5E Diabolus
by VoidWalkerAbility Score Modifiers: +2 Charisma, +1 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Vision: Darkvision 60 feet
Child of Dreams: You are immune to Sleep and Charm effects.
Foe of Nightmares: You have Advantage on any checks made to resist Fear effects, and are proficient in the use of the Trident.
Diabolic Tail: A diabolus sports a long, flexible tail that ends in a poisonous barb. You have an Extra Attack that can only be used to make a Tail Sting attack - this is an Unarmed Strike that inflicts Piercing damage and which forces the victim to make a Constitution check vs DC (8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be Poisoned.
Bonus Language: All diaboli know the Diaboli Tail Cant, a silent language based on gestures, positions and motions with the tail; other races can learn to understand this language, but they cannot “speak” it without a suitably flexible tail of their own.Diaboli Racial Variants: That Old Time Feeling
Alternative Ability Score Modifier: +1 to all ability scores.Racial Flaw: Alien: A diabolus suffers Disadvantage on all Charisma (Persuasion), Wisdom (Animal Handling) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks made against beings native to the material plane. At the DM’s discretion, suitably “monstrous” races such as (Half-)Orcs and Dragonborn, or “planetouched” races such as Tieflings, Genasi and Aasimar, may be immune to this penalty.
Optional Racial Trait: Soul of Chaos: A diabolus has Resistance to all damage caused by spells or magical effects, and has Advantage on all saving throws caused by spells or magical effects.