al-Kalim Spell List
by Sheldon Morrisal-Kalim Spell List (Initiate of the Sphere of Time)
Domains: Desert Oasis, Family, Knowledge, Law, Nobility, Sphere of Time, Sun, War
Spontaneous Casting: Clerics of al-Kalim may only spontaneous cast for Cure spells, not Inflict spells.
Special Clerical Powers: You can cast "Predict Weather" as a spell-like ability once per day. In addition to the list of seven (7) spells granted by al-Kalim (due to him being an Initiate), you may also choose from among the list of Druid spells listed. This does not provide more spells per level that may be cast, but merely a greater selection than normal. Knowledge (nature) is a class skill.
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Cure Minor Wounds
Detect Magic
Read Magic
VirtueDruid Spells
Create Water
Detect Poison
Purify Food and Drink
Resistance1st-Level Cleric Spells
Comprehend Languages
Detect Chaos
Divine Favour
Magic Weapon
Predict Weather
Protection from Chaos
True StrikeDruid Spells
Detect Water
Endure Elements
Faerie Fire
Pass without Trace2nd-Level Cleric Spells
Calm Emotions
Detect Thoughts
Owl's Wisdom
Restoration, Lesser
Shield Other
Spiritual WeaponDruid Spells
Animal Messenger
Heat Metal
Resist Energy
Warp Wood3rd-Level Cleric Spells
Create Food and Water
Helping Hand
Magic Circle against Chaos
Magic Vestment
Obscure Object
Remove DiseaseDruid Spells
Neutralize Poison
Plant Growth
Speak with Plants
Wind Wall4th-Level Cleric Spells
Discern Lies
Divine Power
Magic Weapon, Greater
Order's Wrath
TonguesDruid Spells
Command Plants
Control Water
Freedom of Movement
Repel Vermin5th-Level Cleric Spells
Break Enchantment
Dispel Chaos
Disrupting Weapon
Mark of Justice
True Seeing
Spell ResistanceDruid Spells
Baleful Polymorph
Control Winds
Insect Plague6th-Level Cleric Spells
Blade Barrier
Heroes' Feast
Hold Monster
Owl's Wisdom, Mass
Undeath to DeathDruid Spells
Cure Light Wounds, Mass
Find the Path
Stone Tell7th-Level Cleric Spells
Legend Lore
Power Word, Blind
RepulsionDruid Spells
Control Weather
Creeping Doom
Sunbeam8th-Level Cleric Spells
Discern Location
Power Word, Stun
Protection from Spells
Shield of LawDruid Spells
Control Plants
Sunburst9th-Level Cleric Spells
Elemental Swarm *
Prismatic Sphere
Heal, MassDruid Spells
Storm of VengeanceWeapon of the Immortal: scimitar; +1 mighty cleaving scimitar
Symbol: His holy symbol is the silhouette of a palm tree growing out of the desert with a moon rising behind it.
Immortal's Alignment: LN
Appearance: He usually appears to his clerics in the form of a strong but elderly man with wise eyes, a long white beard and simple clerical robes. When battle is called for, he appears as a desert warrior: tall, handsome, hook-nosed and bearded, riding a magnificent stallion.
* Clerics of al-Kalim can only choose between earth and air elementals.