re Nov 4 post: Each of you is in charge of caring for a yet unknown beastie at the arcane zoological institute in Glantri City.
by Thomas F Watson IIIAC: -1 , 1 if surprised 5% ; surprises foes 95%
HD: 24+24* , Size: L
Move: 90' (30) Flying: 60' (20)
Attacks: 3 claws/1 bite, or 3 weapons^ & bite
Damage: 1d6+2/1d6+2/1d6+2/1d4+2 or weapon(3^)/d4+2
No. Appearing: 1d12+2
Save As: F36 , immune to Methane Gas, Vorpal weapons, & Falling damage
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: A + 3 weapons
Intelligence: 8, Strength: 16(gave), Wisdom 12,
Dexterity: 12, Constitution: 16 to 18, Charisma: 9
Alignment: NeutralMonster Type: Monster home-brew (Frequency: Rare)
Zookeepers' notes: strange omnivorous diet for this bulky creature. Prefers fog & gassy things, Doppleganger meat, and bones as snacks. Will eat Vampires & anyone else who use Gaseous Form. +2 on reaction rolls if fed. Drinks alcohol & soda pop with no impairment; drunk on methane. Live in clans; sleep during day in shifts of 4 hours each with 2/3 of group awake.
Physical: Multicolored relative of Xorn (an AD&D monster). 6' tall barrel body of 5' diameter. Head is hemispherical swivel (as R2D2 of Star Wars), mouth toothy on front, 3 eyes equally spaced. Walks on two 2' stumpy legs. Three 7' arms each with three fingers on hand. Flies via air jets in bottom; max altitude 2460' relative to nearest solid surface. Weight 474 pounds. Lifespan 300 years; adult at 30, old at 210 years. Keen hearing. Nearly no odor. Body heat within 2°F of outside temperature means hard to spot even with infravision.
Enjoy guard duty. Detect Polymorphed & gaseous creatures 67% at 90' and 90% at 10'; detect Dopplegangers 23% and 30% respectively. Dislike combat. Wield 2 medium & 1 small weapon, or a single 2-handed (e.g. Longbow or Polearm) & 1 small (e.g. Short Sword). ^innate mastery of all weapons at Skilled level. Wear rings on ears & teeth as well as on fingers, so up to 3 at any time.
Speak own language of growls & crackles, as well as 8 words of Common (go, come, yes, no, surrender + points to creature; 3 more words vary by individual Zapgrr; if converted to AD&D also speak Xorn).
Magic uses for its parts: teeth for rock pick which works twice as fast as normal picks; eyes for glasses of detecting shapechanged beings.
Terrain: air, cities & towns, ruins, & underground.