Ahomean Seer (Circle of the Stars 5e Druid re-skin)
by Marc SaindonWhile this threads on familiar grounds (Divinarchy of Yavdlom anyone?), the Seers don't have the numbers and the same levels of influence in the city-states of Ahomey, although work as community leaders (keeping neighborhoods clean and garden plots fertile), boost with Earth elemental magic the great works of masons, act as herbalist and healers, and serve as advisors the nobles and kings. While surprisingly urban for Druids, the Seers inspire themselves with hive-dwelling beings like bees (expect a lot of hexagonal motifs), ants, and termites as their connection to nature, and consider the high-density of cities to be balanced by large stretches of wilderness left vacant.
Culturally, Ahomeans inclined towards Wisdom as their main Attribute prefer the path of Druid over Cleric, as the Seer is a more traditional role, while Clerics are seen more politically engaged to the distant power of the Tangoran Imperial Throne. This leaves Ahomey vulnerable to attacks from the Undead, and requesting aid from the Empire would get the city-states in debt to the Emperor, and their clerical organizations more influential in the land. In the past, Ahomey boasted 10 Great Cities, but one fell to strife and in-fighting, and in the turmoil, a group of Necromancers took over and made the city-state a haven for the Undead. While the city's name was wiped from all records, and the caravan roads leading to it have been swallowed by wilderness, the Nameless City of the Dead is still a concern to the Seers. Perhaps they might hire Clerics from foreign lands to clear the ruins (of probably a mega-dungeon with a lot of undead) without resorting to imperial aid.
Druid: Circle of Stars
African divination
(Image from: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0d/52/07/0d520742351a6b02f3d1a87c5a3ae1e9.jpg)