Various Demi-human clans in the Thunder Rift
by Kyle KnightHere's a list I made of all Mystara clans that I could find, including from the Hollow World:
Dwarf Clans
Hollow World Dwarves: Kogolor
Karameikos Dwarves: Stronghollow
Minrothad Dwarves: Bellows, Byrnie, Carven, Claymore,
Duger, Feaver, Foskew, Geeves, Hammer, Hewer, Homer,
Keer, Marbaw, Platner, Ringe, Shear, Stronghold, Tower
Northern Reaches: Modrigswerg
Rockhome: Buhrodar, Everast, Hurwarf, Skarrad, Syrklist,
Torkest, Wyrwarf
Elf Clans
Alfhiem: Chossum, Erendyl, Feadiel, Grunalf, Longrunners,
Mealidil, Red Arrow
Various minor clans: 10 in total, never named
Aquatic Elves: Aquarendi(?)
Glantrian Elves: Belcadiz(Alhambra), Erewan(Ellerovyn)
Hollow World Elves: Blacklore, Gentle folk(Truedyl),
Icevale, Schattenalfen
Karameikos Elves: Callarii
Minrothad: (Wood Elves) Barker, Belista, Binner, Coffer,
Flowers, Forster, Hooper, Malet, Saver, Shuter, Twiner,
Wagner, Walshman, Weafer, Winder, Wollas, Woller, Wraight
Minrothad: (Water Elves) Elsan, Kelar, Kiddell, Leanore,
Manre, Notles
Shadow Elves: Celebryl, Felistyr, Gelbalf, Porador
Gnome Clans - Land-based & Skygnomes: none named (?)
Halfling: (Five Shires): none named (?); 100 MAX at any time
Halfling: (Minrothad) Briket, Brownthumb, Claynails, Curlytop,
Firestarter, Goldenhair, Nimblefingers, Pelter, Pinknose,
Slipperyfoot, Splinterpicker, Tallowchew, Tallshanks,
Tawner, Thicklips
Should we actually try and conect the Riftian clans to Mystaran canon clans or list them instead as "un-named" clans from Mystara? I'm more than half tempted to list: Lord Ragni, Lord Gargin the Mad & Shar as all being from the Modrigswerg clan since those dwarves are suppose to have spell capabilities & traffic w/ dark forces. Ragni is already listed as a descendant of Gargin's; but, no reason is listed for why Shar left Hearth-Home: perhaps to escape the taint of Gargin's legacy?Going to post some info from 2 sources: Thunder Rift setting & Escape from Thunder Rift
Thunder Rift setting(pg. 5: The Farolas Hills): "To the far north and west lie the Farolas
Hills. The area recieved its name from a famous dwarf adventurer, the first dwarf to set
foot in Thunder Rift."
Thunder Rift setting(pg. 11: The Rift Wars): "Long before humans came to this part of the
world, dwarves and elves made their homes in Thunder Rift."
Escape from Thunder Rift(pg. 5): (as told to the PC's by Otaras Stoneson, leader of Hearth
-Home, and Keeper of the Gate): "A hero of our people, Farolas, for whom these very hills
are named, founded Hearth-Home. Farolas built the keep within the cliff walls them-
selves to protect the dwarves from the many dangers of the Rift, yes...but he also built
the keep to protect the Rift from outside threat. Not far from where we now sit are a
set of doors. Built by no dwarven hand, these doors existed long before Heart-Home dug
its way through the solid rock."
Escape from Thunder Rift(pg. 6): Asticles, a mage, built this place.
=============================================================================Taking the sources into account: Asticles built his "lair" before dwarves & elves entered
Thunder Rift. Farolas was the 1st dwarf to step foot in the Rift. The questions that raises
to me is: #1: Was Asticles a Blackmoorian mage, or even an enemy of Blackmoor, & fled
to this remote place? #2: Was Farolas & his followers Kogolor dwarves that Kagyar missed,
or that he simply left alone since they were outside the "core effect" of the Great Rain of Fire?