by John Walter BilesActaeon are humanoids with various amounts of Elk in them. They range from elk-like centaurs to humans with elk horns and unusually hairy legs. They act as defenders of the forest, often coordinating large fae forces and animals.
Actaeon Archer Level 12 Elite Skirmisher
Large fey humanoid XP 1400
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +15
HP 240; Bloodied 120
AC 26; Fortitude 22, Reflex 24, Will 22
Saves +2 Action Points 1
Speed 10
M Antlers (standard; at-will)
+15 vs. Fortitude; 1d10+5 and target is prone
r Longbow (standard; at-will) | Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +17 vs. AC; 2d6+5.
R Barrage of Arrows (standard; at-will) | Weapon
Make two Longbow attacks against the same or different targets
Mobile Skirmisher
+2d6 damage if he moves 5 or more squares in the same turn he attacks someone with a ranged or melee attack.
Crippling Shot (standard; Refresh 5-6)
+15 vs. Fortitude; 3d6+5 and target is immobilised (save ends)
Opportunity Shot (standard; Refresh 5-6)
+15 vs. Reflex; 2d6+5 and the target is slid 4; an ally adjacent to the target may shift 1 as a free action into the square he formerly occupied.
Actaeon’s Breath (standard; Daily) | Illusion
Close Blast 2; +15 vs. Will; targets look like woodland animals (an illusion) and are dominated to flee the area, taking one move per round (save ends)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Skills Athletics +15, Nature +18, Perception +15, Stealth +22
Str 19 (+10) Dex 22 (+12) Wis 19 (+10)
Con 16 (+9) Int 14 (+8) Cha 12 (+7)
Equipment Longbow, Hide ArmourSkirmisher Actaeon tend to be centaur-like; a human torso, arms, and head (with elk horns) connected to an elk torso and legs. They are expert archers and lead snipers and guerrilla forces of Fae and forest creatures.
Actaeon Priest Level 12 Elite Controller
Large fey humanoid XP 1400
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +15
HP 240; Bloodied 120
AC 26; Fortitude 22, Reflex 22, Will 24
Saves +2 Action Points 1
Speed 8
m Antlers (standard; at-will)
+16 vs. Fortitude; 1d10+5 and target is prone
M Spear (standard; at-will) | Weapon
+17 vs. AC; 1d10+5. One ally within 5 squares gets a +4 power bonus to hit the same target until the end of the Actaeon’s next turn.
Natural Ally (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Conjuration
Ranged 10; This summons a phantom natural creature; it can be moved with your move actions and attack with your standard actions. It provides combat advantage against any foe it is adjacent to and attacks +17 vs. AC, 2d6+5 damage. It must be sustained with a minor action each round or it evaporates at the end of his next turn after he summons it. It gets a free attack the round you summon it.
R Nature’s Wrath (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Divine, Thunder
Burst 2 within 10 squares; +16 vs. Fortitude; 3d8+5 Thunder Damage and target is dazed (save ends)
Wall of Plants (standard; encounter) | Divine, Plant, Zone
This creates a wall of hostile plant growth up to 8 squares in length; all squares must be adjacent in a line. It inflicts 2d6+6 on anyone trying to cross through it, counting as difficult terrain and inflicts 1d6+6 on any foe who starts out adjacent to it at the beginning of his term. It lasts until the end of your next turn, but can be sustained with a Minor action.
Actaeon’s Breath (standard; Daily) | Illusion
Close Blast 3; +15 vs. Will; targets look like woodland animals (an illusion) and are dominated to flee the area, taking one move per round (save ends)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Skills Nature +19, Perception +12, Stealth +18
Str 19 (+10) Dex 14 (+8) Wis 22 (+12)
Con 16 (+9) Int 19 (+10) Cha 14 (+8)
Equipment Holy Symbol, Hide Armour, SpearActaeon Priests resemble Satyrs with Elk Horns; human face and torso and limbs; antlers on head, lower body resembles Elk legs. They wear more clothing than other Actaeons, usually decorated with holy symbols of beings like Ordana or Zirchev.
Actaeon Warrior Level 12 Elite Soldier (Leader)
Large fey humanoid XP 1400
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +10
HP 244; Bloodied 122
AC 28; Fortitude 26, Reflex 24, Will 24
Saves +2 Action Points 1
Speed 7
M Antlers (standard; at-will)
+17 vs. Fortitude; 1d10+5 and target is prone
M Spear (standard; at-will) | Weapon
Before he attacks, one ally adjacent to either him or the target may shift one square as a free action. +19 vs. AC; 2d6+5.
M Double Thrust (standard; at-will) | Weapon
Make two Spear attacks against the same or different targets
M Hammer and Anvil (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Weapon
Make a Spear attack; if it hits, an ally gains a free basic melee attack on the same target with +3 damage.
M Lead the Attack (standard; Daily) | Weapon
+19 vs. AC; 4d6+7 damage and until the end of the encounter, he and all his allies within 5 squares of him gain +2 to hit the target.
Actaeon’s Breath (standard; Daily) | Illusion
Close Blast 2; +17 vs. Will; targets look like woodland animals (an illusion) and are dominated to flee the area, taking one move per round (save ends)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Skills Athletics +17, Nature +17, Stealth +20
Str 22 (+12) Dex 19 (+10) Wis 19 (+10)
Con 18 (+10) Int 12 (+7) Cha 16 (+9)
Equipment Spear, Hide ArmourActaeon warriors have the head of an elk, a human torso and arms and the legs of an elk. They lead forces of Fae and woodland creatures into battle.