5E Races for Mystara
by DJ Hartel
5e Race 5e Subrace Mystara (Subrace) Notes Aasimar Any Faedorne Stardust inspired... Dragonborn Any Norwold Wyrms Empire? Not normally in Mystara Dwarf Mountain Rockhome Dwarf Dwarf Hill Wanderer Dwarf Dwarf Gray (Duergar) Modrigswerg Dwarf Elf High Ilsundal (Alfheim, Callari, Erewan, Shiye) Some Ilsundal elves might be better as Wood Elves... Elf High Water Elf Modified Weapons (Rapier instead of swords) Elf High Belcadiz Belcadiz Elf Weapon Training (Rapier, Hand, Heavy and Light Crossbow) Elf Wood Verdier, Vyalia, Wendar Elf Drow Shadowelf Different appearance - Between 4'8'' and 5'8'' tall, with white or very pale skin, and grey or white hair., Shadow Elf Weapon Training (Short Sword, Long Sword, Heavy and Light Crossbow) , Drow Magic Feat - Might replace Darkness with another 2nd spell. Elf Drow Schattenalfen Different appearance - Between 4'8'' and 5'8'' tall, with white or very pale skin, and grey or white hair, Possibly modify weapon training Elf Aquatic Aquarendi Not implemented yet Elf Eladrin Sidhe Genasi Air Alphatians Genasi Fire Glantri - Flaem, Ierendi Honor Island Mages Gnome Forest Brownies Gnome Earth Sky, Rock Gnome Deep NA Goliath Standard Northern Reaches "Giant Blooded (New)" Halfling Lightfoot, Stout Five Shires Half-Elf Standard Optional Not normally in Mystara Half-Elf Half-Aquatic Aquarendi Descended Half-Orc Standard Optional Not normally in Mystara Human Standard Any Human Variant Any Skill, feat variant Lizardfolk Standard Any Swamps Minotaur Standard Overseas lands Tabaxi Standard Domestic Rakasta Tabaxi Modified Greater Rakasta (Sherkasta, Simbasta...) Instead of a bonus to Charisma, give a bonus to Strength Tiefling Infernal or Abyssal Glantri Could work as Diaboli, or blooded folks in Glantri Triton Standard Undersea Standard