More Regiments & Solo Ops
by ViktorD20Conrad's Cursed Company
Led by the Klantyre wight Conrad McNess, the Cursed Company is built entirely out of undead warriors, zombies, skeletons and ghosts, with Conrad being the only wight in the company. He used to be a Gallowglass that led a force of warriors against a Klantyre necromancer, only to find himself and his men cursed by the dying old man to undeath. After his men died in battle and he was shot in the neck with an arrow, Conrad and his warriors found themselves in the state between life and death. They fled Glantri in shame and were found by Alexandra Misaron, who offered them a chance to make use of their skill. They were more than happy to accept. Conrad's company never makes a sound, marching silently through the dark until they fall upon their enemies, upon which horrific roars, and shrieks fill the air, with Conrad cursing necromancers and his enemies to hell equally. Recently he has acquired the help of an Alphatian necromancer so he may bring his enemies to life after death.The Dread Crew
Under the leadership of the insane Alphatian rebel, Halder the Black, the Dread Crew fly through the night on their dark skyship, The Barrowblade, and rip through enemy lines whilst Halder barks mad orders, sometimes to a crew that isn't there. His right hand, Dekra, who has ironically lost his left hand, follows him to battle with unquestionable loyalty, ready to give his life to Halder. They serve no one.The Yodeling Yallaren
A humorously named group of Hin mercenaries, led by their commander Venlos Windfoot, the Yodeling Yallaren are the best scouts and archers a client could ask for. They move silently, their bows rarely miss their shot, and they are joyful in battle, which usually helps troops' morale. The Yodeling Yallaren return to the Five Shires every now and again to replenish their ranks and return any Hin ready to settle down home. They serve all of the Free Three.Lupin the Legionary
A man who zealously follows the customs and beliefs of the Thyatian legions, Lupin is a mad warrior who sells his services only to nobles, and even then only to whoever makes the highest bidder. He is known to stab clients in the back if there's a chance to make more money out of it, and his perfect replica of centurion armor can be recognized from miles away. He is not very liked in Thyatis, who think he's simply insane and disrespecting the empires's culture. He serves Ollanus Bronco.Bizarro the Fiend-Fisted
Bizarro is a strange man. His armor has many eastern elements that could be traced to Ochalea and even the secret moon of Myoshima, but he sounds like a ghost when he speaks, with so many voices mixed into his speech you can't tell where he's really from. He also keeps insisting that he is not Bizarro, the belt he wears is. He tells whoever's curious enough that his belt has a fiend called a Yugoloth bound to it by a Rot Dwarf and the fiend's hunting a demon from the outer plane of the Abyss that has been bound to a sword by a Rot Dwarf somewhere in the world. He is a strange being, and his story changes slightly each time, making people question his sanity. He serves under none of the Free Three, but he gives a share to all of them in exchange for information on strange swords. He fights like a warrior mystic of Ochalea mixed with a Rakasta warrior. Apparently he also consults his belt before accepting a contract.
An amateur illustration of Bizarro done by a Traladaran storyteller ViktorThomas the Jokester
Thomas is a traveling mad jester, who serves Alexandra Misaron and brings her the latest rumors of the world she has not yet found out another way. He is known to cast spells and attack from the shadows, causing chaos before finishing the job. He revels in chaos, and laughs as he kills. Some say he's the worst of the Aurum Hounds. But he's efficient in what he does, so he may as well be hired.Markus and Arell
A pair of a Karameikan archer and a goblin hammerer, Markus and Arell are an inseparable pair who fight side by side. They act as bodyguards and bounty hunters for anyone who's willing to hire the pair, and they are always ready for action, never taking off their battle gear, even during leisure time. 'You can never be too paranoid' is their philosophy.