Non-Human Toralai
by HåvardWhile the Toralai are primarily made up of Neathar humans, these tribes have also adopted members of other races among their numbers. Both of these races were brought into the Hollow World along with the human Toralai.
Toralai Halflings
Quite a few Halflings joined the Toralai over the centuries. In the Outer World, many halflings fled slavery and oppression by the Realm of Othrong and later the Dwarven occupation of the Five Shires region. The Toralai welcomed these shorter humanoids. Although they were not as fast runners, they were excellent scouts and the Toralai enjoyed the company and the stories told by the Hin. These halflings have fully accepted the Toralai way of life and their beliefs.Toralai Brute Men
Although the golden age of the Brute Men of Mystara was long before the foundation of Blackmoor, small pockets of these humanoids surivived in the Outer World up till AC1000 and beyond. During the days of the Neathar, many Brute Men were accepted as members of the tribes. They proved to be strong warriors and gained some respect for their physical strength and kindness.
Behind the Scenes: What's this?
This totally non-canonical idea popped into my head as an idea to create a bit more of a diversity among the Neathar. It is a problem we have discussed before with various HW nations and some outer world countries that if you run a campaign focused on that country, your players will have very limited options for what classes to play as. In addition to the game mechanical side, it also allows for a richer culture to explore. Also, when it comes to the Halflings, there arent that many official placements of Halflings in the Hollow World. The main region where they exist is in the Merry Pirate seas. It would be fun to have some Halflings in the Neathar lands as well.