OD&D Ability Score Adjustments - Revised
by Jim BobbThese tables are for mortal creatures of the human and demihuman races. Through the use of extremely powerful magic mortal creatures should be able to slightly exceed or regress beyond the 3-18 range of ability scores. Some adventurers and other persons are exceptional beyond their peers and should be allowed to advance to the limits of the mortal heights and depths of what defines them all.
Note that some of the information on these tables are optional rules used IMC. If you don't like them, feel free to disallow them in your games.
Strength Score To Hit/Damage Open Doors (d10) Encumbrance Limit 1 -5 penalty 1 1/3 of all values 2 -4 penalty 1 1/3 of all values 3 -3 penalty 1 1/2 of all values 4-5 -2 penalty 1 1/2 of all values 6-8 -1 penalty 1-2 Normal 9-12 Normal 1-3 Normal 13-15 +1 bonus 1-4 Normal 16-17 +2 bonus 1-5 Normal 18 +3 bonus 1-6 Normal 19* +4 bonus 1-7 2xNormal 20* +5 bonus 1-8 3xNormal * Characters of 19 or greater Strength may wield two-handed weapons (but not pole-arms) with one hand, but still automatically lose initiative. If the character uses two-handed weapons with two hands he does not automatically lose initiative.
Intelligence Score Languages Skills Magic-user Spells 1 0* -2 penalty 0 2 Racial -2 penalty 0 3 Racial -2 penalty 0 4-5 Racial -1 penalty 0 6-8 Racial & Bonus -1 penalty 0 9-12 Racial & Bonus Normal 10 13-15 Racial & Bonus, +1 Additional +1 bonus 13 16-17 Racial & Bonus, +2 Additional +2 bonus 16 18 Racial & Bonus +3 Additional +3 bonus 18 19 Racial & Bonus, +4 Additional +4 bonus 21 20 Racial & Bonus, +5 Additional +5 bonus 24 * Characters of a 1 Intelligence, while unable to grasp language skills, may still communicate through grunts and gestures.
Wisdom Score Save vs Magical Effects Adjustment* Clerical Spells 1 -5 penalty 0 2 -4 penalty 0 3 -3 penalty 0 4-5 -2 penalty 0 6-8 -1 penalty 0 9-12 Normal 10 13-15 +1 bonus 13 16-17 +2 bonus 16 18 +3 bonus 18 19 +4 bonus 21 20 +5 bonus 24 * This applies to Saving Throws vs Spells and Wands. Optionally, the DM may rule that the adjustment may apply to any Saving Throw involving any magical effect.
Dexterity Score Armour Class Adjustment Reaction Adjustment Missile Adjustment 1 +5 penalty +3 penalty -5 penalty 2 +4 penalty +3 penalty -4 penalty 3 +3 penalty +2 penalty -3 penalty 4-5 +2 penalty +2 penalty -2 penalty 6-8 +1 penalty +1 penalty -1 penalty 9-12 Normal Normal Normal 13-15 -1 bonus -1 bonus +1 bonus 16-17 -2 bonus -1 bonus +2 bonus 18 -3 bonus -2 bonus +3 bonus 19 -4 bonus -2 bonus +4 bonus 20 -5 bonus -3 bonus +5 bonus
Constitution Score Hit Point Adjustment* Saving Throw vs Poisons and Diseases Regeneration 1 -5 penalty -3 penalty None 2 -4 penalty -3 penalty None 3 -3 penalty -2 penalty None 4-5 -2 penalty -2 penalty None 6-8 -1 penalty -1 penalty None 9-12 Normal Normal None 13-15 +1 bonus +1 bonus None 16-17 +2 bonus +1 bonus None 18 +3 bonus +2 bonus None 19 +4 bonus +2 bonus 1 hit point/hour 20 +5 bonus +3 bonus 2 hit point/hour * All dice rolled for hit points will yield a minimum result of 1, no matter what modifiers are applied.
Charisma Score Reaction Adjustment* Max # of Retainers Retainer Morale 1 -5 penalty 0 - 2 -4 penalty 1 3 3 -3 penalty 1 4 4-5 -2 penalty 2 5 6-8 -1 penalty 3 6 9-12 Normal 4 7 13-15 +1 bonus 5 8 16-17 +2 bonus 6 8 18 +3 bonus 7 9 19 +4 bonus 8 9 20 +5 bonus 9 10