by WingofCootFirst draft map of the area - still working on names for all the features. This is just the terrain so far, at 3 miles per hex.
The mountains in the southwest and the grasslands in the northeast are not part of the Sylvan Highlands proper.
The Sylvan Highlands covers about 110 miles north to south and about 80 miles east to west, slightly less than 9,000 square miles (About the size of Wales or New Hampshire). The Westryn elves inhabit less than half of this total area.
The western/southwestern half of the Sylvan Highlands plateau is mostly uplands with isolated higher elevation valleys containing predominantly oak or oak-hickory forest. This area is primarily home to those sylvan creatures which wish to distance themselves from the primary elven population centers, such as blink dogs and actaeons, and those which would be highly dangerous to the elves, such as gakaraks.
The eastern/northeastern half of the plateau is deeply dissected, being composed mostly of elongated, steep-sided valleys at a lower elevation (containing pine forest) separated by relatively narrow ridges (covered with oak-hickory-pine forest). This area also includes hills which are separated "islands" of the plateau, often arc- or horseshoe-shaped when viewed from above.