by Marco Dalmonte English translation by Gary DaviesHe Who Watches (Odin) - Authority, good government, fairness, knowledge, wisdom, magic, sky, storms, winds, air
1. Ghyr is a small kingdom introduced in the module XL-1: Quest for the Heartstone that has been arbitrarily inserted in the north-eastern corner of the Denagothian Plateau. The region was initially inhabited by Antalian herders and farmers until 2200 BC, but in the course of centuries suffered the invasions of Neathar populations originating from the west and from the south and of the Dena half orcs, until in IX century AC the campaign of conquest orchestrated by King Mirimar of Essuria permitted the annexation of the land of the region to the kingdom of Essuria. Numerous eager nobles of land and power are adventuring in the creation of fiefdoms in this wild area, until following the fall of Essuria they became independent and began to wage war among them. At the end of the so-called Prism Wars (863-897 AC), was Qasmar of the Kingdom of Ghyr to prevail thanks to the artefact known as the Heartstone, and the Kingdom of Ghyr becoming the principal power of the small region. Despite the theft of the sacred relic given by He Who Watches to King Qasmar, his son Ganto was able to keep stable the government of the country, and at his death the Queen Leahrah was in a position to recover the artefact with the help of some adventurers and of cementing the kingdom (see the events of the module XL-1). Today Ghyr has a solid national company kept together by the heirs of Leahrah and cemented by the vigilant presence of the church of He Who Watches; the kingdom entered into diplomatic and trade relations with Wendar, Norwold and the Heldannic Territories, as well as friendly relations with some barbarian tribes of Norwold and some scattered potentates of the Denagothian Plateau. Internally firm, the kingdom is the best candidate to collect the legacy of Essuria and could begin in the future an age of expansion, revolt or to the colonisation of the wild lands of the northwest, or to the re-conquest of the unlucky Essurian lands.
2. He Who Watches has been identified with Odin, since he is an Immortal present from ancient times in both of the Neathar and Antalian cults that have form the basis of the formation of the Essurian people, from which it is supposed derived the lawful church of He Who Watches. We’re talking of a cult devoted to justice and legality, that adheres the divine support to the ruler of Ghyr and strengthen the national identity of the Ghyrians thanks to the efforts of his priests.