BECMI, Gazetteer and Rules Encyclopaedia Spells Index
by DJ HartelHi folks. For my campaign I wanted to recreate some of the races and classes to be more faithful to BECMI so I started to review spells. During the course of my review I got some info from Robin (Thank you again) and I created a Spell Index. This spell index could also be used if you are playing BECMI and need to find where a spell was located. It can also be used to find the suggested spell to replace with in 5E if you're converting a character or adventure module. In theory I could add 2E and 3/3.5E in as well, though I'm not playing either system currently.
I went through BECMI, Rules Encyclopedia, Gazatteers, and the PC line to create this document. I am not sure it's a 100% accurate; I got tired a few times and may have typo'd or made other errors. The other error I may have is when spells have the same name between sources I may have missed any changes that spell has between classes. I also did not add in any adventure module spells, nor any custom fan spells. If you see something amiss please let me know. Also, my conversion to 5th edition spell isn't always 100% accurate either. In most cases I matched it by name or effect. Some spells don't translate well outside of their intended supplement and probably need a straight up new spell instead of an approximate spell.
The abbreviations are for the authors of the various authors of BECMI content. I discovered that some spells are different/name changed or not present between the various editions of BECMI content.
Mo- Moldvay
Co- Cook
Me- Mentzer