Abecedarian Wizard
by AozAn instructor at the Glantri Great School of Magic helped create this kit for struggling students. See Robin's Glantri Great School of Magic in detail for information at the Glantri Great School of Magic.
Abecedarian WizardDescription: Abecedaria wizards are students at the Great School of Magic in Glantri who have not yet mastered the basics of magic. Abecedaria wizards are often assigned to this kit by their teachers as a way of teaching them the fundamentals of spellcasting, without exposing them to the dangers and complexities of higher-level magic. Abecedaria wizards are usually young and inexperienced, but also eager and enthusiastic, hoping to prove themselves and advance to more prestigious kits. However, Abecedaria wizards are not respected by other wizards, who consider them to be slow and incompetent. Over 80% stay in this kit and most are from the House of Raven. Abecedaria wizards also face the challenge of surviving the harsh and competitive environment of the Great School of Magic, where duels, intrigues, and rivalries are common.
Requirements: Must be a student of the Great School of Magic in Glantri.
Role: Abecedaria wizards are simple and practical spellcasters who can use their spells to deal with common situations. They can also benefit from the guidance and resources of their teachers and the Great School of Magic, which can help them learn new spells and improve their skills. Abecedaria wizards are often helpful and loyal, willing to assist their teachers and classmates with their tasks and problems. However, they also have to be careful and cautious, as they may face hostility or mockery from other wizards who look down on them.
Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, dart, staff, sling.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Etiquette, heraldry, reading/writing, spellcraft, ancient history.
Equipment: Abecedaria wizards prefer to wear the uniform of the Great School of Magic both adorned with the school’s emblem. They often carry a staff, a dagger, and a pouch of basic components for their spells, such as chalk, charcoal, feathers, and wax. They also have a Spell book that contains their magic spells, which are written in the standard Glantrian script and approved by their teachers.
Special Benefits: Abecedaria wizards have access to all wizard cantrip and 1st level spells, which are based on the core principles of magic taught at the Great School of Magic. These spells the wizards have a +20% to learn (see below for all other spells).
Abecedaria wizards have more spell slots than other wizards, as they have learned to conserve and recycle their magical energy. Novice wizards can cast two extra spells per level per day, up to 3rd level and twice as many cantrips. However, the duration is half, range is half and any damage is at at lowest (magic missile 1d4+1 does 2 points). For example, a 1st-level novice wizard can cast three 1st-per day and six cantrips
Special Hindrances: Abecedaria wizards cannot learn any spells higher than 3rd level, as they lack the theoretical knowledge and the resources to master more advanced magic. Abecedaria wizards also have a harder time learning spells from other sources, such as scrolls, books, or other wizards. Abecedaria wizards must make a learn spells 2nd level and 3rd level Spells roll with a -20% penalty for each spell they try to learn, regardless of the spell’s level or school.