Vampiric Burst
by AozA Spell from a Daring Glantrian Necromancer
Vampiric Burst
4th level Spell
Casting Time: 1
Components: V and S
Range: See Below
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Will negate (harmless)
Spell Resistance: yes (harmless)Each creature within 30 feet of spellcaster must save vs spell or take 2 necrotic damage. The Spellcaster regains hit points equal to the half (1) that sum of the necrotic damage dealt.
However, any undead within 30 feet is healed two hp but also drains 2 hp more the caster.
If the total drain reduces the caster to zero hp then may raise as a spirit or ghost: 1% per level of spellcaster or is forever destroyed unless a wish or Immortal intervention.
Useful when killing off rodents, insects and minor pests or quickly healing by inflicting necrotic damage.