Two Rivers - a riff on Thunder Rift
by Zach EdwardsonThis is very much a "Riff on Thunder Rift". Thunder Rift was a small campaign world that was released late in the BECMI publishing cycle, that one could slot in most worlds and was simple for new Referees to start and run. The Setting is a great idea, the adventures where somewhat lukewarm. However I always had a issue since the setting was TOO small, the population numbers where tiny, (the towns where no bigger then Hamlets) and the physical size meant there was little to no room to breath. The idea, sparked late at night after a 12 hour shift at work, was to make a setting that is about 10 times bigger, still quite manageable, but giving a little more population and a little more space so I can add ruins and hamlets as need be.
The map is 3 mile hexes.
I named it Two rivers, I have not decided if the rivers will get plain (Yellow, Blue) or more fancy names. Since the setting is small, I am thinking more fancy names, but I have not selected any.
Religion: The religion setup follows the Law/Neutral/Chaos setup. I allow Neutral gods clerics in my game. right now I have 5 lawful, 5 neutral, and 3 Chaotic gods. I still will add some local cults and so on.
Evangeline - "Our Lady Peace" Goddess of Peace
Mehr -- God of covenant, light, and oaths, and truth.
Rhea -- Earth Goddess
Serapis -- God of Harvest
Solunus -- god of the sunNeutral
Arsay - goddess of restful death
Thor -- God of Thunder
Old Gods -- god(s) of nature, represented by holy groves
Xia -- Goddess of chance and trickery, spinner of fate.
Vellamo -- Goddess of the water and seas.Chaotic
Morta -- God of the Undead.
Murdock -- God of the Blood-Clan (popular among Goblins, Orcs, Gnolls)
Typhon -- The Great Serpent, eater of worldsCities/Towns/villages
This is not a highly populated setting.
"other" are generally those in inns or other short term residence, and varies by the day. (and to give the referee the chance to find a elf or a halfling if needed)
Volgrad has 5,000 souls, of which 4,000 are human, 300 Dwarves, 200 elves, and 200 Hobbits. 100 "other"
Elfhome has 4,000 souls, of which 3,800 are elves, 200 "other"
Yew has 4,000 souls, of which 3,500 are Human, 200 Dwarves, 100 elves, and 100 "short folk" (hobbits, Gnomes), 100 "other"
Kuzum has 3500 souls, of which 3200 of Dwarves, and 200 'other"
Laketown has 3,000 Souls, of which 2,000 are human, 300 dwarves, 200 Halflings, 200 Elves, and 200 "Other"Villages
Skara Brea has 1,000 souls, of which 800 are human, 50 dwarves, 50 elves, 50 halflings, and 50 "other"
Highvale has 900 souls, of which 675 are human, 100 are dwarves, 50 elves, 50 halflings, and 25 "other"
Peck has 800 souls, 775 halflings, 25 "others"
Pell has 750 souls, 600 humans, 100 elves, 50 "other"
Oxfort has 700 souls, of which 500 are human, 150 elves, and 50 "other"
Kell has 700 souls, of which 600 are human, 50 are Halfling, 50 "other"Hamlets and villages smaller then 500 people can be added as needed. I would say 35,000-50,000 humans/demi-humans live in two rivers, about half (24,350) live in the major towns and villages.
Other notable spots:
Whitetower Isle: This is the home of what remains of the wizards guild. It is also the home of the Quinque, a council of five adventuring types who dedicate themselves to defending two rivers to all their abilities. It is the closest thing to a regional government, as the local councils or petty lords generally don't control much land outside of their walls.The current Quinque is
Síofra of Yew (12 level fighter)
Vulmar Ulavalur (10 level elf)
Kalli Coldiron (11 level dwarf)
Vikor Half-ear (14 level cleric of Mehr)
Telgo Sourleaf (8 level halfling)The Quinque is well respected by most persons of two rivers.
The Cenotaph: This large monument of magical nature has existed on the shores of whitetower lake since elves first arrived in the valley. When a great hero dies in combat and life is beyond saving (5th level or higher) their names magically etch themselves on the stone. It is viewed as sacred ground by all and it a spot of diplomacy.
Blackfort: Not much is known about Blackfort except that the Blackfort knight resides in this pile of stone. The Blackfort Knight is in black, oiled plate mail and there is many rumors of who or what it is, be it a great chaotic fighter, a undead lord, or a demon of some sort made flesh.
Dreadmoor: In the far north in the moors is a gate to Dreadmoor, a large 4ish level dungeon that is noted for it vast wealth, but also its high danger threshold. It is rumored that there is a stone monolith at the bottom that gives wishes. (Ref note: It provides a portal out of two rivers along with some boons)
There are only three ways out, the "Summer passage" which is open in the summer, and currently lost and defended by the great red dragon Thermobarix. (it follows the western river), The "Winter Passage" East of Kell, which is open till spring rains cause flooding. A group of trolls are charging tolls for the few caravans who pass though, which can make a visit generally once a year.
The third way is the gate at the bottom of Dreadmoor.