The second azhdarchid pterosaur I've posted, and this one is especially interesting in that it appears to have been the top predator of islands somewhere around where Hungary is now. It could fly between sites, or between islands, and was likely the top predator of those islands, hunting down small and medium sized dinosaurs while on the ground. A truly terrifying predator to scare your players with.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Hatzegopteryx AC: 5 HD: 13 Movement (flying): 180’ (60’) Movement (walking): 180’ (60’) Attacks: 1 bite Damage: 6d6 Number Appearing: 0 (1d2) Save As: F7 Morale: 9 Treasure Type: Nil Intelligence: 2 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 1350 Hatzegopteryx is a huge (roughly the size of a giraffe but built far more solidly) azdharchid pterosaur, found in lost world island areas where it is an alpha predator of small and medium sized dinosaurs. Somewhat more heavily built but slightly smaller than quetzalcoatlus it is as capable of running down prey on land as it is at attacking from the air, having a wide, sharp beak with which it can make a devastating attack. It can swallow human sized prey on 18-20 on an attack roll, and a dwarf sized or smaller creature on a 17-20.