The Tale Bringer (A Kingdom of Humanoids)
by Francesco DefferrariI like your new religion of Ixion very much and I think I'm going to use it in my campaign. I think I can link it to the political situation I developed for the Orclands in these years...
After the WotI a bugbear chief, named Wogar Morgul (one of my PC), founded a dominion in the Orclands north of Selenica. He was quite famous as an adventurer and a paladin of Tarastia, and he believed in the necessity of peaceful cohabitation of humanoids and other races. But the wealthy families of Selenica didn't believe so. The Darokin government accorded the permission to found the dominion hoping this could control the savages humanoid of the area, but the Selenicans didn't want to have organized humanoids as neighbours. So they sent an army of mercenary, to kill all the humanoids. There was a terrible massacre, and after that my PC was forced to escape in the hollow world, hunted by his enemies. But north of Selenica his two sons had survived the slaughter. With their father missing and their mother and friends killed they had an hard time to survive the winter, but in the end they lived, and the older son began to organise the survivors in a new tribe devoted to revenge against the humans. In the following years Dantakh Morgul became infamous in the area of Selenica, marking the territory of his tribe with human heads. He destroyed several army sent against him by Selenica, killed many members of wealthy family and grow stronger and stronger. He named his tribe Mor Gir (black pain) and became one of the most important humanoids leader in the area, after Alebane and Kol. He allied his tribes with dwarves and light elves (according to Dhrom Dhum teaching) against humans and the shadow elves of Aengmor. During the war of Oenkmar he fights the shadow elves with the dwarves. In my campaign the war ended with the death of Alebane, Oenkmar a free city controlled by dwarves and shadow elves. The death of Alebane created a power vacuum in the Broken Lands Dantakh was quick to fill. He killed in battle Ohr'r, king of Broken Lands bugbears, and became the most important humanoid leader after Kol XVI. Nowadays the Darokin government is forced to treat with him, considering that the Orclands are nearly all under his control.
Maybe Xipactla could ally with him, or even battle him. Dantakh worship Bartziluth, but he is more interested in politics than religion. After the war of Oenkmar he has the power to found an humanoid kingdom, so realising Xipactla's dream. In recent years Dantakh has become less revengeful, and he has stopped killing humans, just to start again if the Darokin will not recognise his rule in the Orclands....