Sabre-toothed Tiger Snake
by D.M. Zwerg with art produced by Bruce HeardIf it had functional wings I would thing Sabre-toothed Tiger-furred Amphiptere (and thus mostly use couatl stats).
I looked at Cats (Tiger & Sabre-Toothed Tiger), Chimera, and Wyvern to put this togather.
As a Sabre-Toothed Tiger has an Armor Class 6 this should be 6 or lower, possibly only 4 to be same as a Chimera but worse than the 3 for a Wyvern.
Hit dice: 9* (L) as that puts it as equal to a Chimera and a Sabre-Toothed Tiger already has 8.
Move: 90' (30')
Attacks: 1 bite (+ poison?) / 1 squeeze
Damage: 2d10 (+ poison?) / 2d10? as Tiger has 2d6, Sabre-tooth 2d8, and Wyvern? Rock Python squeeze is 2x its bite
No. Appearing: 1 (solitary; or "1-2 (1-4)")
Save as: F7? (S-T Tiger is F4 for 6 HD, Chimera is F9, Wyvern)
Morale: 10? (STT is 10, chimera & wyvern have 9)
Treasure type: E??? (Wyvern is E, but I am not certain, so maybe as per small dragon to cover depicted?)
Intelligence: 3? (STT 2; Chimera 6; Wyvern 3)
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: ??? (STT 650, Chimera 2,300, Wyvern 850)