by Marco Dalmonte English translation by Gary DaviesWotan (Odin) - Authority, sky, storms, winds, guile, knowledge, wisdom
Donar (Thor) - War, battle, fury in battle, honour, bravery
Fredara (Freyja) - Fertility, abundance, beauty, love, Seidh (prophecy), valiant souls, women warriors
Fredar (Frey) - Passion and strategy in battle, virility, loyalty, agriculture, fertility
The Spuming Nooga (Protius) - Water, oceans and marine creatures, capriciousness, travel
The Norn (Urd, Verthandi and Skuld) - Time, fate, divination, visions, cycles
Lokar (Loki) - Deceit, lies, guile, betrayal, intrigue, fire
1. The Antalians (a distinct stock of Neathar) live in the north-east region of Iciria, between the Icevale elves to the west, of the beast-men to the north and of the Krugel orcs to the south. Antalia is a largely mountainous territory, full of fjords and forests and with only one great coastal plain that faces onto the Ostzee (the Eastern Sea). The Antalians follow the mythos of the Asatru, which identifies in Wotan (Odin) the father of humanity and the supreme lord of the universe, surrounded by other divine figures called Aesir (his children), Asinye (the consorts of the Aesir) and Vanir (the Immortals allies of the Aesir associated with nature) [see Chapter 5 (Philosophies and Movements), for a more detailed description of the Asatru]. However for the Antalians of the Hollow World Ragnarok (the Twilight of the Immortals) is in effect already fulfilled in 1722 BC (date of the transfer of the Antalians in the Hollow World by Odin), and their presence was witnessed in the new world. For this race, the Immortals have already fought among themselves and the mortals who heroically remain at their side have been rewarded by salvation in Neumidgard, the new world in which they now live. However, no everything happened as the prophecy had predicted, and now the Immortals that protect them are the only one to survive Ragnarok. All the other surrounding populations are similarly the descendents of the survivors of those that first lived in Midgard. To the west of them are the elves, to the north the surviving giants and the reincarnated spirits of the evil followers of Hel and Lokar (the beast-men), and to the south the brutal trolls (the orcs) that now live in the light of the sun. Somewhere else live the dwarves (Kogolor) and the dark elves, even if the Antalians have never met them, they likewise believe that the Vanir dwell in the thriving western land (the land of the Neathar), and the Aesir live beyond the fogs of the Ostzee, in the wonderful palace of Gimlč, which rose on a hidden island that only the most audacious explorers are able to find, and in which they have received the gifts of Immortality and eternal youthfulness.
2. Wotan (Odin) is the supreme lord of the world and head of the surviving Aesir, and with him live his son Donar (Thor) and the three unique survivors of the Vanir caste, that is Nooga (Protius), Fredar and Fredara (Frey and Freyja). Also hidden somewhere is Lokar (Loki), the rebel son of Wotan who has caused Ragnarok together with the ruthless Hel. According to the Antalians of the Hollow World, Hel dwell together with the damned (beast-men) and to the giants of the icy north, while Lokar travelled from one place to another in search of new adepts to corrupt and turn into servants of the dark mother, in order to rebel once more against the Aesir and the mortals and usurp their dominion on Neumidgard. Because of this the few followers of Lokar don’t openly manifest their cult and prefer to act through subterfuge and deceit in order to bring to completion their own plans and satisfy the request of their patron. Always according to their belief, the fate (Wyrd) of the world is still in the hands of the Norn, only great Immortals above of the events that continue to weave the past, present and future of mortals and Immortals.