Aged Master Mystic Variant
by Giampaolo AgostaAged Master
The following is a set of options for 16th level Mystics who have renounced the leadership of their monastery, becoming hermits in remote regions.The standard progression for maximum level characters assumes a new Weapon Mastery every 200,000 XP.
With this variant, every 400,000 XP after level 16, the Aged Master can exchange a Weapon Mastery slot for one of the following:
- 1 Attack Rank, starting from G (max M)
- +10% acrobatics skill (max 100%) [prerequisite: Mystic with the Acrobatics special skill]
- +1 effective level as Cleric (max 16) [prerequisite: Mystic with Clerical spellcasting special power, as mentioned in one of the previous posts]
- +1 effective level as Thief (max 24)
- A rank from a special power track (can only choose one, and must take them in order)
Four sample tracks follow. A track can only be followed by Mystics using the appropriate fighting style
- Lizard Stance/Bear Stance: AC -1 while in contact with the Earth
- Earth Dragon Stance/Mountain Giant Strength: +1 to the Strength bonus (up to +3) when in contact with the Earth
- Earthskin/Stoneskin: as Stoneskin (1/day)
- Ageless Master: immune to natural and magical aging
(in this track, power names on the right are more appropriate for Mystics from Thyatis, Traldar Kingdoms, Milenian City States, etc)
- Ride the Wind: walk on air (but must land at the end of the round)
- Eight Immortals Step: as Deflect WM special ability, but can do one less attack in your next turn for each deflection
- Heavenly Step: as Fly (1/day)
- Ageless Master: immune to natural and magical aging
- Burning Chi: as Resist Cold/Fire (permanent)
- Thousand Fists: 8 attacks at 2d8 damage
- Torrent of Chi: a single attack with standard damage, but ranged 30'
- Ageless Master: immune to natural and magical aging
- Purity of body: immune to natural diseases, +2 ST vs magical disease
- Step of the Crane: walk and run on water, grass, etc.
- Blood of the Jade Dragon: immune to natural poisons, +2 ST vs magical poisons
- Ageless Master: immune to natural and magical aging
Obviously, none of this stuff has been tested, so use at your own discretion
Further ideas I've been toying with:
- Living artifact: the Aged Master becomes the host/vessel/guardian of an artifact. He can use some limited powers, but also suffers from reduced penalties for owning the artifact.
- Elemental Master: maybe the Aged Master could get powers similar to those of a Glantrian Elementalist?
- The Iron Fist: following Havard's original line of thought, the Aged Master could gain the power of a Glantrian Dracologist.