Adding a bit of Soderfjord Lore: Tablut
by Marc SaindonWhile thinking of how the different 5.5 Fighter classes could express themselves in a Northern Reaches, it came to me that the Battle Master would simply be known as a "Cunning Warrior" without any special title or brand. A bit like Ragnar Lothbrok is presented in the tv series Vikings. Or Sigurd, who slays the dragon Fafnir through ruse rather than brute force.
The Battle Master would not formally originate from some West Point academy, but they would pop up once in awhile, and the more successful ones would rise to power, as attendants to Jarls, or even Jarls themselves.
As "Cunning Warriors", one way many of them could sharpen their minds is by working out strategies through board games. Rather than chess (which is popular in Ylaruam and Thyatis), the game of tablut would be more popular in the Northern Reaches, especially in Soderfjord (which is a patchwork of rival jarldoms that might in a way mimic the game squares). Tablut is different from chess or checkers, as one side starts out surrounded by the other, rather the equal starting point on the chessboard.
Tablut tournaments could even be something people wage gold on in the great halls, and a practice that distinguishes warriors from the entourage of a jarl from the common sellsword or raider.
Battle Master (One)Image from: https://www.deviantart.com/groomporter/art/Combination-Chess-and-Tablut-Game-Table-740422691