War Machine in 3E
by Jamie BatyAs a lingering side project, I have slowly tinkered with updating War Machine (and its sister systems) to 3.5E. While the overall system is not ironed out yet, I will post some items that connect to it. Today are some feats:
Imperator [General]
You have intensely studied the arts of war.
Prerequisites: 1 rank Knowledge (War), Leadership feat
Benefit: You receive a +3 bonus to all Knowledge (War) skill checks.
During a War Machine battle, you may reroll any one dice roll or force your opponent to reroll one of his. This may only be used once per battle.Master and Commander [General]
You have intensely studied the art of war on the high seas.
Prerequisites: 1 rank Knowledge (War), 1 rank Profession (Sailor)
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus to all Knowledge (War) and Profession (Sailor) skill checks.
During a Sea Machine battle, you may reroll any one dice roll or force your opponent to reroll one of his. This may only be used once per battle.Poliorcetes [General]
You have intensely studied fortifications and the tools of war needed to bring them down.
Prerequisites: 1 rank Knowledge (War), 1 rank Knowledge (Siege Engineering)
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus to all Knowledge (War) and Knowledge (Siege Engineering) skill checks.
During a Siege Machine battle, you may reroll any one dice roll or force your opponent to reroll one of his. This may only be used once per siege.Knowledge (War) and War Machine
A character with a strong knowledge of warfare can formulate intricate battle plans to best take advantage of their foes' weaknesses, neutralise their strengths, and use his own forces to their utmost ability.
Check: In a War Machine, Sea Machine or Siege Machine battle, the leaders of the forces may make opposed Knowledge (War) checks. The higher total has crafted a superior battle plan and receives a bonus to their army's BR equal to 5x the difference of the two skill checks. This bonus cannot be greater than the army's BR, and in no case can it be greater than +100 BR.
Check Modifiers:
If you have a good vantage point to view an enemy stronghold, a DC 20 Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check reveals a weak aspect of the defence. For every 5 points by which your check results exceeds the DC, you gain a +1 circumstantial bonus to your Knowledge (War) Siege Machine check. If you have an accurate map of the stronghold, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus on the check.With a successful DC 15 Knowledge (history) check, you know the basics of how a particular army organises itself and how it is likely to deploy its forces. This gives you a +1 circumstantial bonus to your Knowledge (War) check.
Failing to devote 8 hours prior to the battle to creating a battle plan: -2 penalty
Plan is made impromptu: -5 penalty
Leader is untrained: -5 penalty
Action: The character must devote at least 8 hours prior to the battle to the creation of a battle plan and passing orders through the chain of command. This is not necessarily mean undisturbed: consulting officers, reviewing reconnaissance and other related activities are part of forming a battle plan.
Try Again: No. This opposed check occurs at the beginning of the battle.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (siege engineering), you get a +2 bonus on Knowledge (War) checks made for Siege Machine.If you have 5 or more ranks in Profession (Sailor), you get a +2 bonus on Knowledge (War) checks made for Sea Machine.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Sense Motive, you get a +2 bonus on Knowledge (War) checks made for War, Sea or Siege Machine.
Untrained: This check may be attempted by an untrained person, but they suffer a -5 penalty to the check and in no case can any BR bonus gained exceed +50 BR.