New prestige class - Acrobat
by Beau YarbroughAcrobats are entertainers and athletes found in many cultures. In addition, more than one thieves guild has been known to count a few amongst its members, where they serve as specialised cat burglars.
While they resemble monks in many ways, their training is less structured and is focused on the results instead of a particular philosophy or religion. Acrobats do what they do out of a desire to improve their craft, to entertain or to enrich themselves in one manner or another.
Although any race can become an acrobat, in practice, most dwarves find the idea to be undignified and a waste of time, many elves find the craft to be somewhat childish, and half-orcs tend to look down on acrobats as weaklings and fools.
Most acrobats were initially rogues, bards or monks.
Balance Ranks: 8
Jump Ranks: 8
Tumble Ranks: 8
Feats: Dodge, MobilityTHE ACROBAT
Hit dice: d6
AC Bonus, Evasion
Slow Fall (20 ft.)
Improved Balance
Slow Fall (30 ft.)
Improved Jump
Slow Fall (40 ft.)
Deflect Arrows
Slow Fall (50 ft.)
Improved Evasion
Defensive Roll, Slow Fall (any distance)
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Innuendo, Juggling, Jump, Move Silently, Perform, Run, Tumble, Use Rope
Skill points at each level: 6 + Int modifier.
Juggling (Dex; Trained Only; Acrobat, Bard Only) Use this skill to entertain and, in rare cases, in combat. No DC is required to entertain with this skill, except with spectacular stunts -- juggling cats, eating an apple in mid-air and so on -- which are typically DC 20.
Special: This skill can also be used to aid the Deflect Arrows feat. Characters with Juggling over 5 add a +2 synergy bonus to attempts to deflect missiles. The Juggling skill can also be used to raise money in the same manner as Perform.
Weapon and armour proficiency: Acrobats are skilled in the use of all simple weapons and all thrown weapons. None of their special class abilities can be used when wearing anything more than light armour, although they are not trained in the use of any armour or shields.
Armour Class Bonus: Using his Tumbling skills, an acrobat can improve his dodge bonus to his armour class. The bonus is equal to his Tumbling score - 8. Thus, an acrobat with Tumbling rank 10 has a +2 armour class dodge bonus. This bonus cannot exceed the acrobat's class level.
Evasion: An acrobat can avoid even magical and unusual attacks by virtue of his training. If an acrobat makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, the acrobat instead takes no damage. Evasion may only be used if the acrobat is wearing light armour or no armour. It is an extraordinary ability.
Slow Fall: Starting at second level, an acrobat in arm's reach of a wall when falling can use that wall to slow his descent, treating the fall as though it was 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The ability improves 10 feet every two levels, until at 10th level, they can fall any distance without damage. This ability can be used in conjunction with Tumbling to further lessen damage from a fall.
Improved Balance: At third level, acrobats gain a +2 to balance checks and a +4 stability bonus versus being tripped.
Improved Jump: At fifth level, an acrobat's jumping distance, vertical or horizontal, is not limited according to his height. (See page 70 in the Player's Handbook for the description of the Jump skill.)
Deflect Arrows: At seventh level, the acrobat gains the Deflect Arrows feat (page 81 in the Player's Handbook) for free, even if they do not have the prerequisites.
Improved Evasion: At ninth level, an acrobat can improve his evasion skills even further, taking only half damage on a failed saving throw.
Defensive Roll: At tenth level, an acrobat can roll with a potentially lethal blow and take less damage from it once a day. When the acrobat would be reduced to 0 hit points or less by damage from a weapon or other blow, the acrobat can attempt to roll with the damage by making a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt) and, if successful, only takes half damage from the blow. The acrobat must be aware of the attack in order to be able to roll with the blow -- if denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, he can't roll. This ability does not work in situations where the evasion ability is appropriate, and that ability cannot help in making a defensive roll.