by Håvard
STATS (BECMI) Allocamelus Armor Class 7 Hit Dice 2 (L) Move 150' (50') Attacks Bite/hoof or spit Damage 1/1d6 or 3d6 acid No. Appearing 1 (2d4) Save As F2 Morale 7 Treasure Type Nil Intelligence 2 Alignment Neutral XP Value 35 Monster Type: Animal (Rare)
These rare creatures are said to be a crossbreed between a Camel and a Mule. Their bodies are somewhat reminiscent of llamas with long ears, not quite like those of a donkey. They have large bodies, but with less prominent humps that that of camels or dromedaries.
They are known to be stubborn and difficult to train or domesticate. If provoked, they can bite, kick or spit acid. Their acid does 3d6 points of damage.
Terrrain: Plains, Grasslands
Load: 3000 cn or 6000 cn at half speed
Barding Multiplier: x1
More details: Allocamelus