts. In Jibarú, he is the patron of the hunt, as well as bravery and charm. He guides phanaton hunting parties, as well as war parties in times of crisis. Sympathetic to intelligent social misfits, Zirchev is also patron of the Afflicted.
Many people view Inheritors as a sort of "curse police" who control the trade and sale of cinnabryl and red steel. Most known cinnabryl mines are in and around the Savage Baronies (one in Cimarron, two mines and scattered deposits in the Red Lands near Vilaverde, Texeiras, and Torreón), though there is one in Cay (near Hwezzah) and one in each Renardy, Bellayne, and Herath. In addition, Slagovich has a cinnabryl mine, which exports most of the material to the Savage Baronies in return for red steel. Except for the mine in Slagovich, Inheritors have taken controlling interests in each of these mines, and they prevent overmining and artificial inflation caused by nonexistent shortages.
However, most people know only that Inheritors have cinnabryl, charging high prices for it. In some ways, this makes cinnabryl protection an elitist thing, available only to the wealthy. On the other hand, the fact that it serves to keep peasants from ever trying cinnabryl can be viewed as a good thing. Cinnabryl is simply too rare for everybody to use, and the evil effects of the Red Curse are much worse for someone who uses cinnabryl and then stops.
Though Inheritors try to educate others about cinnabryl and the Red Curse in general, it is difficult. Some Inheritors just do not care about what others know, while many folk are not willing to listen to explanations. It is difficult for people to care about economic realities when someone they care for has been transformed by the Red Curse. Many people blame the Inheritors when relatives or friends become Afflicted. These problems lead to difficulty for Inheritors, but they are certainly compensated with ready access to cinnabryl and extra Legacies.
It is important for the DM to know how people feel about Inheritors so that NPCs react appropriately. Note that the following overviews are general trends; individuals can act quite differently. In most of the Savage Baronies, which have suffered the Red Curse longer than any other area, Inheritors are met with acceptance.
Inheritors have been around for many years, though they went unrecognised and have only recently begun organising into Orders. Now they are almost always recognised, some regarded as heroes, others as villains. Though villains are avoided, everyone still enjoys the notoriety of having one in town; it is very much an "Old West" sort of attitude, as if Inheritors were notorious gunslingers. In the Savage Baronies, challenges between Inheritors are relatively common, and many Inheritors have flashy nicknames (the Red Avenger, The Crimson Kid, Lord Flame, and so forth).
Note that Inheritors are considered outlaws in Narvaez, the clergy of which seeks to buy cinnabryl for distribution to the people. Inheritors sometimes sneak in, while others engage in fair trade with the government and hope the material gets distributed fairly. Torreón is known for its poverty, so most people cannot afford cinnabryl. In Torreón, Inheritors are feared and hated by peasants, but not by warriors.
Eusdria and Robrenn are places where nature is revered. Here, many people died during the wars, the plagues, and the increase of the Red Curse that followed. A few people use cinnabryl because these were the first areas to receive relief from the Inheritors. Many others became Afflicted and remain that way. Robrenn and Eusdria both have enough priests able to cast maintain that the majority of poor people live comfortably without cinnabryl, so these nations do not add to the drain on supplies of cinnabryl. Robrenn and Eusdria are tolerant of Inheritors but do not really welcome them. Inheritors helped after the war but do not help much now, so they are uncommon. Most people of Robrenn and Eusdria do not like to see residents join the Inheritors' orders, believing they should stay and work on local problems, rather than becoming involved in international politics and commerce.
Renardy and Bellayne have several Inheritors of their own, plus a recently discovered cinnabryl mine in each country. In Renardy, Inheritors are respected the nice ones liked, the bad ones feared. Becoming an Inheritor is like being knighted in Renardy, and an Inheritor is instantly accepted into the lower levels of noble society. This reflects the fascination of the upper classes with Inheritors. They are curious about them, seeing them as a valuable contact for obtaining cinnabryl. In Renardy, an Inheritor must dress well and is often invited to dinners and special events. Peasants of Renardy tend to fear and hate Inheritors, because they take most of the cinnabryl to the nobility, leaving the poor folk to become Afflicted in many areas. In Renardy, many villages do not have enough qualified priests to cast the necessary maintain spells.
In Bellayne, Inheritors are neither well liked nor despised; they are simply regarded as another part of society. It is the Honourbound who are the heroes of the nation, and no one else draws the same respect. Most people of Bellayne judge each Inheritor on an individual basis, not letting an individual's actions reflect on other Inheritors, even those of the same order. Here, cinnabryl distribution is carefully managed, so even the peasants and the wanderers have little reason to hate Inheritors.
Not all of Herath is affected by the Red Curse, so the need for cinnabryl is not widespread. However, the nation pays high prices to import most of Cay's cinnabryl (Cay being a close and discreet source), and it makes heavy use of its own recently uncovered mine. As a result, any Herathian who does need the substance finds it readily available. The nation's Inheritors receive cinnabryl directly from their government, then distributing it to the populace as needed.
The Red Curse affects only parts of the lands of the lizard kin. In most of the affected areas, the inhabitants never begin using cinnabryl, seeing it (not incorrectly) as an artificial means of preserving the life of the weak. The lizard kin tend to be very pragmatic about the effects of the Red Curse. Inheritors are rare in these lands; they are the subject of curiosity but are not reviled or rejected (except perhaps as individuals). Most lizard kin respect Inheritors because they are obviously powerful people.
The Red Curse affects very little of the lands of the phanatons or the wallaras, and none of the rest of the Orc's Head Peninsula. On the peninsula, Inheritors are very rare. Wallaras study them and phanatons accept them. Among the winged folk, Inheritors are regarded as visiting heroes of other lands. The manscorpions and orcs usually seek to kill Inheritors because they are powerful and, therefore, potentially dangerous.
The Afflicted
Following are some general guidelines about the Afflicted. No specific information is given to allow the DM freedom of placement. Since a PC's origin might be based on such information, the DM should create such details as needed to enhance play.
Relatively few Afflicted exist in the Savage Baronies because of the ready availability of cinnabryl. The exception to this is Torreón, a poor nation that is home to a few villages of Afflicted. Most people in Torreón never use cinnabryl. Therefore, the mercenaries of that state tend to be rather distinctive. In the Baronies, the Afflicted are usually shunned by others, living in small, isolated enclaves. In Robrenn and Eusdria, Afflicted are rather rare, because of the availability of druids and clerics who can cast maintain. Few people of these nations use cinnabryl. Afflicted individuals are cared for when possible and are not shunned, though the clergy of the two states seldom aid those individuals deemed "lost causes." However, Afflicted refugees are not usually welcome in the two states.
Some villages and enclaves of Afflicted have been built in Renardy, but they are usually shunned. The poor people of Renardy are often Afflicted; most have never used cinnabryl, though some have tried it and suffer complete Affliction.
In Bellayne, few become Afflicted because of the good distribution network for cinnabryl. Afflicted almost always stay with their families. Even refugee Afflicted are well treated in Bellayne, though they are usually encouraged to leave eventually unless they have family there.
Herath has few Afflicted. Those few are shunned, and refugees are not welcome. Since few lizard kin use cinnabryl, many become Afflicted in the lizard kin countries affected by the Red Curse. The shazaks are very accepting of the Afflicted, including refugees. Caymas tend to be a little more shy about welcoming refugees, especially large ones. The gurrash seldom like the company of anybody else, and foreign Afflicted are usually killed on sight. Afflicted are rare sights in the lands of the phanatons and wallaras but are accepted so long as they do not cause problems. Both the wallaras and the phanatons are somewhat awed by Afflicted, affording them great respect.
Running Campaigns
Campaigns in the SAVAGE COAST setting should be similar enough to those in other settings that players are comfortable, while different enough to remain original. The main differences lie with the Red Curse and the associated substances.
Because of the Red Curse, magic is very common along the Savage Coast. Almost every person has a magical power of some kind. Magical items are also very common. Due to this, people are rarely frightened by displays of magic; the wizard who expects a pyrotechnics spell to frighten away natives is in for an unpleasant surprise. In this setting, even the most primitive peoples know what magic looks like, and they expect it. It should be noted, however, that the more primitive peoples do show some respect for those who can cast spells.
Despite the frequency of magic, warriors of various kinds are still very common on the Savage Coast. They have a thriving business in war and are much in demand. Swashbucklers, Honourbound, and Defenders are common sights. In fact, adventurers in general are more common in the lands of the Savage Coast than elsewhere; perhaps one out of every four people has led at least a short adventuring career.
Druids are much more common here than in other lands, and these folks try to spread the word. Thus, druids wander throughout the region, especially strong in Robrenn, Herath, and Jibarú. The Savage Coast region has its own Great Druid, currently the leader of the Robrenn clergy.
Firearms, the multitude of player character races, Beast Riders, and flying elves and minotaurs also serve to add unusual challenges to the region. Still, most adventures are similar to those in other lands. There are ruins and wilderness areas to explore; many people are motivated by gold and glory to seek an adventuring life. The next chapter provides sample adventure outlines to give the DM a head start on beginning a SAVAGE COAST campaign.
The swashbuckling style is important in the Savage Coast lands. Renardy and the Savage Baronies give rise to that type of person: hot-blooded, dashing, witty, and skilled with the rapier or sabre. Adding spice to the campaign, Swashbucklers are found everywhere as wanderers, special army units, heroes, and pirates.
To encourage the swashbuckling style, several weapons and skills from the rapier and wheellock to the two-weapon style specialisation and Panache Point system have been consciously added to these rules. It is possible to build several different types of swashbucklers, from seafaring privateers to forest-dwelling archers. However, even with the skills and weapons available, it is still necessary for the DM to encourage the proper attitude among the players.
One way to do this is to allow a bit more freeform play. Encourage the players to have their characters swing on ropes or chandeliers, try to fight two opponents at once, and so forth. Promote the use of individual trademarks, from a "K" made with a rapier to a rose left at the scene of a battle.
The DM should also note that tumbling is a bonus proficiency for all true swashbucklers. By widening the definition of tumbling, or by simply using a Dexterity check, the DM can encourage daring feats. Whenever a character wants to do something unusual that depends on Dexterity, roll a simple check to see if it succeeds. Add a colourful description and the game becomes more fun for all involved.
Also, remember that a swashbuckler's style is largely dependent on his charisma. Do not be shy about making reaction rolls or Charisma checks, but foster role-playing as well.
Above all, let the players know that whatever they want to try has a chance to succeed if it is done with style.
Duelling Rules
Because of the prevalence of firearms and rapiers along the Savage Coast, duelling is very popular in most nations and states of the coast. Therefore, special rules for duelling are presented here. Please note that these are suggested for duels only, not for normal combat.
Duels are the preferred method of dealing with disputes of honour, avenging insults, or proving weapon prowess. For a duel to occur, one person must issue a challenge to another; the challenge usually includes the type of weapon to be used. Once the challenge has been issued, the other party can decline but runs the risk of being branded a coward. If both parties agree and they have a witness to the agreement, time and terms for the duel are set. Only then can the duel take place legally.
Each nation has its own duelling rules; some call for an area to be marked and duelling to be confined to that area, while others call for seconds and witnesses to be named. In most cases, a duel continues only until the first wound. At this point, the wounded individual is given an opportunity to apologise or admit defeat. However, an individual may not always willing to surrender, or the duel may have been declared "to the death." If both have agreed to these terms before witnesses, the winner cannot be held legally accountable for killing the opponent.
Because a duel is so personal, individual initiative (as described in the PHB) should be used. Weapon speed modifiers are also strongly recommended. Note that officially, Dexterity has no effect on initiative, but the DM could decide to allow the reaction adjustment for Dexterity to affect initiative for duelling. Parrying should also be allowed, and the DM should use the optional rule allowing multiple attacks against opponents with less than one Hit Die (as detailed in the DMG). The many optional rules from the CFH, such as disarming and called shots, can also add excitement to a duel.
A rule for injuries can also be used. With this rule, every wound penalises a character's THAC0 by 1. Half of this penalty disappears when the character's wounds are bound (each wound reduces THAC0 by 1/2, rounding fractions in the character's favour). The remainder of the penalty disappears when the wounds are healed or after three days of rest, whichever comes first. Note that a wound is one successful strike for at least 1 point of damage.
See the "Proficiencies" chapter for a description of the quick draw and duelling proficiencies.
Duelling with Firearms
Duelling with pistols is popular in Renardy and the Savage Baronies, especially Cimarron. This style of duels is somewhat unusual. One character issues a challenge, which is usually accepted. The characters go to an outdoor location and stand facing one another, usually about 10 yards apart. The duellists stare at each other, trying to break their opponent's nerves. Both players roll initiative; the character who wins, including various modifiers, gets the drop on the other and fires first.
In some places, duels are performed with hand crossbows, but people who use firearms consider such a thing degrading.
Firearm Duels in the Savage Baronies
Firearm duels are common in Cimmaron, where Honourbound, Gauchos, and commoners are known to duel with pistols. Pistol duels in Guadalante are less frequent, usually involving Gauchos or commoners. In Vilaverde and Texeiras, duels with wheellock pistols are less common, likely to occur only between Swashbucklers. Firearm duelling is more rare in the other Savage Baronies, where it is usually limited to members of the nobility (since they are often the only ones who can afford wheellock pistols). In Torreón and Narvaez, mercenaries sometimes duel with pistols, but most prefer swords.
Because death is often unavoidable in a firearm duel, due to the heavy damage the weapons can inflict, all of the Savage Baronies have laws requiring at least one witness for a firearm duel. Seconds are acceptable and encouraged; these people can serve as witnesses and can initiate a subsequent duel if a primary participant is wounded. When a firearm duel involves at least one member of the nobility or takes place in Torreón or Narvaez, an area must be marked for the duel. As long as participants obey the laws of duelling, neither participant is legally accountable for the death of the other participant.
The principals stand facing each other, about 10 yards apart, and begin the duel; both duelling and quick-draw proficiencies can have profound effects on a duel, as can initiative rolls. A duel officially ends when both participants have fired once. This might mean the battle is fought to the first wound or to the death; it could even mean that a duel ends with no wounds. Any subsequent attacks on opponents are not sanctioned by duelling laws; it is bad form to attack a wounded opponent. However, if one party is wounded or neither party has been hit, both participants can agree to a second duel. If this is done, a second can stand in for a wounded primary with no loss of honour for the primary.
Note that in Guadalante and Cimmaron, the law allows firearm duels to the death if both parties agree to those terms. In this case, the duel does not end after each participant has fired once; instead, the duel continues until one participant is dead. For a death duel with firearms, each participant usually carries two or more pistols. While the initial shot must be fired from the standard facing position, participants often move around after the first shots are fired since these nations do not require a marked area for the duel. Duellists can seek cover or move closer but must attack only by firing pistols.
In firearm duels, a participant can make a called shot to disarm an opponent. If the shot succeeds, the other duellist is disarmed. In a Cimmaron or Guadalantan duel, this can be deadly because disarming is a legitimate action and requires no pause in the proceedings. In other nations, a disarm is performed as a warning, allowing the disarmed opponent to think again about the duel. A disarmed opponent who chooses to end a duel can do so without dishonour, or he can retrieve the weapon and fire at the opponent, provided he has not yet done so. The opponent must stand still and wait for the shot. While most people frown on such an action, it is allowed.
Duelling with Swords
Sword users believe that a blade is the proper way to settle a duel. This method is popular among Swashbucklers, as well as Honourbound in Bellayne. It is also common in Renardy, Bellayne, and the Savage Baronies, and to a lesser extent in Eusdria and Herath.
In a sword duel, a specific duelling area is usually marked. The duellists stand within this area, state their grievances (briefly), salute each other, and begin duelling.
The use of a critical hit and fumble system (as detailed in the DMG) can add to the drama of a duel. It is recommended that on a critical fumble (a die roll of 1 for an attack roll), the person attacked be allowed an immediate counterattack. This attack does not count against the character's normal number of attacks per round, happening even if the character has used all available attacks for that round. This attack requires a standard attack roll, can be parried, and can lead to another counterattack if another critical fumble is rolled.
Rapiers are prone to breaking at inopportune times, such as when parried viciously or when stuck through a suddenly collapsing body. If an attack roll is a 1, the defender can choose to forego a counterattack for a chance to break the attacker's rapier. The attacker must make a saving throw vs. crushing blow for the rapier. The saving throw is successful if the roll is 7 or better; failure indicates that the attacker's rapier breaks. Also, if a rapier attack causes maximum damage, the attacker must make a saving throw vs. crushing blow with a +5 bonus. If it fails, the blade snaps with the blow. A broken rapier can still be used, having all the characteristics of a dagger.
Sword Duels in the Savage Baronies
Duelling with swords is fashionable throughout the Savage Baronies, but less frequent in Guadalante and Cimmaron because of the popularity of firearms in those states. The rapier is the weapon of choice for sword duels, but sabres are also used, most commonly in Vilaverde, Texeiras, and Guadalante. Long swords are used among mercenaries in Torreón and Narvaez, but are seldom seen in duels in the other baronies.
A sword duel requires a marked area, except in Vilaverde or Texeiras or when duellists fight aboard a ship. A marked area can be either a circle drawn in the dirt outdoors or a specific room indoors. In Texeiras and Vilaverde, duellists can define an area for the duel if they choose. This can include anything from a drawn circle to an entire town; it is not unusual to see a duel range over great distances in these states.
Death duels cannot be declared in Almarrón, Saragón, or Gargoña, but are allowed elsewhere. Of course, any duel can result in death, regardless of whether or not the initial challenge called for those terms. A witness is necessary to confirm the proceedings if a sword duel results in death; otherwise, the winner of the duel can be considered a murderer.
Since sword duels have been known to drag on an hour or more, some duellists name a witness as a mediator; the mediator can call for regular breaks, at which time weapons can be replaced or participants can be healed without fear of attack. In a mediated duel, breaks are typically called after every 10 minutes, lasting two minutes each. Note that if a weapon snaps during fighting, the participant can still replace it but might need to put himself at risk to do so. However, because a sword duel is considered an honourable endeavour, a participant might allow his opponent to replace a dropped or broken weapon out of courtesy.
Seconds are allowed in sword duels, but serve little purpose. They watch the opponent's seconds for cheating, carry replacement weapons, or heal a wounded primary. A second never replaces a primary in a sword duel. However, it is not unusual for a second to challenge someone who defeats his primary.
The standard procedure for a sword duel includes declaration and acceptance, after which the duellists set a time and place for the duel. Once they arrive, they briefly state their grievances, salute one another, and begin to fight. However, it is not unusual for a sword duel to follow immediately after declaration and acceptance; Swashbucklers are notoriously impatient in regard to duelling.
Duelling with Daggers
This type of duel also encompasses similar weapons, including knives, main-gauche, and stilettos. Never considered by nobility and seldom fought by Swashbucklers, dagger duels are popular among commoners of all the baronies, as well as among Gauchos. Dagger duels are also seen in Renardy and Bellayne. An Honourbound forced to duel a peasant would likely use a dagger out of courtesy.
Dagger duels seldom follow general duelling procedures. For example, a dagger duel might be declared by someone pulling a dagger and threatening an opponent; if the opponent draws as well, the two fight. Crowds commonly gather around these fights, and the area of the fight might be marked by a circle of spectators. A dagger duel is usually assumed to be to the death, or until both participants agree to stop. Treachery is frequent in dagger duels. After the duel, the law seldom becomes involved. If it does, a witness or two usually comes forward to testify that a duel was formally declared to the death whether it really was or not.
Other Forms of Duelling
Generally speaking, duels on the Savage Coast, especially in the Savage Baronies, are conducted only with firearms or blades. On occasion, a character might name a hand crossbow, but he risks ridicule by those who favour firearms. Duels with melee weapons other than blades are simply not performed; no Baronial would accept such a duel, or even imagine suggesting it (though axe duels have been known to occur in Eusdria). Note that this prevents most priests from participating in weapon duels.
However, it is possible to duel by means other than weapons. For example, two people could agree to an unarmed duel, using rules for punching, wrestling, or even martial arts. Though martial arts are uncommon along most of the Savage Coast, wrestling and boxing matches are not unknown. No laws exist regarding contests of this sort; participants set their own terms, but can use sword duelling rules as an example.
Duels are also possible using spells or Legacies. These contests are also left mostly to the participants. Offensive spellcasting in public is generally frowned upon on the Savage Coast but is illegal only in the barony of Narvaez. In spell duels, the duellists set their own rules; since spell duels are not recognised by law, participants can be held accountable for damage to people and property.
Duels with Legacies usually occur only between Inheritors. If an Inheritor officially challenges another Inheritor, the conflict proceeds like a regular duel. An Inheritor cannot refuse the challenge of another. Inheritors set the terms of the challenge, including time, place, length of challenge, and allowed weapons. Quite often, a challenge between Inheritors is fought using no weapons but Legacies. These challenges occur with some regularity throughout the Savage Baronies and to a lesser extent in other states, often drawing a crowd because pyrotechnics are likely. Such challenges are supposed to follow duelling laws, with witnesses and marked areas, but since Inheritors take care of those who violate the code of the challenge, all baronial governments except Narvaez ignore violations of the duelling laws between Inheritors. Other states are no so lenient, because of the relative rarity of Inheritors there.
Duels with Legacies are seldom fought between people who are not Inheritors. However, it can be done, requiring witnesses and a marked area for official sanction by the local government. The duel generally proceeds until either death or surrender. As long as the duel has been declared and witnessed, participants are immune to prosecution for wounds or other damage inflicted, unless they harm private property or a non-participant.