The Melinir Courthouse and Jail
by Chris SeabrookI figured it would be important to get the courts and jails worked out; there was a player in the group that liked thief characters and often got his characters fined, jailed, or banished.
Ground floor; front half (the courts):
(From the left to the right, and front to the back): Public park and green space; very large banded oak double doors with several locks and brackets for a cross beam; gathering space with statues of famous judges or rulers; court's open courtyard used for public punishments (stocks, pillory, whippings, etc...); downward sloping ramped hallway; large double doorways; two courts; court library and archive; court shrine; comfortable meeting room; court and jail office; banded oak double doors with two locks and a cross beam.Ground floor; back half (the jail):
(From the left to the right, and front to the back): Kitchen; “the cage” (a open-air temporary observation and holding cell); temporary holding cells; garderobe or privy; more temporary holding cells; holy water basin; stairs up; more temporary holding cells; banded oak double doors with two locks and a cross beam; exercise and execution yard.Second floor (long term holding cells):
(From the back to the front, and left to right): Medium non-private cells with bars; medium non-private with work desks and bars; private “luxury” cells with walls and doors; cramped solitary cells with beds (many have restraint straps).Basement:
(From the back to the front, and left to right): Forgotten cell; stairs up; storage and lounge with tables and chairs or benches for guards, cleaners, scribes, sages, cooks, and other staff of the court and jail; large, heavy banded oak door with magical protections and concealment; a secret and forgotten (by the town courts) interrogation, torture, religious or alignment conversion, experimentation and research, and execution facility.