by Marco Dalmonte English translation by Gary DaviesSaimpt Renard (Korotiku) - Clear thought, wisdom, guile, cleverness, instinct, cheating, jokes and fun, liberty
Saimpt Clébard - Patriotism, loyalty, family, fidelity, progress, nobility
Saimpt Ralon - Life, health, trade, agriculture, wealth, food, joy
Saimpt Mâtin - Security, protection, guardians, fortresses, sacrifice and martyrs
Saimpt Malinois - Hunting, war, courage, just vengeance, weapons and armourers
Saimpt Loup - Death, winter, ferocity, survival of the strongest, night, nomadism, loyalty to clan
Saimpt Soubrette - Arts, talent, illusions, persuasion
Pflarr - Knowledge, magic, protection
1. The Renardois religion worships the Immortals as a series of charismatic figures that have had a fundamental importance in the creation of the kingdom and in the past of the lupin people. Saimpt Rénard is the founder of the lupin race for the orthodox Renardois, protector of the nation (to which he gave his name) and of the dynasty of nobles that he created, while the other Immortals are saints (Saimpts) worthy of veneration, ascended to the heavens thanks to their merits and epic deeds and are now protectors of all lupins and Renardy. The more revered saimpts are in effect true and proper Immortals, but others only exist in the Renardois legends, even if they continue to enjoy a certain following (as Saimpt Vezy, a famous dead winemaker for saving an entire cellar of valuable wines) to who has also been dedicated a town. According to the state religion, anyone can become a saint if they show unwavering faith in the cause of the nation, is placed to the service of the monarchy and of the already consecrated saimpts, and accomplished heroic works and epic deeds for the lupin people.
2. The more wild lupins, most of which are nomads and herdsmen, are fervent supporters of the cult of Saimpt Loup (also called Luup the Black), and support a return to the ancient tribal and nomad traditions of the lupin, with that goal often the priests of the Church of Renardy clash with these extremists on the true interpretation of the cult of Saimpt Loup (who according to the church is patron of death, night and ferocity in battle).
3. A contest exists with the neighbouring Bellaynish with respect to the virtue of Saimpt Soubrette. Indeed, for the Renardois the saint is the greatest artist that ever appeared in the Savage Coast, a captivating woman who by her versatile talent, who was able to produce during her lifetime the most important Renardois artistic works, range in all the fields and created the modern theatrical tradition. The rakasta instead hold that Saimpt Soubrette in reality had copied many works conceived by Guy d’Arets (their patron of the arts) and with which she has earned her undeserved fame, an insinuation that drives the proud lupin crazy.
4. Some lupin follow the Pflarrian Heresy, which says that Pflarr is the creator of the lupins, and that the true nobles are only those lupin that have blood of the descendants of Pflarr in their veins. Indeed, they have passed down a second custom that at the dawn of the kingdom only who are shown to have the mark of Pflarr in a mystical ceremony acceded to the title of noble and can rule over the lupin with full right. From the moment in which the actual monarchy has been installed, the nobility instead had been established on the practice of the appreciation of the superior wines: in practice the sovereign confirms tributes (leaves) which make a winegrower a real noble (given that the production of wine
is the basis of Renardy’s commercial wealth). The Pflarrians accused the Renardois church and the actual monarchy of
having perverted the truth for pure opportunism and ask for a return to their origins and to the cult of Pflarr, for subverting the false order established nobility and confer the just honours to the creator. For this the order of Pflarr, supporters of the “blood nobility”, are considered enemies of the country and persecuted by the monarchy and church, which instead support the “bourgeois nobility”.